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Sometimes we just need to...


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Okay, I have had a harrowing 2 days on this game all because I forgot KSP stock building 101. I have gotten so used to having mechjeb on my ships that I stopped placing any form of ASAS on my ships, and this caused a small problem. My ships would start to turn slowly either right or left, depending on how my rocket was rolling on its long axis. I started to think maybe it was a bug, then I remembered something. I had just given a tutorial to a friend on this game, and had not used mechjeb. I was explaining the various parts and keys associated with said parts, T for SAS/ASAS on and off, and F to temp toggle it and so forth. It never occurred to me that, the reason that ship never drifted off of the point I stuck it to was the fact I had ASAS turned on. You would think that since I have been playing this since just after .21 came out, I would know the basics of keeping an ASAS on hand lol.

Well, now, I just feel ashamed of myself for forgetting such a basic component. I first noticed this in a big way when I returned home from Moho and had a heck of a time steering under manual control for re-entry. Even with a 3 man capsule on, well, just look at the ship and you will see, even the SAS on that capsule is NOT enough alone:


I seriously thought I had a problem with the game, as when I powered up for a deorbit burn, I chose to do so manually, which sparked that ship going every which way BUT home. I finally managed to get the orbital path to line up with Kerbin and then staged out to the capsule alone for landing. Then tonight, I tried to launch an Eeloo mission, a probe, and had NO ASAS on it, but mechjeb. It got squirrelly on me, and I thought I had a problem with KSP. Nope, just a really foolish self who forgot that if I want to fly manual, I need an ASAS on the stupid thing.

I now leave this thread open to all of you, to fill in the ... on what we just need to sometimes do!

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This is why I don't like to depend on mods when I don't need to. It's like getting to work via autogyro. When you finally have to actually drive there, you suddenly notice you didn't allocate near enough time to do it, and you're forced to do 105mph down the breakdown lane with two tires up on the guardrail. And a moderately related point: Doing this is apparently illegal and they won't let you drive again for some months. The class they send you to is tedious and boring, and the "free coffee" provided is dull and tasteless. The occasional pastry spread accompanying it looked dried and hardened enough to cut teak.

I guess my point here is if you have to drive to work, allocate the right amount of time and don't put two tires up on the guardrail.

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Yeah, this is why I really don't like MechJeb and don't use it. For me, it just ruins all the fun of trial and error and flying manualy, but to forget crucial parts on building rockets? Wow.

hey hey now, cant a guy make a mistake? I mean, you cannot tell me you never forgot something crucial to a rocket. <sniffle>

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Literally every control component in the game now comes with ASAS and reaction wheels; it's pretty much impossible to forget them. It's kind of sad, actually.

Anyway, the new SAS is terrible for holding a heading, you might as well use MechJeb for that. SAS is better for pretty much everything else.

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Literally every control component in the game now comes with ASAS and reaction wheels; it's pretty much impossible to forget them. It's kind of sad, actually.

Anyway, the new SAS is terrible for holding a heading, you might as well use MechJeb for that. SAS is better for pretty much everything else.

Well, to be blunt, the SAS in the capsule of THIS beast: lh7.png was not enough when I first noticed the control issues. It wasn't until a follow up mission that I caught my error on a different rocket.

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Well, to be blunt, the SAS in the capsule of THIS beast was not enough when I first noticed the control issues. It wasn't until a follow up mission that I caught my error on a different rocket.

You mean the reaction wheels on that capsule? They should have enough force to turn the ship towards a heading (very slowly) and the engine gimbal should be plenty to keep it on that heading. The problem with the ship drifting off point is with the new SAS control in 0.21, it doesn't hold a heading, it just trims out motion. If your ship is perfectly balanced, and I mean perfectly, you shouldn't have any problems with it but even a single unbalanced parachute can cause it to move off point. More reaction wheels just trim it out faster, you'll still get the drift.

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You mean the reaction wheels on that capsule? They should have enough force to turn the ship towards a heading (very slowly) and the engine gimbal should be plenty to keep it on that heading. The problem with the ship drifting off point is with the new SAS control in 0.21, it doesn't hold a heading, it just trims out motion. If your ship is perfectly balanced, and I mean perfectly, you shouldn't have any problems with it but even a single unbalanced parachute can cause it to move off point. More reaction wheels just trim it out faster, you'll still get the drift.

it turned it slowly, but, I had damaged it on landing and balance was off and it drifted badly under thrust, so much so, even the massive RCS system on it could not keep it handled. was very Apollo 13 in its wildness

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You mean the reaction wheels on that capsule? They should have enough force to turn the ship towards a heading (very slowly) and the engine gimbal should be plenty to keep it on that heading. The problem with the ship drifting off point is with the new SAS control in 0.21, it doesn't hold a heading, it just trims out motion. If your ship is perfectly balanced, and I mean perfectly, you shouldn't have any problems with it but even a single unbalanced parachute can cause it to move off point. More reaction wheels just trim it out faster, you'll still get the drift.

As much as i defended the new asas/sas in beginning, it find that it sometimes drifts off even when the ship is perfectly balanced. Sometimes it seems like the asas is doing it on purpose as i can see it still pitch wrong direction even when it is has passed the point. Sometimes it is so bad that it is more stable with asas off, so there seems to be something wrong at least in my case. It might be because i replaced one of the dll files with a older version due to loading lag bug introduced in last version, so not entirely sure if it is the game or if it is because i am using the outdated dll file.

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As much as i defended the new asas/sas in beginning, it find that it sometimes drifts off even when the ship is perfectly balanced. Sometimes it seems like the asas is doing it on purpose as i can see it still pitch wrong direction even when it is has passed the point. Sometimes it is so bad that it is more stable with asas off, so there seems to be something wrong at least in my case. It might be because i replaced one of the dll files with a older version due to loading lag bug introduced in last version, so not entirely sure if it is the game or if it is because i am using the outdated dll file.

I would try again with a clean install <atleast that is what the guys over in support would suggest when trying to replicate stuff, if you have changed the game in some way>

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