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Unforunately I didn\'t make any screenshots of it, but today I tried to launch a very heavy rocket, with a lot of thrusters underneath.

The thrusters didn\'t lift the rocket, so I pressed space to let the liquid fuel engines take over (while the boosters were still firing). A second later, there was a BIG explosion and then the launch pad was just....empty. Totally no sign of any part at all.

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yes ground friction... :-[

I got another funny video taking advantage of low friction.


bolt together 25 mini-SRBs with a command capsule on top

The parachute must be duct taped strutted on, or the g-forces rip it off upon deployment


hit T

press space


when speed is < 200 m/s, deploy chute

hit a wasd key a couple of times to flip over

hope you hit a good hill

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