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    Bug Hunter Extraordinaire

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  1. I have a request. I would like to be able to right click the toolbar icon to quickly open or close the mod filter window. Would be a nice QOL feature. Thanks.
  2. I have always wondered. Could we get rid of the -5 to 0 of the G gauge? It doesn't actually function that way. Negative gees still read on the positive side. Also the throttle above 100 Just a personal peeve of mine.
  3. @MirageDev What made you go for RPM as opposed to MAS? I thought RPM was being phased out for the new and improved MAS.
  4. Does this require anything on the docking port side of things, as in does it need special ports, or can it be used on existing docking port parts?
  5. Are you aware of the simple logistic mod. It may offer features you are looking for.
  6. @MOARdV I am getting weird numbers when I use IAS for airspeed. They are quite a bit higher than what I get when I use the IAS readout in the FAR GUI. I think your formula for calculating IAS may be wrong. It at least appears different than the calculation FAR uses. It appears FAR takes the sqroot of density * pressure ratio, and you take srfspeed * Sqroot of density * pressure ratio. If you would please take a look. Happy to test any changes.
  7. @blowfish I know it's has been discussed before, but jet engines lose too much thrust from high ambient temp. From some preliminary research it seems many modern commercial engines are flat rated to 30*C. Which makes sense when you consider these engines have to operate in conditions ranging from Alaska to Dubai. Currently in game I am getting around 75% of the rated thrust on the runway at KSC. While the ambient temp is above 30*C, it's around 35*C, it shouldn't have that drastic of a reduction if it's meant to reflect reality. While I have been unable to locate anything stating military jet engines are rated the same; I would assume they to have some flat rating to the thrust output so they can operate in whatever condition the war theater might be in. Regardless I doubt the 25% reduction in rated performance is accurate in all but the most extreme conditions. This research paper shows that even without flat rating the loss in power resulting from a deltaT of 30*C is not more than 15%. Which starting at 15*C ISA would be 45*C; Hotter than KSC. All that is to ask can I do something from the config side to reduce power loss, or does this require a change in the assumptions of the underlying simulation? While I can just up thrust numbers to get rated thrust on the ground this will result in less realism in all other conditions. Thanks! Edit: Found another paper discussing the effects of ambient temperature on gas turbine engines. Of note there is Figure 13 displaying overall power output for an engine. That displays a loss of around 12% with a change in ambient temp of 280K to 300K
  8. @blackracko Off topic but, I know you showed a demo of heat distortion for jet engines. Did anything ever come of that?
  9. @flywlyx Would you be able to update the source code on github with the latest version. Thanks!
  10. It would be a problem anytime kopernicus is used to change the homeworld from kerbin
  11. No idea I wondered that myself. I compiled the mod locally with the changes mentioned and it does indeed fix the issue. The only hiccup, as mentioned in the github issues, is it put the games default waypoint for KSC in the sun.
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