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Undocking on the surface of kerbin

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I start the engine but as soon as I decouple it turns off and I'm stuck again. I thought about using rocktrons but it would probably blow the rover to pieces.

I could use the decoupler but the idea was I go somewhere, let the rover out, move around, go back in the plane and fly away again. It would be some sort of mobile base/refueling station.

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It wouldn't be the power of the magnet because for a short while after undocking the magnet is disabled so it must be something else... You could try making sure none of the parts are clipping in the editor, the brakes are off and that the rover has electric charge because from your images I don't see any batteries or RTG/Solar Panels. It seems your problem is power now that I look at it because rover wheels require ElectricCharge to operate. Try adding batteries.

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I think iStickyDuck is right about batteries. I'm making it a practice to put them into every craft I make (just not into jettisoned stages). Another good thing to do is install solar panels. If you can afford the mass, nuclear is also an option.

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I encounter this before. It might be your "docking port".


and you mistakenly...

rover---[-]- []---ship.

The beam over place to the other side of the port.


Edited by Sirine
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