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kOS script Megathread!


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Anyone got any good ones? I'd be impressed by a docking script!

My Curiosity Rover + Skycrane Entry, Descent, Landing...

This was made using 0.5. I haven't updated it to take advantage of some of the new functions in 0.61 yet.

Video of the sequence in action:


Set ln to 0.
Set lt to 0.
set flag1 to 0.
set t to 1.
Print "Rover Landing by check.".
Print "".

//Launch program

lock steering to up + R(0,0,180).
lock throttle to 1.
Print missiontime + " Launching...".

// Rolls rocket 90 degrees... for fun. Useful in some situations

Wait until alt:radar > 200.
Lock steering to up + R(0,0,270).
Print missiontime + " ROLL Prog.".

//While in flight, auto throttles based on current velocity vs ideal velocity. If current vertical speed
// > ideal velocity, throttle down, else throttle up.
// When boosters are drained, ditched them.

Until altitude > 8000 {
if verticalspeed > 102.9 * (1.0001005^altitude) {
set t to t - 0.05.}.
if verticalspeed < 102.9 * (1.0001005^altitude) {
set t to t + 0.05.}.

//So when the rocket has < 450 fuel, it means the boosters are dry, so stage. BUT you only want to stage once,
// so that's where the flag comes in. after you staged once, change the flag value so you don't stage again.

If stage:liquidfuel < 450 AND flag1 = 0 {
set t to 1.
set flag1 to 1.
Print missiontime + " Booster Separation.".
If t < 0 {set t to 0.}.
If t > 1 {set t to 1.}.
Lock throttle to t.
Lock throttle to 1.

// Gravity turn

Lock steering to up + R(-45,1,180).
Print missiontime + " Gravity turn.".
Wait until stage:liquidfuel = 0.
Lock throttle to 0.
// Ditch the booster when it's dry.

Print missiontime + " Stage 1 Sep.".

// Coast past apoapsis and reorient retrograde the craft when it's below 7500 m.

Wait until verticalspeed < 0 AND altitude < 75000.
Lock steering to retrograde +R(0,0,180).

// deploy the chute at 8000m and unlock the steering

Wait until altitude <8000.
Print missiontime+ " Drogue Deployed".
Unlock steering.

// jettison the heatsheild at 2200m
Wait until alt:radar < 2200 and alt:radar > -1.
Print missiontime + " HEATSHEILD Sep.".
Wait until alt:radar < 1000.
// detach from chute/backshell at 1000m

Print missiontime + " BACKSHELL Sep.".
Wait 1.
// deviate by 10 degrees (yaw / roll?) + 45 degrees pitch and fire engines. Numbers kind of arbitrary. mostly wanted
// to test the horizontal velocity killing technique.
// This is to move away from the parachute/backshell and not have it land on us later.

Lock steering to up + R(10,45,180).
Wait 1.
Lock throttle to 0.3.
Print missiontime + " Deviation mnvr.".
wait 2.

// Measures horizontal 'velocity' direction (not magnitude) and pitches/rolls the craft to compensate.
// If longitude/latitude is increasing/decreasing, roll to fire engine in the opposite direction.
// orient UP when surface velocity is < 1m/s.

Until surfacespeed < 1 OR alt:radar < 510{

Set long1 to longitude.
Set long2 to longitude.
Set lat1 to latitude.
Set lat2 to latitude.
If long2 < long1 {set ln to -15.}.
If long2 > long1 {set ln to 15.}.

If lat2 < lat1 {set lt to -15.}.
If lat2 > lat1 {set lt to 15.}.

if abs(lat2-lat1) < 0.000005 {set lt to 0.}.
if abs(long2-long1) < 0.000005 {set ln to 0.}.
Lock steering to up + R(lt,ln,180).

Set ln to 0.
Set lt to 0.

Lock throttle to 0.
lock steering to up + R(0,0,180).

// After 500 m, fire the throttle at 1.8 Gs.
Wait until alt:radar < 500.
Print missiontime + " Approach.".
Lock throttle to (1.8 * 9.81 * mass/maxthrust).

// wait until veritcal speed >-30.... self explainitory.
Wait until verticalspeed >-30.

// Adjust throttle to either 1.7Gs or 1.0 Gs depending on if vertical speed is <-15 m/s or >-10 m/s until 120 m

Until alt:radar < 120 {
If verticalspeed <-15 {Lock throttle to (1.7 * 9.81 * mass/maxthrust).}.
If verticalspeed >-10 {Lock throttle to (9.81 * mass/maxthrust).}.

// Adjust throttle to either 1.4Gs or 1.1 Gs depending on if vertical speed is <-3 m/s or >-1 m/s until 2.5 m
// Adjust pitch/roll based on horizontal velocity direction, like in deviation mod but with finer adjustments

Print missiontime + " Final approach.".
Until alt:radar < 2.5 {

Set long1 to longitude.
Set long2 to longitude.
Set lat1 to latitude.
Set lat2 to latitude.
If long2 < long1 {set ln to -2.}.
If long2 > long1 {set ln to 2.}.

If lat2 < lat1 {set lt to -2.}.
If lat2 > lat1 {set lt to 2.}.

if abs(lat2-lat1) < 0.000005 {set lt to 0.}.
if abs(long2-long1) < 0.000005 {set ln to 0.}.

Lock steering to up + R(lt,ln,180).

If verticalspeed <-3 {Lock throttle to (1.4 * 9.81 * mass/maxthrust).}.
If verticalspeed >-1 {Lock throttle to (1.1* 9.81 * mass/maxthrust).}.

// At 2.5 m, pitch over 5 degrees, lock throttle to 2Gs, put the brakes on the rover wheels, jettison the skycrane.

Lock steering to up+R(-5,0,180).

Lock throttle to (2 * 9.81 * mass/maxthrust).
Brakes on.
Lock throttle to 0.
Unlock throttle.
Unlock steering.
Wait 5.

// After 5 seconds, open the com dish and extend the antennae.

Toggle AG1.
Print missiontime +" Landed.".

Edited by check
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