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2 nozzles in a engine

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Take this with a salt mine since I can't even get one nozzle to work, but what about multiple thrustTransform objects? Only thing that comes to mind.

It seems it only recognize the first 'ModuleEngines',or if there is a way to add fx for each 'ModuleEngines' ?

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Yes it does work. You'll make each nozzle its own object (name them nozzle1 and nozzle2) and then when you import them into unity you'll create two empty GameObjects, both named thrustTransform (names are not unique, though object paths must be for certain things, more on that in a minute)

You'll only need ModuleEngines in your config file, the maxthrust and such will be halved (or divided by three if there are 2 nozzles) and your FX entry will be applied to each transform identically.

The only tricky part is if you want to animate the heat glow on the engines or want them to gimbal. For that you need to create another layer of objects (since your nozzles need to be parented to the transforms for gimbal to work)

normally its PartToolObject -> YourEngineModel -> thrustTransform -> nozzle

If you have 2 nozzles then it would be:

PartToolObject -> YourEngineModel -> thrustTransform (object 1) -> nozzle1

PartToolObject -> YourEngineModel -> thrustTransform (object 2) -> nozzle2

This is going to confuse unity when it comes to animations and such, since it will look for the 1st instance of "thrustTransform" and use that in the 'file path' and your 2nd one will never work.

You solve this by adding another empty gameobject to your tree:

PartToolObject -> YourEngineModel -> Engine1 -> thrustTransform -> nozzle1

PartToolObject -> YourEngineModel -> Engine2 -> thrustTransform -> nozzle2

Engine1 and Engine2 are just empty gameobjects created in unity, no mesh, no script or anything added. Think of it like a sub-folder for organization purposes.

The workflow to set it up is a little annoying. You parent the Engine1 object to your 1st thrustTransform and zero out the x, y, and z location transforms so they share pivot points, then drag the engine1 object back so its parented to YourEngineModule (and don't touch the translation numbers) then you drag the thrustTransform to be a child of the Engine1 object and finally parent the nozzle1 object to that. Repeat for each nozzle.

It definitely works, I've made engines with 8 distinct nozzle objects, and there is no limit in theory.

By the way you should be able to have more than one ModuleEngines in your config, so long as they have different thrustTransform object names defined. You can differ the thrust and other stats if you do it that way.

Here's a screenshot of a quad-nozzle engine from Novapunch in unity:


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  • 1 year later...
What is the benefit of doing it this way?

I tried my way after asking and it seems to work, visually at least.

you wouldn't have to change multiple gimbal ranges in the future... otherwise it shouldn't be any different using multiple moduleGimbals

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  • 6 months later...

So I'm having a heck of a time with multiple nozzles.

I've been trying to add non-gimbal engines to my Dragon. I have two thrust transforms, the engines produce thrust and my capsule lifts off the ground. But the particleFX for the engines is only applied to one. I tried assigning the particle effects to the thrustTranform, then I made to separate objects named smokePoint, then I tried naming one smokePoint and one smokeFX, assigning a different particle effect to the different transforms, but only one ever loads. I did make sure that the transforms are outside the collider.

i also have a bunch of RCS thrust (16).

Here's my thread if anyone wants to look it over.


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You can gimbal the thrustTransform directly, it'll move all instances of that name.

You can even parent them in a chain, and make a gimbal snake... for whatever reason you might wanna do that :D

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