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Making things stacked have no air phychics and Mining!!!

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So as of now when i build a ship that i want to send up with no mods just vanilla KSP. i run into a problem, I own a computer that is more than adequate in running every game one the market. But i still get lag or frame rate drop. my brother also has a computer that is more than adequate at running every game out there. So i though about it and it made sense to both of us. That the problem is the game its self its trying to do too many processes that are unneeded. Now to fix this i think would reduce the lag on big ships. would be to make it so air resistance on items that stack so that not so many processes are being calculated on the games system. that will cut lag on launch. but in space when two ships are docked together into one ship gravity should be acting on it in the vacuum of space as one ship. If you have a ship that is rather large but undocked you still experience lag but not as much when in space. so maybe just having gravity act on that ship as one continues object in space would make that batter as well. now i am not saying make struts and things of that nature have no drag. But making things you stack like a nose come on a fuel tank make that tank have much less air drag. and so on... Now with mining i know there is a mod for mining for fuel and other resources like sun, water, air. but when or better yet if they will be added to the vanilla KSP. And if added would you consider adding luxury resources to bring back to kerban and witch give you some benefit to getting these gems or Luxury elements. Like buying of special parts or maybe decals or something to add some customization and depth into campaign or just sand box game play. some reason to land send probes to explore set up landing sites ECT... I look forward to hearing responses and other ideas from members and staff :)

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This really should be two separate posts. You've made it sound like you think things that are stacked should do two things: have no air phycics (sic) and also they should have mining. You're probably actually making two utterly independent suggestions and the mining has nothing to do with the stacking. This is going to go badly because the second one (mining) has been suggested too many times and will cause the thread to get locked (just wait) regardless of the first suggestion.

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The no air physics is actually a game physics suggestion. You are right, kinda, especially where very high part count ships are concerned. You also need to keep in mind that KSP is in BETA and I am sure the devs plan a whole slew of optimization changes that will make the game run far smoother come version 1.0. Your suggestion sounds very much like several post talking about "part welding". There are a couple of mods and PART editing posts talking about this. It may help you out.

As for having a machine that can run every game on the market, most of the games I imagine you play process data very differently. More GPU based than CPU. KSP is a very CPU intensive game, very different than others. I too have a machine that can play "anything", and a dual nVidia 660 setup to boot with 32GB of RAM (I run many VM's ;) ) and yet, I have the same FPS problems that people with machines a quarter as powerful as mine (and yours) are experiencing. The devs are very aware of this and, believe me, have correcting this on there list of things to do.

Also, as S&M points out, there is a list of things already suggested and a list of things not to suggest. Before you post, have a read. Almost every idea I've had has already been posted in one form or another and nobody likes beating a dead horse! :D Also try to limit your posts to a single idea. It makes it easier for other users to search for.

As for mining, sounds like you have checked out the Kethane mod. Loads of people love it to pieces and would love to see it added to the game. Including myself, but it is on the list of things not to suggest (even though it's uber cool).

Hope this helps!


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KSP isn't a beta yet, we're still in the alpha stage. Beta's not 'till...I think they said when they get career mode more or less finished up, that's when we shift to beta mode.

Anyways, mining is kind of planned, but the system they'd devised for it may or may not get scrapped for something simpler(I really hope not, needs more complexity, MORE STUFF D: ). The physics thing they'll undoubtedly work on at some point...but right now there's engine limitations they can't quite get around. However, they'll probably come up with their own interesting solution to drag calculations whenever they get around to rebuilding the aerodynamics...which might not be 'till right before beta time. Then again, I wouldn't know what their update schedule is, so don't pay me no mind on that XD

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Also, as S&M points out, there is a list of things already suggested and a list of things not to suggest. Before you post, have a read. Almost every idea I've had has already been posted in one form or another and nobody likes beating a dead horse! :D Also try to limit your posts to a single idea. It makes it easier for other users to search for.

And it should be pointed out that the do-not-suggest list does NOT necessarily mean these are requests that are being denied, but rather that they've been suggested enough times that the decision about them has already been made. That decision MIGHT be "this is a good idea we'll get around to later but other things are higher on the priority list right now."

Having resources to get is a thing they'd like to do later. It might not be exactly like the kethane mod, but it's on the future list. Also, they know the areodynamics are broken right now, and that's why nosecones are pointless and actually detrimental at the moment. But they decided that there's no point in fixing this until after a bunch of other areodynamics stuff is addressed.

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