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Enhanced EVA (such as removing or replacing Parts)

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Now I have gone through the list of things NOT to post and I have found one thing that isn't on this list, and while we're not allowed to discuss things like Enhanced IVA (As they are on the upcoming developer releases) the one thing that doesn't show up on the Not to suggest logs is in fact Enhanced EVA (Things to do outside and interact with outside rockets and space ships..)

For example, let's ay you are working on consturcting a space station, and you are say adding a solar arry or assemply to the station and you want to take down the old solar panels or items.. Currently there are no wys to do this, and it would be interesting to see Kerbals out there either taking down ore removing solar panels, replacing batteries, and even if need be replacing things like Optics.. on orbiing telescopic satellites (e.g. Hubble space Telescope).

The point is, while Enhanced IVA has been discussed and is being looked into it seemsthat Enhanced EVA has not been discussed at this time (and hopefully this will get to the point where it will eventually get onto the Do Not suggest list..

Thoughts on this?


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  Apollo13 said:
I like the idea of making spacewalk EVA's more than just flying about. They should have tasks to perform.

I tend to agree here as well about the tasks.. and in fact several missions could be developed to test people's abilities to solve problems..

Let's say that your space station needs a new or replacement solar panel.. and that your Kerbal or Kerbal team ) have to go out and take down the old part or figure a way to remove them using tools perhaps) and then getting rid of the parts before setting up the new solar panels, and tis includes things like connecting the wires..

thi scould also lead to a myriad of other things that we could have like Safety tethers and even umbilicals not to mention the jetpacks that already exist..)

I mean sure Enhanced IVA is good for working iinside a rocket or station, but Like I ssaid, there's been no real discussion as to how a Kerbal could work outside in the vacuum of space adding or deleting parts to a vehicle or staiton...


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Nice suggestion! Maybe this thread could be the repository of ideas to enhance EVA? With the upcoming features (tech tree and SCIENCE!), there are many methods of making EVA better.

Setting down experiment packages on other worlds, ALSEP-style, or releasing tiny cubesats in orbit.



As you unlock better equipment, perform "servicing missions", to upgrade unmanned orbital platforms.


Different spacesuits, with varying stats and abilities.




Different "skins", at least to differentiate between multiple kerbals. (The commander has red stripes, the payload specialist blue, for example.)


Post your own ideas. Don't be shy! :D

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I don't have any ideas for myself 'cause I don't know a whole lot about real-world spacewalks or ploppable experiments...or anything else we've done in real life EVAs.

I can say, however, that a lot of this stuff SHOULD be implemented into the game at some point. I expect that they will be, but in case they're not...we need the developers to know how important it is @.,@

I'm always in favor of features and parts that add more depth to the game, more things to do or more ways to customize your missions, kerbals or crafts. It's all just good for the game, I feel.

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i agree! we should have a myriad of things we can or should or must do in space on EVA! One of my favorite ideas would be similar to what happened on one of the return to flight missions after the Columbia disaster, where an astronaut had to go UNDER the shuttle to pull a piece off of the shuttle because they thought it was a flight risk to the shuttle for reentry. To expand my idea, lets say you launch a mission into orbit, and now that you are in orbit, you must EVA to check the over all health of your ship, and then, because perhaps you were a little to liberal on your application of throttle, you broke something during ascent. Well, now, you gotta fix it!

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