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1st time see the "Girl" Kerbal.


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would be gd to have girl kerbals some of us lady's feel abit left out that all you men get to have all the fun XD


The Kerbals do not even have gender, they aren't "male" either.

I see no reason for gender to ever need to be a thing in this game, and it's refreshing that it isn't so far.

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I'm ok with the Kerbals being asexual or what ever, but they do seem to all have male sounding names and a masculine haircut. I think girl kerbals would at least make for more 'variety' in the kerbal designs, also why not different hues of green or even blue and purple 'races' of kerbals?

Edited by RuBisCO
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Can someone give me a source on Kerbals being asexual? Give me an actual dev post that explicitly says Kerbals are asexual. Because otherwise you're all full of crap.


stolen from scart91 on reddit:




Edited by Nutt007
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This forum needs a rolling eyes emote.

# 15 on the list of what not to suggest is "Female Kerbals".

And there were dev posts in the past that supported the idea that they are genderless.

A serious question, what would female kerbals add to the game? Answer, nothing. Go play a Bioware game if gender and relationships are your thing. lol

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This forum needs a rolling eyes emote.

# 15 on the list of what not to suggest is "Female Kerbals".

And there were dev posts in the past that supported the idea that they are genderless.

A serious question, what would female kerbals add to the game? Answer, nothing. Go play a Bioware game if gender and relationships are your thing. lol

I'm pretty sure no one here is asking for relationships. They just want some Kerbal diversity. Also there is a rolling eye emote: :rolleyes:

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I'm pretty sure no one here is asking for relationships. They just want some Kerbal diversity. Also there is a rolling eye emote: :rolleyes:

Let me rephrase, "A good rolling eye emote".

But that's the thing, they're ALL little green aliens, some do have feminine names already, why drag a completely pointless element in to the game which will have absolutely zero effect on anything?

It won't genuinely add anything, and if you want to just assume some are women anyway...you can already do that.

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The Kerbals do not even have gender, they aren't "male" either.

I see no reason for gender to ever need to be a thing in this game, and it's refreshing that it isn't so far.

What pronoun do you use to refer to Jebediah Kerman?

Lots of things in this game add "nothing" -- for example, cabinets in the Hitchhiker labeled "Rubbish" or "Snacks." Not to mention that it would clearly add something to the poster you were responding to. Why is your opinion more valuable than hers?

Edited by GusTurbo
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What pronoun do you use to refer to Jebediah Kerman?

Lots of things in this game add "nothing" -- for example, cabinets in the Hitchhiker labeled "Rubbish" or "Snacks." Not to mention that it would clearly add something to the poster you were responding to. Why is your opinion more valuable than hers?

Oh here we go again, you say you dislike an idea and someone goes down that whole "we're being persecuted" road.

It wouldn't add anything meaningful, please provide exactly what you would genuinely get from having "female" kerbals?

My point was, it won't add anything you can't already imagine anyway, which would have the same impact as wasting the time to make "female kerbal" models for the game.

Your comparison to the "snacks" sign etc is flawed, resources will be a thing in teh game at some point, where as male/female interactions won't. Thus, there is no point using time that could be spent on genuine gameplay resources, to make something that will have absolutely zero effect on the game outside of SOME people's imaginations.

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Oh here we go again, you say you dislike an idea and someone goes down that whole "we're being persecuted" road.

It wouldn't add anything meaningful, please provide exactly what you would genuinely get from having "female" kerbals?

My point was, it won't add anything you can't already imagine anyway, which would have the same impact as wasting the time to make "female kerbal" models for the game.

Your comparison to the "snacks" sign etc is flawed, resources will be a thing in teh game at some point, where as male/female interactions won't. Thus, there is no point using time that could be spent on genuine gameplay resources, to make something that will have absolutely zero effect on the game outside of SOME people's imaginations.

stop there, this is not a dicussion about adding females to ksp, it was simply a pic someone found that had a female kerbal. stop before this gets closed for becoming an arguement

also I'll quote myself

in my opinion I think that was just something to help lessen the arguments and female kerbals are an unanounced planned feature. Though I wouldn't expect to see them added anytime till the game is out of alpha.

look at the arguments started about warpdrives when it was mentioned as an idea.

also, no one said they wanted kerbal relationships

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Oh here we go again, you say you dislike an idea and someone goes down that whole "we're being persecuted" road.

It wouldn't add anything meaningful, please provide exactly what you would genuinely get from having "female" kerbals?

My point was, it won't add anything you can't already imagine anyway, which would have the same impact as wasting the time to make "female kerbal" models for the game.

Your comparison to the "snacks" sign etc is flawed, resources will be a thing in teh game at some point, where as male/female interactions won't. Thus, there is no point using time that could be spent on genuine gameplay resources, to make something that will have absolutely zero effect on the game outside of SOME people's imaginations.

Engine exhaust has no reason to be in the game. It just makes it look better.

Anyway, Kerbals are all obviously male. Humans have a natural sense of the apparent gender of people, and they all point to Kerbals having the characteristics of males.

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I'm pretty sure no one here is asking for relationships. They just want some Kerbal diversity.

Exactly. Currently, it feels like there's something missing when all the kerbals are boys. It seems sexest to be only putting male astronauts into space, even though they are green with cylindrical heads.

I think the whole "are kerbals genderless" debate is one of those ones, that when it comes down to it, is pretty pointless.

It's up to the makers of the game whether or not they are added.

I don't see any good reason why they shouldn't be added.

Besides, one of the good things about this game, is the way it teaches about space, and physics. There have been threads on this forum about its use in schools as an education tool.

There are many programs around the world that aim to encourage more girls to take an interest in science. Like in real life, seeing/putting a girl kerbal on the Mun can give a subtle "I could do that" message a girl player, encouraging them to go into science, maybe making some amazing discoveries some day.

Even if, for some odd reason, you don't want females in your crew, you could just not hire them.

I don't think discrimination law covers employing characters in a computer game...

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Oh for cripes sake. Get some Kerbals with longer hair and bumps in the right places, give them a girl name and be done with it.

This is KSP. There are female astronauts and cosmonauts and pilots (and many of them are damn good ones). This isn't "The Sims: Party House-Booty call #4962".

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Engine exhaust has no reason to be in the game. It just makes it look better.


Why did the devs need to give Kerbin an updated texture? Why did KSC get redesigned? Should the devs redo the blurry starfield? Why should we have clouds and rain and stuff? It's not like it's anything meaningful, and those things have zero effect on the game, it's just eye candy. :wink:

Just because you for some reason hate the idea Aramchek, doesn't mean it's a terrible idea. It would make my game better. Many other people believe it would make their game better. Heck, editing the model is probably faster and easier than making a new command pod or engine.

Also I'm gonna start just leaving this in every thread like this one.


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That is some really poor logic to be honest, there is no real life kerbal analog, and saying "rocket exhaust isn't necessary it's just there blah", it's analougous to a real life rocket.

Find a real life female kerbal and then you've got a point, as it is it's just a failure to logic.

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...there is no real life kerbal analog...Find a real life female kerbal and then you've got a point...

First part: Humans

Second part: Female Astonaughts

now can the female kerbal argument stop before it get's out of hand.

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Can someone give me a source on Kerbals being asexual? Give me an actual dev post that explicitly says Kerbals are asexual. Because otherwise you're all full of crap.


stolen from scart91 on reddit:




Damn, those are some funny screenshots. :D

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First part: Humans

Second part: Female Astonaughts

now can the female kerbal argument stop before it get's out of hand.

So, if you don't want gender or sex in the game, the response you always basically hear is to be quiet, that hardly seems fair does it?

I do not see the kerbals as genuinely being comparable to humans, they are largely featureless little aliens, and as I've pointed out, bringing gender to the game doesn't bring anything new to the table that you can't already use your imagination for anyhow...but it might take time away from things that genuinely affect gameplay .

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So, if you don't want gender or sex in the game, the response you always basically hear is to be quiet, that hardly seems fair does it?

I do not see the kerbals as genuinely being comparable to humans, they are largely featureless little aliens, and as I've pointed out, bringing gender to the game doesn't bring anything new to the table that you can't already use your imagination for anyhow...but it might take time away from things that genuinely affect gameplay .

well kerban is an anolouge of earth, duna:mars, eve:venus, Moho:mecury, Ect. the dominant spcies on earth is human, dominant on kerban is kerbals, there anolouge. there is even birds on kerban

and no I'm simply saying the whole argument(both sides) need to stop before this thread gets closed

also kerbals are one of the least work on features, my response to official statment

in my opinion I think that was just something to help lessen the arguments and female kerbals are an unanounced planned feature. Though I wouldn't expect to see them added anytime till the game is out of alpha.

look at the arguments started about warpdrives when it was mentioned as an idea.

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That is some really poor logic to be honest, there is no real life kerbal analog, and saying "rocket exhaust isn't necessary it's just there blah", it's analougous to a real life rocket.

Find a real life female kerbal and then you've got a point, as it is it's just a failure to logic.

Here's a list of 57 of them:


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