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Ship hull just blows off

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I like big ships in KSP, so i tried to build a carrier.

I'm using B9 and Nova Punch for building.

My problem:

To build the cargo room for the carrier i took the biggest white plate of the B9 pack to reduce part count.

I formed a somewhat round cargo hull with these. Attaching one to the fueltanks and one or two more stacket on top of the attached plate.

To reinfoce it i also put on some nova punch struts.

So far so good.

If i launch now on the runway the whole hull just pops off the ship under the weight of the ship. (it is laying on the hull if it's on the ground)

Well it is heavy, so i turned off gravity. All ok it flew around in the atmosphere.

BUT, if i touch the ground with 2-10 m/s the same happens. It literally blows/explodes off every single plate.

The same if i hit it with some light parts thrown at it.

These struts should hold in my opiniton. I used the 220000 strenght struts.

Is this a bug or do i miss something? Or is there a problem with clipping these through each other?

I can't put up some screens, i'm at work right now. but maybe tomorrow if they are really needed.

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Well this is the structure. O = fueltank /= plate

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Behaviour like this, while irritating, happens what you start using mods. Admittedly, what you describe should hold together, although I have never used this specific combination of parts nor have I tried to build a carrier.

Have a gander at Macy Dean's carrier builds using stock only parts. Might give you some idea's.

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@LeadMagnet: Well i know Macy ^^ He was the reason for inspiration ^^ But he used those engine attachment wings for his Spirit of kerbin.

I don't want to use these because i want to build a bigger Carrier, because of bigger fighters ^^

And yes i think i used part clipping?

I turned the plates around till they overlap.. is this really the problem?

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