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Baha Mun Race (stock)

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Well, it was only a matter of time before Kerbalkind would eventually getting around to racing on the Mun.

This challenge is simple. Race to the Target Probe (depicted below), and take a screenie with kerbals standing beside it. Then race back to the lander that brought the buggy to Mun and put Jebediah and Bill inside and take another screenie. The time in that photo determines the winner (lower is better).


Using the supplied Moon Buggy already placed on the surface of the Mun.


Your time starts when you undock from the lander.

You will need the scenario file and put it in your scenarios folder. Then pick the Baha scenario to start it.

>>> Download the Baha Version 2 scenario file here. <<<


1. No cheating whatsoever. No hacking or other.

2. Cannot move lander or probe from original location.


1st - Bothersome - 03:58:59




Good luck to all. Recommend you save often and bring plenty of spare tires.

1 key is toggle rear brakes only. 2 key is toggle wheel motors. 3 key is lights.

I've decided to change the Baha Mun Race scenario a bit because there was no way to flip the buggy back on its wheels in the old version. Now you can flip it if you work at it enough. This is to offer a penalty for crazy driving yet allow you to continue on without having to reload. The new car is somewhat more stable too and added RCS tanks and thrusters to help you keep it "flying straight". This new scenario (version 2) is a lot more fun and a lot less frustrating. Sorry for anybody having to start over from the old one.

Edited by Bothersome
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OK I've completed my own challenge. This time is much more enjoyable. At least I got plenty of practice flipping the buggy back on its wheels.

My time is 03:58:59

Examining target probe.


Showing my time.


Edited by Bothersome
Posting my score
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How do you make a scenario file?

Copied my post text from here.

I poked around briefly to test this just now (as I was curious as well). It seems that it's as easy as making a new savegame, launch the ships etc, then copy/move the persistent.sfs file into /scenarios and rename it. Open it up and you can add a description, also the Title = will have the name of your savegame with (sandbox) after it, remove (sandbox) and rename it to whatever you want it to be named.

That's all there is to it.

1. Create save (persistent.sfs)

2. Move it to /scenarios

3. Rename the file (whateveryouwant.sfs)

4. Open it and change Title = (remove (sandbox) )

5. Change Description = (add fancy challenge text?)

6. Save changes

7. ???

8. Profit

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Might've just been me, but the target looked like it had sunk below the Munar surface when I went to load it up. In any case, I had Jeb and Bob flipped over after just 900 meters, so I'll be making another attempt in the not too distant future.

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I've updated the challenge, you should get the new version and put it into your scenario folder. This new version gives the buggy the ability to flip back over (if you do it just right and have a bit of problem solving) (I've done it a few times just to test it).

Sorry for our contestants that have already started the old version. This one is much better.

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Damn, I hate that rover. Sent Jeb and Bill flying more than they ever have before (and these guys go to space regularly, so......)

Sliding down...excuse me, that should be tumbling end over end down the side of a steep-ass crater always makes me a bit cranky.

Any penalties for breaking off bits of the rover? I've lost a pair of headlights and a cubic octagonal strut already.

Don't mind me; I just ain't used to driving something with the center of mass that high. The brake-lights are a nice touch.

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No penalties for half a rover to finish with. In my screenie, you'll notice I'd already broken the front headlights off and the protector blocks that I put on to try and protect them with. Aggressive driving can cost you time having to roll it back over or do a reload. It's not called a challenge for nothing. :0.0:

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