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Your most proud moment in KSP...


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My proudest moment in KSP ?

After testing 4 different modules, assembling an interplanetary colony/exploration mothership in orbit with 13 launches, launching it successfully, intercepting Laythe head-on at over 8000 m/s in a crazy aerocapture maneuver, and landing all the vehicles successfully, the crowning moment of 'well done' was managing to pin-pointedly land all 8 habitable pods in one go on a beach and not lose a single one of them. And capturing it all on video.

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Resqued four poor kerbals from Eve. It took me much time to build that big lander and send it to Eve and refuel it on the surface and so on. I hate that planet... it loves destroying everything on its surface.





Oh, and also numerous spaceplane landings. Because landing a plane in KSP is quite a challenge.

Edited by Sparker
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I think that my proudest achievement is successful manned mission to Eve. It needed at least hundred hours (real time) planning, building and testing on Kerbin, LKO, and couple of unmanned probes on Eve. I decided that I want to plan and build everything by myself and did not watch videos before I had done that thing. I knew basics of orbital mechanics and rocket physics quite well before I started to play KSP. Therefore first Mün- and Duna -missions were not very difficult and success rate was good.

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First proper landing on the Mun. So proud, such a sense of achievement:


Building my Munbase and managing to land pretty close to the first landing a fair few times without any assistance:


Landing on Laythe for the first time:


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First mun landing followed by a successful return. (Aerobraking all the way due to fuel issues).

Biggest regret? Recovering that lander, didn't realize you could disembark and then recover the kerbals, leaving the ship as a "monument".

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My first pride moment ... let me rephrase that ... actually yesterday:

Built a big orbital tug with a few gizmos to help building my 21.1 space station. That thing weighs quite a lot, has a roboarm on one side which I had to balance out for and is everything but aerodynamic (using FAR).

I built a lifter, first stage about 20 large boosters only, no liquids at lift off. Initial test launch failed - guess due to different drag of the arm and its counterweight. Added ProcFairings and let the center engine run at 40% for its gimbaling during first stage, set to full with its two big liquid boosters after first staging. Second attempt worked with little manual correcting for attitude and rotation during the accent, boosters and fairings deployed in suborbital flight, established AP of my preliminary station core of 1000km at PE of 100km exactly as my lifter stage ran out of fuel - dropping it into the atmosphere would have been icing on the cake, but it was my first really good accent in weeks for such a big payload and lifter!

Proud is always a first for me - literally ... because after my first good circular orbit, docking or anything ... somehow I kinda mess it up thereafter - maybe my designs get to ambitious/whacky afterwards?

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for a long time I would have said "My first mun landing" to answer this question, but nowadays, I must say, the first time I managed to dock two ships in LKO was a moment that felt so damn good like non I have ever experienced in a video game.

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My First Mun Landing, I had tried for weeks to get into space, and then orbit, and then I shot towards the Mun! After a few attempts where I ran out of fuel before getting into it's SoI, I finally got there, and crashed about 5 times.... at which point I would start over again... (didnt know about quicksaves...)

Then came the day... I had enough fuel to get there... I didn't run out of fuel during the descent.... and I touched down on to the surface of the Mun, at which point the lander tipped over, not allowing Bob kerman to go on EVA.... and I cheered and yelled so loud the neighbors thought I was being murdered!

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Proudest? My first manned trip to Eeloo. Why proud? Well for one it was my first landing of a ship that wasn't designed with landing in mind.

The ship was intended to go as far out of the system as possible as I could. It was completely by accident that I wound up in Eeloo I didn't set up any maneuver modes just set my ship in the right direction to get out of the solar system and started a very long burn. I was going to just let it float as I went on about my business launching other stuff. It wasn't until I looked at it as it floated out of the system that I realized it had an encounter with Eeloo. I decided it was worth a stop, and knowing that there was nothing outside the solar system I decided to try and land.

Or rather crash land.. though I did set down gentle enough to keep the lander intact.

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Definitely my first landing on Duna, it was my first real attempt to go anywhere and I hadn't even landed on the mun yet! Even better is it was a manned mission! I was trying to go to eve but the burn time would only let me get an encounter so I attempted Duna, I didn't even know quick save existed so it was first attempt! Since then I've sent atleast 5 "trucks" for them to drive around with, a base, and 2 more kermans about 20km from the original landing site. My current mission is a ship that can go there and back so they can come back to kerbal, it's been 7 years haha

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First Mün land and return on the demo game. Certainly more of a challange since you have such limited parts. Second would be Docking first time around Minmüs do to it having no atmosphere so I can make smallest circles with the slowest orbital speeds possable that was close by. Also knowing I have more or less mastard the art of docking less then 50 ton ships together. Third would be my rescueing of 3 stardaned Kerbals (one of which was in a shipin orbit) on Duna and having to drive a rover that ,while it worked was not the best design for it, drove 220 km about to the crash sight then an extra 60 km to the rescue ship. Still need to work on my pin point landings. Only on Moho have I had 2 more or less land where I wanted them to. Boh where from polar orbits that Iwas lucky in getting.

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My mission to dres and Eeloo was easily my finest moment.

The original plan was just a mission to Dres. I landed there and took off back to orbit, and still had several 1000 m/s delta-v left over. I scanned around to see where else I could reach, and Eeloo was in the correct phase, so I went there as well.

After landing and taking off from Eeloo I was running pretty low on fuel. Jool was nearby so I threw myself in it's general direction, and suddenly I was on a 10km/s slingshot directly back to kerbin. My lander was designed to land back on kerbin like a plane, and pretty much by complete chance I managed to re-enter just above KSC, and land perfectly on the runway with completely empty fuel tanks.

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