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JellyCubes Advanced Weapons R&D - Weapons and Other Miscellanea


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  zYnthethicz said:

It\'s impossible to stack them sideways, even if i build up a stack at another node. :(

They just stack 'inside' the railgun itself, not in the barrel like it\'s supposed to do.

Fixed it. Seems it only affected the \'right\' facing gun.

  sanderlebau said:

Although there is a problem, the rounds no longer stack on anything but the normal railguns.

Are building up a stack on another node before moving them to the gun?

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Ladies and gentlemen, I present: The O.S.M.S.R.I.F: Oh Shit My Shitty RP Nation Is Fucked


scaled.php?server=163&filename=screenshot65w.png&res=medium Boom.

And in extreme cases when orbital reloading is not an option:



Not pictured: hundreds of Kerbal civilians running around hysterically and then dying.

As you can see I am having too much fun with this. I tip my hat to you JellyCubes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Jelly - With your permission I would like to solve the stability problem of your missiles.

I can also make a cruise missile out of it, with primitive WW2 style attitude hold autopilot. lol..

RE: New updates - the bicoupler was exactly what I was dreaming about earlier.

The forward swept wings are also totally awesome. X-29!

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Technically the FSW (forward swept wing) should decrease effective stall speed and also make ailerons effective during post stall maneuvers. I am unsure if the FSW affects maximum Mach speed as the bow shockwave will inevitably hit the wingtips during supersonic flight.

However they should be made much more expensive than normal wings due to the composite anti-twisting materials required. That or make it heavier, if conventional materials are simulated.

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Oh my god that is AMAZING. Exactly what I needed.

Can there be one thing I can request, though? You have done amazing work on all your military related mods, and I don\'t want to stress you out, but when you have the time, can you make air intake nacelles that wrap around a mk 1 hull and form the shape of a mk 2 hull? So that we can have F-22 style intakes:


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Another special round complete! The Microwave-Incendiary Klystron Emitter, or MIKE, round. It has a nice texture, has a yellow emission, and the rocket sound.

When scripting becomes available, this round will radiate extreme amounts of heat on impact, instantly overheating the part it collided with, and sending high-valued heat waves throughout the rest of the rocket.

Cookie to whoever gets the reference!

X3 TC. Kha\'ak mofos with their lasers. FIGHT WITH REAL GUNS!

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REQUEST: Unless I\'m being extremely blind, I can\'t see a decoupler designed for this missile. Could I ask that you could create one? Something that would keep the missiles far enough off the wings of planes that you can put fins on, but not too heavy/high in decoupler force that it destabilises the missiles?

I\'ve tried C7\'s pylons and stock, but stock stick out to far and can\'t attach to wings and the pylons make the missiles flip out because of their weight.

Thanks ;D

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  Volt said:

Derp, I forgot about the Drone Rack. I\'ll try that later. And Blinder is a good one, totally forgot that existed too. I can\'t find that thread though!

(Once again) a forum search for word \'Blinder\' works quite well >:(
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  Volt said:

Okay, okay, I\'m tired and ill and too dehydrated to think. Leave me be.

Sorry for bashing you. I\'m too not having a nice day today (just noticed I\'ve screwed a 3 days-work up) :(


P.S. This link deserves a place in the opening post to stop these decoupler requests already.

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