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Mun Landing Difficulty


Do you think it has gotten harder to land on the Mun as ksp has progressed /updated?  

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  1. 1. Do you think it has gotten harder to land on the Mun as ksp has progressed /updated?

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Actually landing isn't any more difficult, but finding somewhere flat to land is. Most of the time I now find myself touching down on a slope or incline that isn't apparent or obvious from a few hundred metres up.

Exactly. I try to put landing lights on all my landers these days, not just for night/darkside landings, but because they help shown terrain slopes and irregularities that are otherwise less obvious during descent. I still sometimes have to waste more fuel than I'd like "pulling an Armstrong" (a la Apollo 11) and translating to find a more level or less irregular spot.

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Landing on the Mün has gotten easier in my opinion. It's only harder if you're using MechJeb to land since there's no way to tell MJ when you're on final approach to thrust laterally for 200m to avoid landing on the steep rim of that pretty new crater below you.

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No landing legs.

No info plugins.

No autopilots.

Limited to two engines and a single fuel tank design.

No patched conics.

No in-game tutorials.

Big-ass ASAS unit.

0.13.3 was a heck of a challenge. It was a very steep learning curve, but that's what made me play KSP in the beggining.

The only disadvantage >0.21 has over those are the mun craters, but that's just a minor problem.

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In my experience, yes. I'd just about gotten the hang, then they removed ASAS and suddenly things had to be righted manually. And there were more craters.

However, ASAS changes made GETTING THERE a whackload easier. No need to use RCS to counteract the boogieing rocket issues.

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Quite frankly, landing on a body is not meaningfully harder just because the surface is more varied. The mess of new craters actually gives you near-infinite landing sites, since the bowl of any given crater is generally pretty flat. So yeah, it actually is a bit easier to land on the Mun now... as long as you know how to do a pinpoint landing.

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  • 2 years later...
On 9/13/2013, 6:49:51, Randox said:

I can't say I find the craters make any difference to me. The Mun is a pretty easy body to move around over during descent, and it's still mostly flat and level, or close enough for the purposes of landing. The real distinction to me would be the advent of landing gear, and I think that makes landing substantially easier.

Also, experience. I used to struggle to keep a strait down descent while keeping fine control on the speed. Not so much anymore.


Edited by Curiosity7907
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