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[1.05] Fusebox - electric charge tracker and build helper. 1.52 released 24th Jan 16


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  Ford6 said:
No one else seems to have reported this issue so here goes.

I'm using the SDHI Service Module mod, it adds a Apollo style service module for the mk 2-3 pod which has a power generator. The problem I've run across is that with the generator turned off, Fusebox is still reporting power generation, even though there isn't any and the power levels in the battery's are dropping.

Well spotted. That is the first part I've seen using the stock ModuleGenerator to toggle on and off. I've added some logic to take that into account when in flight, VAB will assume it's on as usual. Try this DLL


Let me know if that fixes it please.

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The bug has been zapped. Thank you. I'll let 'em know over in the SDHI thread. For as popular as that mod is, I was surprised no one had brought it up here before now.

Hmm. It seams to still be twitching a bit. . . I've got five craft attached to a station, and with all five modules running the battery charge exceeds 100% Fusebox then gives the time left countdown counting up. shutting one module off corrects the issue. Odds of someone having that many modules running while docked to a station are pretty slim so I wouldn't worry about it. Just note it in case it ever comes up.

Thanks for the quick fix.

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  Ford6 said:
Hmm. It seams to still be twitching a bit. . . I've got five craft attached to a station, and with all five modules running the battery charge exceeds 100% Fusebox then gives the time left countdown counting up. shutting one module off corrects the issue. Odds of someone having that many modules running while docked to a station are pretty slim so I wouldn't worry about it. Just note it in case it ever comes up.

Is there a lot of time dilation going on (ie is the clock up the top left yellow or red)? What sort of combined part count are you looking at within 2.5km? While fusebox only processes the currently selected vessel, everything inside 2.5km gets calculated by KSP and can lead to lag. I changed things a few versions ago to limit the amount of times fusebox updates per frame, if lag is high it may well lead to that sort of discontinuity. I also noticed I wasn't capping the current to maximum if people were using more generation than needed, I put in

if (am_cur > am_max)
am_cur = am_max;

which should fix that one too. See link below.

  Entropius said:
When I click the "Pick" button to change it to a body other than Kerbin, no new window appears (as seen in the 1st page screenshot), nothing happens. Any idea what's going on?

One of my optimisations was interferring with the draw for the drop downs. Fixed with the DLL here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/71576136/Fusebox.dll

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I've been having a bit of a problem with Fusebox and ATM not playing well with one another. I'll start KSP and during the loading process when ATM is doing it's thing Fusebox will cause a CTD. I have created an ATM config to handle the problem, but thought you should know about this problem.

Anyway, If anyone else runs into this problem just drop the code below into a file in GameData/BoulderCo/ActiveTextureManagerConfigs/ to get past it.



folder = Fusebox

enabled = true





compress = true

mipmaps = true

scale = 1

max_size = 0




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  Entropius said:
Hmm, I just tried your linked dll, but it's apparently still not working.

Ok, next try removing the config.xml in GameData\Fusebox\Plugins\PluginData\Fusebox in case it's trying to open the pick window off screen. This will force it back to defaults which calculates a position based on screen size and thus cannot be off screen.

  jlcarneiro said:
Hello, Ratzap! First of all, thank you for this mod, it's a wonderful tool during construction!

Second, is it possible to set up some third-part parts like DMagic scientific parts? If you are too busy, how do I do that?

Simple parts get picked up, the experiments need to be coded for inside Fusebox and in the case of DMagic and Karbonite, they need methods writing first. What that means is that currently one DLL cannot ask a Dmagic or Kabonite part if it is switched on or off and how much charge it uses/generates. Writing these methods and sending pull requests for them is on my todo list for later in the year when I am less busy. If you want to do them, be my guest.

  TranceaddicT said:
I've been having a bit of a problem with Fusebox and ATM not playing well with one another. I'll start KSP and during the loading process when ATM is doing it's thing Fusebox will cause a CTD. I have created an ATM config to handle the problem, but thought you should know about this problem.

Anyway, If anyone else runs into this problem just drop the code below into a file in GameData/BoulderCo/ActiveTextureManagerConfigs/ to get past it.



folder = Fusebox

enabled = true





compress = true

mipmaps = true

scale = 1

max_size = 0




I stopped using ATM ages ago when I found out about -force-opengl and no longer needed the extra space. I'll put your cfg into the next release zip for people who use it.

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  Ratzap said:
Ok, next try removing the config.xml in GameData\Fusebox\Plugins\PluginData\Fusebox in case it's trying to open the pick window off screen. This will force it back to defaults which calculates a position based on screen size and thus cannot be off screen.

Sorry, no dice it seems. Doesn't work. I checked the debug log and the Player.log, and nothing interesting regarding Fusebox seems to be there. I'm using Mac OSX, but KSP addons are usually platform-agnostic, so that shouldn't be relevant.

Edited by Entropius
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  Entropius said:
Sorry, no dice it seems. Doesn't work. I checked the debug log and the Player.log, and nothing interesting regarding Fusebox seems to be there. I'm using Mac OSX, but KSP addons are usually platform-agnostic, so that shouldn't be relevant.

Sorry but there's very little I can do. I don't have a mac and there are no other reports of anyone having this problem. If I have a moment tomorrow I'll whip up a DLL for you full of debug stuff, see if we can pin it down.

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Hmm Part count . . . lets see.

5x SDMI @15 each

1 refueling for mun trip +3

Station has 10 parts

total part count = 88 parts. . . . Watch out for that Delorean!

Timer was yellow, as one would expect for a six vessel gathering. But I wasn't noticing any significant lag.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Recompile release is up (1.1). SCANsat 8, RT 1.5.1, AV lights 3.6, KAS 0.4.9, NF electrical 3.0, Antenna range 1.4.2, Telemachus 1.4.26, Toolbar 1.7.7, TAC LS 10.1, BTSM 1.646

Biomatic was dropped as it has not been updated for 0.25, AV lights was also not updated but it's author reckons it's ok. BTSM support consists of a lookup table for probe core drain so the red 'empty in' text should be a reasonably accurate indicator of how long your probe will live.

As usual, any problems, post with as much evidence as you can.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey! I really like your mod, it has kept me sane so far. :)

I have a suggestion: could you add an option to disable the mod in flight? I really don't need the features outside the VAB. Also maybe migrate to the built-in toolbar.


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  whynot said:
Hey! I really like your mod, it has kept me sane so far. :)

I have a suggestion: could you add an option to disable the mod in flight? I really don't need the features outside the VAB. Also maybe migrate to the built-in toolbar.

You already can: if you don't have it bound to the toolbar in flight view, it doesn't run. If you're not using toolbar, minimise it and it also switches off. A re-write for the Squad toolbar might get done after November when I have time.

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  Ratzap said:
A re-write for the Squad toolbar might get done after November when I have time.

Just make sure it still supports Blizzy's as well. The stock toolbar isn't compact enough and has no way to minimize when it grows to almost completely across the screen.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  FinnishGameBox said:
I have Fusebox installed = Game closes during startup.

I delete Fusebox = Game starts normally.

Im on Linux, using 64-bit 0.25

64 bit is unstable, Linux 64 even more so. Hell, Squad don't even really support it because they can't. All the 64 bit problems are in Unity which they are promising to fix in v5 when it comes out. I've run Fusebox briefly in Win64 and it worked so I'm afraid you're just going to have to do without for a while, this isn't a bug I can fix.

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