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Super Minnow - Multi Purpose VTOL Lander


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UPDATE: I've added a new version of the Minnow to the archive. The 2.0 version now uses a pair of LV-909s which provide better efficiency, more trust and around a 100m/s increase in Delta V. An extra 20KN of thrust doesn't sound like much but it makes a big difference, especially to powered landings back on Kerbin. The fuel feeding system has also been tweaked and the landing gear redone to provide clearance for the engines. The new LV is also ready and can be found in the archive. It features a raft of tweaks and improvements including the ability to turn the Skipper stage into an orbiting fuel silo. Enjoy!

The original Minnow was released in version 0.18 and quickly became one of my most popular and enduring drop ships. Like the original this new version is a tough, straight forward, honest to god VTOL Lander, built to take almost anything you can throw at it.


It's rock stable, extremely adaptable, easy to fly and has something for everyone, from beginners to seasoned pros.


It comes with a powerful general purpose launch vehicle which can be used for anything from a quick dash to the Mum to a long range voyage to Jool.


The long range stage can also be used as a landing gantry and at just 75 parts the Super Minnow is very CPU friendly, with the launch vehicle & ship coming in at exactly 300 parts, no more, no less. :wink:


8 balanced docking ports including 2 vertical axis ones will let you turn the Super Minnow into a mini utility drop ship, able to land and transport cargo to exactly where you want it.


Compared to more traditional landers the Super Minnow is more compact, agile and a lot easier to land. It also features discreet RCS for easy docking and translation.


Full Subassembly Saver compatibility means effortless integration into your existing designs. The Super Minnow is also Mechjeb certified with the digital co-pilot able to put the Minnow down to an accuracy of 2m or less!


At the end of a mission the Super Minnow can perform a powered landing on Kerbin or if things go pear shaped there's an emergency parachute, which also comes in very handy as an air brake on Duna.



Like all my vessels the Super Minnow really benefits from Joystick control, personally I've been using a Logitech Extreme 3D Pro for a while now and am very happy with it.

The craft files can be found here, they need to go into your SPH folder.


There are two files in the archive, one is just the Super Minnow on its own, the other is the Super Minnow and launch vehicle.

CONTROLS: (2.0 Version)

1 - Toggle Rockets

2 - Toggle Skipper Engines

3 - Undock/De-Couple T400 Ports

4 - Undock/De-Couple T800 Ports

5 - Undock De-Couple Vertical Axis Ports

8 - Deploy Gear (Landing Gantry Only)

9 - Cut Chute

0 - Deploy Cute

ABORT - De-couple All Ports

Like my previous designs the Minnow features a horizontal cockpit for suborbital flying/landing and a vertically mounted docking port for orbital piloting. When performing burns with the navball the top docking port must be selected, this also applies if using Mechjeb. If you're not used to VTOLs and would rather fly the Minnow like a regular rocket the top docking port can be used for whole missions if need be. SAS should be left on at all times.

When it comes to carrying cargo you can take anything the same width as a hitchhikers pod, just make sure you haven't got any landing gear or other parts in the way of the rockets, as not only will they get damaged, you'll loose all your thrust!

When landing back on Kerbin you'll need to dump most of your fuel during re-entry, ultimately you want the side T800 tanks to be empty and the T400 tanks about 1/4 full. Do not use the parachute to land unless you absolutely have to as the pod will survive but the ship wont. :P


Activate SAS and take off a straight away at full power climbing to 10,000m. Not gently pitch over to 45* on your chosen heading (usually 90*), the first stage will be ready to ditch soon afterwards. Once your speed hits around 1200m/s gently pitch flat to the horizon and build up your orbit. With the last of the mainsails ejected you now have a choice depending on your mission, if you're doing a quick hop to the Mun or Minmus then you can use the Skipper engines to fly you there and act as a descent stage. If you're going further afield then you can detach the skipper engines and use the fuel as an extra large drop tank for your long range stage. If flying to Duna I recommend not ejecting the skipper engines as they come in handy for landing, it's even worth transferring fuel from the long range stage back to the skipper engines as the LV-Ns are pretty under-powered on Duna. Once your close to the ground you can either press 4 and land with the long range stage of press space to eject the stage and release the Super Minnow. Two small rocket packs will also let you launch the Minnow from the ground if need be. Right, I think that's everything, if you have any questions feel free to ask, and I hope you enjoy the ship. :)


Edited by Cupcake...
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  speedboiae86 said:
I envy you... I haven't really had any good ideas since I came out with the Bison Mk. VI... My minds kind of gone dry as far as ideas go...

I know the feeling. It would be nice if inspiration was a tap you can turn on and off but it doesn't quite work like that. :P Whenever I run out of good ideas I start working on my bad ones, I'm still trying to perfect my Mainsail powered VTOL! :wink:


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  Cupcake... said:
I know the feeling. It would be nice if inspiration was a tap you can turn on and off but it doesn't quite work like that. :P Whenever I run out of good ideas I start working on my bad ones, I'm still trying to perfect my Mainsail powered VTOL! :wink:


A Mainsail powered VTOL? Now that's insane...

I kinda wanna try making a "Family sedan" VTOL... That is, a VTOL that can hold a couple of Hitch hiker storage containers and serve as a crew transport of sorts. Just need to work out some sort of design for it.

Then again, the Bison can already serve that purpose... Just have to dock a Hitch hiker storage container underneath and dock the booster mule underneath it.

So, back to Google to look for design ideas... :confused:

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UPDATE: I've added a new version of the Minnow to the archive. The 2.0 version now uses a pair of LV-909s which provide better efficiency, more trust and around a 100m/s increase in Delta V. An extra 20KN of thrust doesn't sound like much but it makes a big difference, especially to powered landings back on Kerbin. The fuel feeding system has also been tweaked and the landing gear redone to provide clearance for the engines. I haven't got round to doing a LV for it yet but feel free to use the old version until I do. :)

NEW CONTROL LIST: (Version 2.0)

1 - Toggle Rockets

3 - Undock/De-Couple T400 Ports

4 - Undock/De-Couple T800 Ports

5 - Undock/De-Couple Vertical Axis Ports

9 - Cut Chute

0 - Deploy Cute

ABORT - De-couple/Undock All Ports



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Hey all,

the new 2.0 LV is ready and can be downloaded as part of the archive. It features a whole raft of improvements including the ability to turn the Skipper stage into an orbital fuel silo, yay! Unless some hideous oversight turns up this will mark the end of development for the Super Minnow, hope you enjoy it. :)


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  Prof. Endwalker said:
Wait, a question:

When you start a thread, does it have to go through verification first? Or is my upload just not uploading?

Your first, I think it's 5 posts have to be moderator aproved, after which you can post to your hearts content.


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