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The kerbal time capsule project


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My prediction:

.22- Career Mode!!!! With R&D!

.23- Money!

.24- Better aerodymanics!

.25- Missions!

.25.2- Great April Derp II

.26- Solar system!

.27- Removal of "wonky physics!"

.28- If too many Kerbals die, your space program is shut down...

.29- Humans! Wait, what...

.30- errrrrr...

.31- It's up to Squad!

1.0- KSP 2.0!

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My Niece drew a picture of a rocket... so I reproduced it in KSP.


Then she wanted me to send it to the Mun... I had to make some modifications.



As an aside... the debug toolbar was open in case it became necessary. It was not used.

Edited by FITorion
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Back when going to escape velocity or falling back to kerbin is the only thing you can do and going to orbit is already a huge achievement. Oh - and not to mention the IMMORTAL Jeb, Bill, and Bob Kerman.

Heck, most of the things that lacked here before are already implemented :D

First KSP video I've uploaded. Much have already changed in a span of (almost) 2 years.

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