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[1.0.2] Persistent Trails - record, share and replay track data! (May 14, V1.2)


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The replay dummy model assembly assumes that there is a mu file for each part, in its folder. if it is using some fancy system, or if anythin else goes wrong in the assembly process, it throws an error, defaulting back to the old sphere.

There can be a million things that go wrong, but because there is no way I know of to retrieve the information necessary to perform a better, smarter assembly from unknown parts, I doubt it's an easy fix.

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oki, thanks for the quick answer Snjo! much appreciated

I'll try to find the part causing the trouble, and If I do (the plane is not really part heavy) I'll report to you here, just in case it could be of any use

thanks again!

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I just downloaded from this link but it still says version 1.1 on the in game dialog, and does not seem to work.

"Create new track" does leave the trails behind a ship, but no track is created in the list box.

Edit: The 0.23.5 release package on github is also v1.1 according to the in game dialog. Both downloads include a changes file that says updated for 0.23.5 though.

Edited by allmhuran
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I flew around the other day, and I noticed it was bugged too, the trails also didn't behave correctly when the game's reference frame shifts. Not sure what's changed, cause I don't think we touched any of that code, but I'll have to check the commits from SirJodelstein as well.

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Here's a recording of the behaviour on my system. The precision buttons still seem to work too.

Windows 7, 0.23.5, no other mods installed. When I noticed it was bugged I also downloaded the toolbar update separately and put this over the top just in case, but no change.


Yeah, that matches what I've seen, although I was able to record a single track, but not later ones.

I checked the code changes, and there have been none since this last worked (at least in the relevant areas), so something seems to have changed in the systems we access in the code...

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Yeah, that matches what I've seen, although I was able to record a single track, but not later ones.

I checked the code changes, and there have been none since this last worked (at least in the relevant areas), so something seems to have changed in the systems we access in the code...

Any idea when it will be working again? I really loved this mod before and now I'm having the same problem :S

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone, sorry for the long silence. I have recompiled the binaries against 0.23.5 and put the project available on Curse. So far, no code changes were necessary and the recording, saving and playback works for me - I could not reproduce the issues some of you were having, not on my stock+PersistentTrails test install and not on my heavyly modded standard game. Please, could some of you try the new download and see if the problems persist? If you still encounter the problems, please list your OS, system spec and mod list, and check if the problem only happens with specific crafts.

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I loaded up the latest version and it is working great! The lights are gone as well :D

Are there any plans for recording the smoke/exhaust trails from rockets/planes in future updates? I imagine that would be a fairly large feature to add, but it would be really flippin' sweet!

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I loaded up the latest version and it is working great! The lights are gone as well :D

Are there any plans for recording the smoke/exhaust trails from rockets/planes in future updates? I imagine that would be a fairly large feature to add, but it would be really flippin' sweet!

Currently each part of the playback vessel is just a dead model, with no code, and no idea that it is in fact supposed to be an engine, a cockpit, or some other thing. Going beyond that would require fake modules for the different part types to be attached to all of those things.

That won't happen until we need those modules to exist for other reasons (i.e. if the planes ever become more than dead models).

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I just tried to use Persistant Trails but whenever I click the "create new track" button I get this error:

IsolatedStorageException: Could not find a part of the path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\PersistentTrails\PluginData\Craft\GSI Fighter - 2.crf".
at System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean anonymous, FileOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at System.IO.StreamWriter..ctor (System.String path, Boolean append, System.Text.Encoding encoding, Int32 bufferSize) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at System.IO.StreamWriter..ctor (System.String path) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at PersistentTrails.CraftLoader.saveCraftToFile () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at PersistentTrails.TrackManager.startNewTrack () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at PersistentTrails.MainWindow.DrawWindowContents (Int32 windowID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Tac.Window`1[T].PreDrawWindowContents (Int32 windowId) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UnityEngine.GUILayout+LayoutedWindow.DoWindow (Int32 windowID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

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Is the mod installed to the correct folder? If you try to navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\PersistentTrails\PluginData\Craft, does that folder exist, or is there some difference in the path names on your machine?

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Is the mod installed to the correct folder? If you try to navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\PersistentTrails\PluginData\Craft, does that folder exist, or is there some difference in the path names on your machine?

Its installed in the GameData folder,unless its suppose to be installed in a different folder. "\PluginData\Craft" This folder does not exist.

Edited by Codey737
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Its installed in the GameData folder,unless its suppose to be installed in a different folder. "\PluginData\Craft" This folder does not exist.

Well, then there's the error. That folder has to be present inside PersistentTrails (which should reside in GameData, but that seemed OK on your end).

The folder is present in the released package, so I don't know why you don't have it. But you can just create it manually.

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Um. how do i get vessel geometry playback? i can't find a way to turn it on and its only showing the sphere, and its too small to see from over 50 meters away. Also my track recording isn't very precise, it jumps a lot and makes straight line segments, but i see other people on here with nice smooth lines. and yes i have it set to the high preciseness. Help? I just downloaded it today from curse. There is no manual so. Any help is appreciated

Edited by Endersmens
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Vessel geometry playback is actually the default behaiviour, the sphere is just a fallback if vessel geometry parsing fails. Are you using mod parts on that craft? Does the debug log (Alt+F2) show anything when you create hit "new track" or "playback track"? If you can live with having a sphere only, you can change its size in the track properties window, the sphere scales proportionally with "line width"

smooth lines: You need to set the precision when recording the track, the setting does not affect already recorded tracks with low precision. High precision logs a waypoint several times per second if you are moving or turning fast enough, so recording is extremely smooth in "High precision" mode.

Hope that helps.

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Vessel geometry playback is actually the default behaiviour, the sphere is just a fallback if vessel geometry parsing fails. Are you using mod parts on that craft? Does the debug log (Alt+F2) show anything when you create hit "new track" or "playback track"? If you can live with having a sphere only, you can change its size in the track properties window, the sphere scales proportionally with "line width"

smooth lines: You need to set the precision when recording the track, the setting does not affect already recorded tracks with low precision. High precision logs a waypoint several times per second if you are moving or turning fast enough, so recording is extremely smooth in "High precision" mode.

Hope that helps.

well..the craft does have kerbpaint, but as we've seen by mareczex333s video (I'm actually using the raptor from that video, trying to do something similar to what he did) it doesn't seem to affect it. Any ideas as to why this would happen? Maybe too much lag? (12-15 FPS)

Also, i have it set to high precision, but still when i turn there are ~2-3 meter long straight segments. Maybe just because of the speed? (180 mps)

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