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TT NeverUnload - Vessel Unloading Preventer


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Seems to not work for me :/ I have this jet with a bomb on it. I put the part on both the jet and the bomb, enable both before taking off, drop the bomb and quickly switch to it to guide it to the bomb site and by the time I am 8.5k away the jet just dissappears. I have a plethora of mods, including Lazor's which I hear should make it 90k but it seems neither is working. Any chance they conflict? (the bomb is not a lazor bomb, its a proper seperate command module with a tank and engine attached to it).

Nvm. Just need to find what KOS is and what it does.

After installing KOS and spending a few hours learning how to use it and do some coding I'm still at a loss, so any help would be greatly appreciated. I have this craft 2ztldmv.jpg you can see where I've got the never unload and kos installed. What I do is launch, either leave controls to jet and enable all Never Unload parts or Control from bomb's command module and again enable all parts. Then I fly to 8k altitude, set autopilot through KOS (just a simple code to keep it flying till 20k and then cut off power), drop the bomb and the jet still dissappears after 8.5k. Am I doing something wrong?

Edited by dubhorizon
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Lazor will interfere with this mod.

Just run Lazor on its own and at the KSC screen up the top left is an option to change the unloading distance. (at least, thats where the option was last I used it) just push that up to as high as you need it.

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Something to have a look into. Landed craft with kethane drills and/or converters will simultaneously mine and convert if they're within the switching distance for landed craft, which is greater than the switching distance for craft in space.

If you want to try this mod or Lazor System on two or more kethane scanning satellites, try it with them orbiting Gilly to see if they'll scan simultaneously.

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  • 2 months later...

Is there someone still working on this mod or a continuation of it?

I want a mod, that let's me use vessels all over the place to the same time, without the need of adding parts to my crafts.

Edited by Spanier
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Is there someone still working on this mod or a continuation of it?

I want a mod, that let's me use vessels all over the place to the same time, without the need of adding parts to my crafts.

Haha, classic case of Ich will being much less polite than Ich möchte just to let you know...

But I very much like the idea of not having to add a part. Just hypothesizing here but it probably wouldn't be too hard to add the TT config to whatever part (like command pods) and when you use that command pod they won't unload.

Just so you know, if you do that with a lot of ships, the parts that are forever being simultaneously rendered will add up FAST and lag up your computer real bad.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Haha, classic case of Ich will being much less polite than Ich möchte just to let you know...

But I very much like the idea of not having to add a part. Just hypothesizing here but it probably wouldn't be too hard to add the TT config to whatever part (like command pods) and when you use that command pod they won't unload.

Just so you know, if you do that with a lot of ships, the parts that are forever being simultaneously rendered will add up FAST and lag up your computer real bad.

Well, you can add the module to any part you want, but it will break the part, so you can't use any of it's functions, TTNeverUnload included.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

All very well having the license included in the download, but when the download link is broken... :P In other words, what license was this released under?

EDIT: And if it was released under one that allows redistribution, would someone kindly make it available?

EDIT2: Or even TT, if you could upload it yourself, that's be gravy.

EDIT3: If it even works in 0.23.5, that is.

Edited by ObsessedWithKSP
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I have this mod but I don't know if it works, I also found the Licence if I want to upload it I need to make a mod and I am not modder so I can't make a mod LOL and I have to ask permission. :sticktongue:


The plugin may be utilised by other mods but cannot be uploaded with them. If you want to upload a mod that uses the plugin please ask my permission first to include it, but you may give a link to download it seperately from my spaceport upload or any mirrors of it I may have uploaded where applicable. Please do not reupload this mod or any of its components, and ask permission if you do wish to reuse any of its content, the exception being that you may upload CFG edits and replacement textures without my permission. "

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No, and TT isn't gonna re-upload any of his mods as far as I know. I seriously do not get why he objects to the spaceport shutdown. Spaceport was an unreliable piece of crap.

Because curse is the most aptly named website that was ever created

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What is wrong with curse. I find it to do it's job quite well. It hosts mods and the downloads seem to be quite reliable. If you have a problem with curse, there is always mediafire and dropbox.

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Not a single time have I clicked on a link to a mod on Curse and been directed straight to the mod page. Always to the Kerbal page. At which point I learn that not even a significant portion of mods claimed to be on the website are actually even on it.

Most important of all, though, is the fact that many unmaintained mods will cease to exist if spaceport does - meaning a large amount of meticulously created content will be deleted. As TT says, this is simply unacceptable.

Spaceport should have simply been maintained better, and was probably due for an update or two as well.

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