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[WIP] Apollo-like crew module (Updated download 17.2.2014)


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Current status: mapping normals to Kerbals - Kerbals can't be mapped and normal at the same time

Updated download: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/27552313/kp0110_a7.zip



All rights reserved.

For now, at least.

Updated 16.12.2013

Module names have changed, it will break ships containing the first version! Reworked textures, fixed parachute animation.

Possibly unbalanced, not sure if it works with current science implementation because I don't have a save to test it. It *should* be bundled with Mk1-2 pod but I'm not sure if that's how it works, I copied the config for Mk1-2 pod so something might break along the way. Please let me know if you do test and something doesn't work.

Updated 22.12.2013

Added automatic shroud and moved the node to the actual bottom of the module.

Updated 23.12.2013

Changed the shroud texture to match the module more.

Updated 28.12.2013

Small update, mostly .cfg changes to enable the fairing/shroud to act as a decoupler and some detail added on the inside.

----------------------------------------------------------Original Post:-----------------------------------------------------------------------

Hi everyone, I've set out on a pretty ambitious (for me, that is) project. Some people are all about engines, others about awesome lifters and I'm crazy for command modules. I use the mk1-2 pod for pretty much anything and I figured out what bothers me about it - it's not symmetrical and attaching radial parachutes to it makes it look unseemly. The Apollo project is probably my favorite spacecraft of them all so I've set out to make myself a replacement and I'll be looking for help because I have no idea how to do some stuff and I could use an opinion on others. Side note - I'm not making a perfect replica of the Apollo craft, close enough is good enough for me.

Here's what I have so far:


It's not yet textured and detail hasn't been added for normal mapping because I still have to get it in the game to see how it fits with other parts.

There's a pretty long to do list:

- Test it in game, as it is right now, it will probably comfortably fit a junior docking port, but I'm not sure, would I be better off making a new docking port that fits on top and make it behave like a standard docking port for stability and usability?

- Model in details for the normal map and figure out how to make the door a crew hatch in Unity. Also, can Kerbals latch onto the handles over there?

- Create a texture for it. I suck at it and will probably take me just shy of forever.

- Turn the "cap" into a LES and figure out how to make it work in Unity.

- The docking port cover is planned to be an actual parachute - if it's possible to make a single part have three canopies that work well.

- Can I make it have a flag decal in the back? That'd be neat, but I'm not sure what I need for it, I believe it's an extra mesh that has to be either a part of the model or added on top of it.

- Maybe make a decoupler that fits well into the heatshield, but I'd also like to keep part inflation low.

It'll most likely take me a while to get everything done because I'm new to anything more advanced than getting a simple model into KSP but I'd love to hear your advice on stuff like the docking port and parachutes :)


Edited by Ledenko
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Sounds promising if you can get the textures and IVA right.

Everyone is asking for their favourite pod instead... but what I'm going to suggest is, endeavour to only have three parts.

  1. Capsule with integrated docking port, compatible with stock size1, integrated parachutes, integrated RCS (Apollo command module had it's own RCS!).
  2. Launch escape tower to match with integrated decoupler.
  3. Heat shield with integrated decoupler on both sides if you want it to be detachable. No separate heat shield part and just an in-capsule integrated decoupler if you don't.

I'm quite definite all three are possible, see cBBp's Dragon which is all that. Less parts is good, and that will make your pod useful even to those who don't feel a particular attachment to Apollo program.

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Hey guys, thanks for the suggestions and comments!

Unfortunately, I don't always have time to work on this and when I do, it's slow progress because I'm still learning as I go. Sometimes, when I have time, the net works so slowly I can't even find reference online, so that's great.

Ok, the Fuji - maybe after the Kapollo is done, but don't hold your breath, it'll take time even if I do get started on it :)

This pod is exactly 2.5m across at it's widest point so it'll actually be smaller than the mk1-2 as that one's quite wide on top to accomodate a standard docking port or parachute while this one is pretty close to an actual apollo module outline.

I also want to make it look like a counterpart to the mk1-2 in terms of the texture job, so relatively simple.

And Mihara, thank you, those suggestions are great, the only thing I'm not sure about is the RCS, because there's probably some math involved with all of it, for example the current CoM is in the geometric center of the model and I'll really have to look into it. edit: I checked the RCS placement and it's only there for rotation, not for translation so that's nothing that can't be accomplished in the game with reaction wheels, so for the sake of simplicity, I'll skip it.

Oh! The IVA! I'm thinking about it, but I'll probably make it after I get the model working in the game with a placeholder IVA.

Edited by Ledenko
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the kind words and advice, there's barely any progress because a) I don't have much time and barely turn on my home computer and B) learning how all the tools work all over again is a pain... Hopefully I'll have something to show soon. And Bungee, it's still utterly useless in the game ;)

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There's generally a boost cover with the LES, on almost every real-world rocket ever made, so that the rockets don't damage the command pod when the LES is ejected.

Mercury didn't. (Mercury didn't have a shroud at all.) None of the Soviet/Russians ones did or do. (They had/have aerodynamic shrouds over their decidedly un-aerodynamic capsules.) Apollo didn't. (The BPC was to protect against aerodynamic heating during launch.)

So, which real world LES had a shroud to protect the capsule from LES exhaust?

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Well, it only took forever, but what could be called an alpha of the K-P0110 now works in the game:


I haven't actually tested it yet, so for now I'm assuming it explodes spectacularly for no apparent reason. Also not pictured above is the parachute shroud.

Still on the todo list:

touch up the texture and maybe add some detail (I hate this part because I'm no texture artist)

there's a holder for a flag in the back, still have to test that

figure out how integrated docking ports work and how likely they are to make everything go boom

figure out how integrated parachutes work, model the canopy and watch them blow stuff up

define an EVA hatch

maybe give those handle bars a use (not explosive, if possible)

figure out what sort of collision mesh it should use

currently uses the mk1-2 IVA, maybe I'll make an internal of its own one day

Yeah, I believe I still have a LOT to do before it's actually useful. Comments and critique are welcome!

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figure out how integrated docking ports work and how likely they are to make everything go boom

That one is actually relatively easy, since as far as as I know, the model doesn't need anything special:

name = ModuleDockingNode
referenceAttachNode = top
nodeType = size1

Node position determines where the port will be. If you want it to be incompatible with anything else, you can make up a new nodeType, just avoid the "size" notion, because someone, somewhere, is using it already.

figure out how integrated parachutes work, model the canopy and watch them blow stuff up

That one is more complicated... List of caveats:

  1. To use the parachute part module, your model needs to have a canopy mesh in it, and I don't know on what terms exactly.
  2. Parachutes work by greatly multiplying the drag coefficient of the part they are part of. Drag coefficient translates into an actual drag loss depending on mass of the part. I.e. if your pod weighs a few tons, and contains an integrated parachute, it's like you have a few tons worth of parachutes. This will need manual tuning of deployed drag parameters to make reasonable.
  3. Parachute strings go out of some point which is either 0,0,0 of the part they are generated by, or it's CoM -- I'm not sure which. If the parachutes are integrated in the pod itself, this can look silly. You can move the 0,0,0 by using MODEL {} node, and you can move CoM by using CoMOffset config parameter, but neither option might be ideal for other reasons.

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I had a feeling the docking port bit would be easy, I just passed out before I could test it.

About the parachute... Apollo uses three chutes and based on what you said, it's probably going to be a heck of a chore to get that to work... Would probably be better off by creating a separate parachute part with triple symmetry but I'm not too keen on making a part that's only useful for this module and nothing else. I'll see what I can figure out.

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I checked how he made it and it's really what my solution would be for an integrated parachute - a canopy model made out of three canopies which behave like one model - simple and looks good. Probably the only sane way of making it. I just wish information for this sort of stuff was easier to find or written at all, I'm still not sure what's considered the origin of the parachute and how the wire that connects to it is created, not to mention I've no idea how exactly the deployment animation works. I'm guessing you have to make an animation that has a named start and end and that's all I know.

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Some further research from welding experiments:

Parachute strings emanate from 0,0,0 of the part, and not from it's center of mass. So if your part has 0,0,0 where the parachute strings should come from, it will look just fine, and center of mass, which defaults to 0,0,0, can be shifted to where you need it to be with CoMOffset config option.

EDIT: Even more interesting. The force is applied to center of mass, while the strings emanate from part zero, so it spins easily while on the parachutes. The resulting pod with a built in parachute is negatively buoyant (!) and sinks, first time I see a stock part doing so.

Edited by Mihara
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Wow, who would have thought, huh? Thanks for sharing Mihara, that's probably why parachutes are rarely integrated, looks like I'll follow suit :)

There's nothing stopping you from integrating it with the docking port assembly, though, like BobCat's Orion did.

As a side note, though, there's one interesting problem with that Orion. Two parachute modules don't coexist well on the same part. I.e. you need to manually cut the drogues on BobCat's Orion to make the main parachute apply it's parameters.

The only workaround I could think of so far is to set the auto-cut speed parameter on the drogue chute and minimum pressure parameter on the main chute so that they auto-cut right when the main chutes would deploy. The downside is that it ties the whole assembly to landing on Kerbin and nowhere else.

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