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[1.05] Fusebox - electric charge tracker and build helper. 1.52 released 24th Jan 16


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I'm having a though time guessing how mush batteries I need in my probes so they can work continuously on the dark side. I was going for the more = better approach but that ain't enough to power several RT antennas simultaneously. Could really use this mod right now.

Thanks for your hard work. Hope you have a Beta or RC soon.

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I really hope this mod is still alive, I use it all the time for making electric powered airships.

Two questions/requests:

Would it be possible to add support for common mods like SCANSat and MKS/Karbonite for the next release?

Can have the reading display both the net charge and the drain so that the window would read depending on the net charge/discharge

Empty in 1h:23m


Full in 1h:23m

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where is the tool bar button to turn this off? and the windows flash in my 1.0.2 install.

the power estimate on my com's sat way under by about 400 battery units.

It only works with blizzy's tool bar not the stock one. Also see my post directly above yours asking for more mod integration....are you using SCANsat?

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I'm on holiday at the moment, made a quick account I can't remember the password and it's easier than resetting. Anyhow, looks like 1.0 does not contain the event code I asked about so we're going to have to muddle along with the current method a bit longer. Monday or Tuesday next week I'll have a pass at 1.4

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Any chance we'll see near future electrical being seen by fuse box? As entertaining as it is to see my battery red, but never losing charge. (Yes, I know near future electrical is a dev version only atm)

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One small request regarding the UI. Is it possible to use yellow font on the background? I think it's a bit hard to read the red on dark background. Also will you fix the KSP skin bug?

Plus 1 red was hard to read on the translucent background. Love the mod miss it looking forward to the uodate. Thanks!

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Got a minor bug to report: it seems that TT-18 launch stabilizers are getting sorted under generators rather than clamps.

Edit: And a feature request: a distance slider to affect solar panel output (either a slider, or maybe a drop-down list with all of the planets). Speaking of planets, it would be really cool to calculate darkness times based on the list of planets available in-game, rather than hard-coding them.

Edited by Kerbas_ad_astra
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Is the darkness time calculated including eclipses? I am using an online tool to calculate my RemoteTech network (http://ryohpops.github.io/kspRemoteTechPlanner/) and it reports 1783 seconds (29 minutes) of darkness at 1200km altitude on Minmus. Fusebox reports 53 minutes. Also, I second Kerbas_ad_astra above, it would be great if it could be calculated by the planets existing in the game - thinking specifically about Outer Planets mod or other mods that do that kind of change.

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You can set the colours by editing the config.xml file as detailed some pages back. Basically it's stored as RGB values in there, adding UI support for colour selection might be on the cards after KSP moves to Unity 5 and the whole UI system gets overhauled.

What is the KSP skin bug? Details please and I'll see what I can do.

TT-18 launch stabs ARE generators. They supply 1 charge per second whilst on the pad. The filter setting for clamps is what stops them being included in generators.

The planets thing is another one of those hard to do things which depends on other code. Mods like Near future and Interstellar alter the solar properties themselves, if it's done with a DLL instead of overriding stock methods then you don't know it's been changed. RSS, RO, x64, planet packs - how do those get handled? It's only fairly recent that stock KSP has started supporting methods to ask 'what planets do you have? how big are they?' etc. I might revisit the problem soonish but I might also wait until the Unity 5 update.

Darkness time is calculated with this mathematics simplified for equatorial, inclination 0, circular orbits. Your RT web page seems to get rougly half the time, why I cannot say. I implemented the mathematics I found, I am not up to checking their veracity ;)

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You can set the colours by editing the config.xml file as detailed some pages back. Basically it's stored as RGB values in there, adding UI support for colour selection might be on the cards after KSP moves to Unity 5 and the whole UI system gets overhauled.

What is the KSP skin bug? Details please and I'll see what I can do.

TT-18 launch stabs ARE generators. They supply 1 charge per second whilst on the pad. The filter setting for clamps is what stops them being included in generators.

The planets thing is another one of those hard to do things which depends on other code. Mods like Near future and Interstellar alter the solar properties themselves, if it's done with a DLL instead of overriding stock methods then you don't know it's been changed. RSS, RO, x64, planet packs - how do those get handled? It's only fairly recent that stock KSP has started supporting methods to ask 'what planets do you have? how big are they?' etc. I might revisit the problem soonish but I might also wait until the Unity 5 update.

Darkness time is calculated with this mathematics simplified for equatorial, inclination 0, circular orbits. Your RT web page seems to get rougly half the time, why I cannot say. I implemented the mathematics I found, I am not up to checking their veracity ;)

The skin bug: when you open set menu to change the skin the KSP style, it changes as intended. However when you click set button to close the window, the skin returns to black transparent default one.

Also I have noticed that it seems the electricity drain calculation doesn't support ScanSat? I tried with altemetry sensor and multispectral sensor but their power consumption wasn't reflected.

Edit: Also it seems it doesn't calculate the omni antennas from remotetech. The dishes are fine but not antennas.

Edited by hbkmog
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I've got a new version in testing now. It linked against current versions of: AntennaRange, Aviation Lights, KAS, NF Solar, RT2, Scansat, TacLS, Telemachus.

Once I'm happy it's getting the numbers right I'll put it up.

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I went back to the post from Pamidur about RPM integration and tried to test it. The PartModule code required is in Fusebox but the RPM configs didn't work - log file says

[WRN 17:54:24.152] [Part]: PartModule FuseBoxMonitor at mk1pod, index 13: index exceeds module count as defined in cfg.

Looking for FuseBoxMonitor in other indices...

[ERR 17:54:24.153] ...no FuseBoxMonitor module found on part definition. Skipping...

I dug a bit deeper, looked at the RPM documentation and it turns out the config Padimur has is for Hyomoto via Navutil via RPM. Hyomoto hasn't updated for about a year and although the thread seems to have an install method it looks pretty dodgy. The RPM code can stay in as it's not hurting anything but if someone wants to have a go at making an up to date RPM config file set to include with Fusebox, step right up ;) Your starter for 10 is:


name = FuseBoxMonitor
method = ProcessVariable
variable = FBAVAILABLE,0
variable = ELECTRICDELTA,0

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1.41 has support added in for the curved panels which I thought I'd tested. If electric and solar do different things to panels it's going to be painful :-/

I'm already playing with a new release but I won't put anything out until 1.03 has hit next week. If that hotfix has a large impact and causes a lot of mod updates I'll wait for the ripples to spread.

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Fusebox seems to handle NFT Solar just fine, but it doesn't seem to recognize any of the NFTE reactors (or the USI ones, but now that NFT electrical is out I don't use those anymore). I can confirm that it also doesn't recognize ScanSat power usage.

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The planets thing is another one of those hard to do things which depends on other code. Mods like Near future and Interstellar alter the solar properties themselves, if it's done with a DLL instead of overriding stock methods then you don't know it's been changed. RSS, RO, x64, planet packs - how do those get handled?

You might check out how Contract Configurator does it. Looks like FlightGlobals.bodies is the list of all celestial bodies in the game, and then there are several methods and variables for querying a celestial body's rotation period (bodyname.rotationPeriod) (half of which is the darkness time, more or less), gravitational parameter (bodyname.gravParameter) (necessary to get orbital period), and then bodyname.orbit.semiMajorAxis to get the SMA.

Also, I don't think Near Future alters solar properties anymore, though I don't know about Interstellar, sorry.

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