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Project cooperation


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I had this idea and i was wondering wether people would be interested.

The premise is that you and your team recieve an assignment from the KSP director and you work together to complete the mission.

The team could include (depending on mission) :

-Project Manager : Always included, responsible for entire project, makes decisions, makes sub-goals, assigns and specifies the other teammembers their tasks, schedules meetings, can hire additional staff, etc.

-Launch Stage Engineer : Designs launch stage per requirements set by the project manager, expected to assist with decissionmaking regarding the launch stage, etc.

-Payload Engineer : Designs payload per requirements set by the project manager, expected to assist with decissionmaking regarding payload, etc.

-Rover Engineer : Designs rover per requirements set by the project manager, expected to assist with decissionmaking regarding the rover, etc.

-Pilot (/testpilot) : Actually flies the designs, performs the mission, reports results to corresponding departments and other teammembers, etc.

-Mission Planner : Determines optimal flightpath, sets fuel and weight budgets, sets mission deadlines, determines optimal mission phasing, etc.


The team positions (or just the project manager) are to be distributed among applicants via lottery.

Staff can only be fired with a majority vote.

Team manager is the only position which is alowed to be declined when offered.

The team meetings are held here, in the forum.

Therefore, non-teammembers should not submit posts in this thread during the mission.

Teammembers can obviously exchange savefiles, shipfiles, subassemblies, pm's, etc.

Glory is shared, not divided.

So who will join me?


(perhaps we will find our own thread, for our own project. So other people can discuss this idea, issue assignments and find teammembers here. But for now this thread is the home of our project. You are welcome to follow our progress :) )

Edited by Robje
Project in progress
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Let me be the first to issue an assignment.

'' MEMO 0-21-1 KD

Dear co-workers,

Our benevolent and charismatic leader and our excecutive-director, his excellence, mr. John F. Kerman has deemed appropriate to send kermanity to the Joolian system. The reason being that ''passing a massive gas giant'' would be too funny not to do. He has bestowed upon our beautiful organisation, by decree, the task to organise this. Representatives of the national parliament have decided that since we are going to jool, we should leave a rover and a artificial satelite within the system.

Mission requirements as demanded by his excellence:

A (at least) two kerman return mission to the Joolian system.

An artificcial satelite with science equipment and a communatron is to be placed in orbit around one of the Joolian bodies.

An autonomous rover, with science equipment, capable of carrying at least one kerman, is to be placed on the surface of another Joolian body.

Nice pictures are to be made.

Excact destinations are at the discretion of the Kerbal Space Program.

I will assign a project manager to be responsible for proposing, developing and executing this program. I will also be hiring a supporting team consisting of:

-Launch Stage Engineer

-Lander and Return Stage Engineer

-Rover Engineer

-Satelite Engineer

-Mission Planner


If succesful, these seven individuals will surely be awarded national honours.

Apllications are now accepted.

Yours sincerely,

Dr. T. Keith Kerman ''

Edited by Robje
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You should take a look at that Telemachus AddOn, with that you could transmit real-time flight data from the pilot's KSP to the others kind of Mission-Control-Style ;)

This is a very interesting project, but I won't apply because I'm not that experienced with the game yet. Maybe if there is a second or third iteration, depending on the timing, but at the moment, I want to do the stuff by myself first.

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You should take a look at that Telemachus AddOn, with that you could transmit real-time flight data from the pilot's KSP to the others kind of Mission-Control-Style ;)

This is a very interesting project, but I won't apply because I'm not that experienced with the game yet. Maybe if there is a second or third iteration, depending on the timing, but at the moment, I want to do the stuff by myself first.

Thanks for the suggestion. But i will leave these things up to the project manager ;)

Good luck becoming more experienced :) this would, however, be an excellent learning experience, i think.

Hopefully it works..

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I apply to be project manager or flight planner, I can't be anything else because I suck at building and flying but i'm good with leading, Math, Science and a lot of free time. So I wanna be project manager or flightplanner :P

As i said to Zorrm; the idea kinda was that we would be assigned randomly.

But, seeing as people will have prefferences, perhaps this is a thought: we will provide preferences and if they do not overlap positions wil be assigned accordingly, or else we will do at random.

What do you think?

That way Zorrm can be launch engineer/pilot. You can be flightplanner (for which i thought there would be little interest..) and my preference would be project manager or rover engineer.

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As i said to Zorrm; the idea kinda was that we would be assigned randomly.

But, seeing as people will have prefferences, perhaps this is a thought: we will provide preferences and if they do not overlap positions wil be assigned accordingly, or else we will do at random.

What do you think?

That way Zorrm can be launch engineer/pilot. You can be flightplanner (for which i thought there would be little interest..) and my preference would be project manager or rover engineer.

I think this would work out, and for those that don't express further interest in a job, they can randomly be assigned.

One thing that I do think would make this more interesting would be to have the positions rotate/randomly change for every mission.

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How is collaborative craft design going to work? We don't have subassemblies in stock yet, so are we just going to end up passing half finished craft files around?

I would highly reccomend we use the ''Subassembly manager'' mod. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/subassembly-manager/

I understand some people like to keep everything stock. But without this...i wouldn't know...

It does not add any part or anything. It just helps with building.

On a different note:

So when do we start this thing?

I guess now! Holo makes our seventh member!

Our team will be:








three people have given preferences:

Robje (me) preferred project manager or rover engineer

Zorrm wanted to be Pilot or launch stage engineer

and Musicpenguin wanted to be project manager or mission planner

No-one contested the pilot position so Zorrm will be pilot.

I flipped a coin for the manager position, Musicpenguin won.

I will be the rover engineer.

Bengsch85 said ''place me as you see fit''. he said he was good at orbital construction so i made him launch stage engineer.

That leaves Geb, Aazah and Holo for lander/return stage engineer, satelite engineer and mission planner.

in the interest of saving time i took the liberty to performing the lottery (www.random.org). ( if anyone does not trust me or does not agree with me, tell me. We will find another way) The results are as follows:

Geb = Mission Planner

Holo = Lander & Return Stage Engineer

Aazah = Satelite Engineer

So, in conclusion, the team will be:

Project manager = Musicpenguin

Launch Stage Engineer = Bengsch85

Lander and Return Stage Engineer = Holo

Rover Engineer = Robje

Satelite Engineer = Aazah

Mission Planner = Geb

Pilot/Testpilot = Zorrm

I will PM all of you.

If anyone thinks this is not fair or anything, let as know. We will find a way.

If everyone is ok with this i will leave the thread in our manager, Musicpenguin's, hands.

Non teammembers should not post in this thread until the project has ended.

Have fun! and have faith in our combined efforts!

Musicpenguin, for our first order of business, might i suggest a personal introductory round?

Edited by Robje
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To keep it simple we should keep it vanilla as much as possible. I do play with a handful of mods but I second that we use Subassembly Manager and maybe Kerbal Engineer for payload masses and info as such.

And to start introductions my name is Ryan, I am a farmer and a computer repair specialist, i am from Wisconsin, and I have been playing since .20.

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Our first mission will be to have a probe reach LEO of 100KM. I am trusting the engineers to create a efficient design and have a small amount of fuel left to maneuver around (2-3 oscar B tanks and an ant) A 3-4 stage rocket. Get the rocket done and hand it over the the flight planner. After he plans the mission hand it over to the pilot who will launch it. When reports back to us we will plan a manned mission. GO GO GO

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Im am Rob, 25, Dutch. Currently between jobs, have worked in healthcare for elderly. Amateur musician. Coolest thing i have done in KSP is two manned return mission to Duna. Currently i am working on a manned rescue mission to Eve. I am getting there :)

nice to meet you

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