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What skill level are you?


what level of skill are you?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. what level of skill are you?

    • I can't even get KSP to run
    • Everything Blows up upon launch
    • I got it off the Ground!
    • Yay orbit!
    • I'm at the mun!
    • interplanetary travel!
    • interplanetary travel and return!
    • I'm Very confident in what I do!
    • Jool is a joke to me!
    • I'm Scott Manely!

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Really depends. For some people, setting up a mobile base on the Mun is pretty difficult, for some, you've not really played KSP until you reach the bottom of the Mohole.

Some people make their designs from scratch and somehow make them work at the first time; Other people (like me) have standard lifters with diferent cargo capacity, and test most components of a mission, especially a manned one.

Even mods take part in this discussion; For some people, you need "Dem serious skillz" to play stock only, but others like to add some "hard-mode" mods like Ioncross, FAR, DeadlyReentry. And they think that makes them better

I'm pretty good at pin-point landings, docking, IP transfers, designing good KW lifters, preparing my missions for an unexpected need of a "Plan B"...

However, I suck at designing "Navy carriers" like Zekes does, my planes don't work 80% of the time ( I already made a SSTO plane, don't mock me), most of my rovers like to flip the sh*t out of themselves (that's why I test stuff), and I've never landed a rover without a special rocket (A.K.A sticking it to the side of something).

Edited by astropapi1
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  SpaceHole said:
This is not another mindless shooter ...

There are no Skill-Levels

What is "level of skill" in such a game even supposed to be?

dude don't take it too seriously, its just a poll of how people see their own abilities and planning of KSP.

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Interplanetary missions, no return yet. My lifter designs have sort of leveled out and I can't send more up at once, and I haven't figured out docking yet. My interplanetary landers are viable, the transfer stage/mothership is viable, but I can't send up enough fuel to get beyond Dres.

My plan is for a LKO station to act as a point to assemble the missions, by sticking together standard modules. Fuel tanks, fuel tanks with thrusters, packs of tiny probes and landers, kerbed landers and spaceplanes, and so forth. The whole thing intends to be 100% reusable other than lifter designs, and save fuel by standard re-entry pods to shuttle returning crews back to Kerbin.

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I know how to launch, orbit, rendezvous and dock manually. I have assembled a functional fuel depot at a 200km orbit. I have travelled to and landed manually on Minmus and Mün and returned to Kerbin safely (though just barely on the Mün return). So on that scale, somewhere in the middle? There's a lot I've yet to do - travel to another planet, land on Eve, visit Jool, set up an extraplanetary base somewhere...

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  Levelord said:
I voted "I can't even get KSP to run ".

Technically I can, but I'd like to pretend I'm a Kerbal myself. url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&docid=wLTBwr8k4ZleyM&tbnid=yWP3cIh3aCffQM:&ved=0CAUQjBwwAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fdanrpaulsen.files.wordpress.com%2F2012%2F06%2Fksp_idle_gif.gif&ei=fRUaUriFCYbnrAervIG4BQ&psig=AFQjCNFNZi_OgLr2PP0EjOZPM3fzvIKeKg&ust=1377527549255431

Also, I don't see why Scott Manley gets so much praise. He seems pretty average to me.

I think the fact that he makes tutorials as well as normal Lets-play style videos gives him a lot of Kudos. I'm going to say I'm interplanetary and return, but my skill level seems to have diminished after 2-3 months of KSP deprivation.

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Interplanetary travel and return fits what I do more often than not.

That does not however mean I am skillfull at this game. It just means that I am stubborn. My initial designs fail regularly and often instead of just saying "why didn't that work?" I just take the Jeb approach and throw on some more engines and boosters and struts and see if that works.

Almost freaky how often it does...

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I don't really think there is any arbitrary level of skill in KSP. I can get everywhere in the system - from Moho to Eeloo, build a space station and kethane mining infrastructure on most moons. But i've never put a SSTO plane into orbit, or landed a rover with a skycrane. So, am i good at KSP or bad?

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  tom1499 said:
I think the fact that he makes tutorials as well as normal Lets-play style videos gives him a lot of Kudos. I'm going to say I'm interplanetary and return, but my skill level seems to have diminished after 2-3 months of KSP deprivation.

I'm pretty sure making tutorials for new players doesn't mean you're instantly a god at the game.

"I'm very confident in what I do" is the same as Scott Manley.

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  Mr_Duke said:
dude don't take it too seriously, its just a poll of how people see their own abilities and planning of KSP.

Well to defend myself maybe next time you add the poll and different wording from the start one never knows what peoples intentions are on the internet :cool:

Anyhow i am what you would consider an expert if the aim of KSP is to crash into Muns and send Kerbals to no-return flights. Not to mention my newest Moon-Landing(lethal impact)-device that will actually explode when decoupling a stage in orbit without taking damage.

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