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KerPollo 8 Apollo Replica

John FX

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0.23 KerPollo 8 Apollo Replica

May I present my Apollo replica `KerPollo`. It is currently Kerpollo 8. The first Kerpollo was made for `doing it Apollo style`. I have since tweaked it just a little bit. You will need procedural fairings and stretchy tanks for the launcher and realchutes for the rest. Currently considering upgrading to Procedural Parts or stretchy SRB, undecided...

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Action Groups

1 after landing setup operations (lights on, ladder down, open communications dish)

6 Separate Command Module and Activate Parachutes (Warning, for final landing ONLY)

9 Shutdown Stage 2 Center Engine (when stage 2 has 930 liquidfuel remaining)

0 Shutdown Stage 1 Center Engine (when stage 1 has 5050 liquidfuel remaining)).

Spaceport link : http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/kerpollo-8/

Lock gimball for takeoff (should already be done in the VAB, thanks 0.23!). Your flight profile should be to aim high and use the power of the first stage to give you a nice high apoapsis (40km) and a lead time until Ap of about 55s. You should stage at 20-23km and be at about 60 degrees. You can then use this time to gain some horizontal speed with the second stage while trying to keep as much vertical speed as you can. Start at 50 degrees at drop to about 20 degrees when you Ap is about 50-55km, you should level off before the end of the second stage with an Ap of 60-65Km At the end of the second stage you should have an Ap of about 60Km which is then about 90s away and a Pe under 20km. Burn until your Ap reaches 80Km. your Pe should then be about 50Km, circularise at Ap. Including the circularization burn you should have used about 100-150m/s of your third stage leaving you with about 900-950m/s. If flown using a FRT you will use 872m/s to perform Munar insertion leaving a small amount for adjustment and to send the remains of the S+IVB into the Munar surface (if facing RAD+ when staged then the seperatrons will do that automatically), then no debris will be left except for the portion of the descent stage left on the Munar surface, a rover, the A.L.S.E.P and a flag if you planted one.

I advise to land using the efficient method for low TWR craft (from a 15km orbit, set your Pe to 7km on the far side of the mun from your target, start to burn retro about 62-63 Km from your chosen landing spot, maintain height at least 2km above terrain unless fairly flat, choose landing spot when doing 150-200m/s, land)

lie this but better, hehe.

quicksave then stage the ALSEP to clear room for the rover. Once the ALSEP is clear and the rover is dropped quicksave again and use action group 1 to set up the lander and then have fun with the landing strut/righting mechanism to get the rover on its wheels without tipping the lander.

Explore and have fun.

KOS IS DISCONTINUED IN KerPollo. Add KOS to the capsules manually if you wish to continue using KOS.

Edited by John FX
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As with the Saturn V there is a very overpowered first stage and a relatively underpowered second and third stages (especially if you compare this craft to many kerbal craft) which means your flight profile should be to aim high and use the power of the first stage to give you a nice high apoapsis and a lead time until Ap of about 55s. You can then use this time to gain some horizontal speed with the second stage while trying to keep as much vertical speed as you can. Stage the escape tower after the second stage has started up without issues and is burning ok. Keep your nose at least 22 degrees above the horizon to preserve vertical speed. Your lead time until Ap wil drop to about 23 seconds then start to rise again. You should level off before the end of the second stage at about 50km when your Ap is 55Km and you have a lead time of 55s. At the end of the second stage you should still have an Ap of about 55Km which should then be at least 70s away. Carry on burning horizontally until your Ap reaches 80Km. your Pe should then be about 50Km and including the circularization burn you should have used about 300m/s of your third stage leaving you with about 950m/s if you are careful (my last flight I was left with 942m/s which is 1028 liquid fuel)

A free return trajectory uses about 870m/s so there is a little room for error of about 80m/s which you could use for small mid course adjustments.

The next stage splits the CM, MEM, fairing and dumps the empty stage 3. Switch focus to the MEM and undock the decoupler, switch back to the CM and dock the CM to the MEM trying not to trap the decoupler between the two. Your debris is then on a FRT to burn up back at Kerbin so you are free to adjust your mun approach to have a Pe of 10Km whenever you like. Enter orbit around Mun at 10km, transfer two idiots to the lander, separate and, early on the dark side, drop the Pe of your lander to 5Km.

At your Pe early on the day side follow the landing procedure described by Astro-Not being careful not to slam into the side of a crater. The lander wants to tip down so keep your SAS on. There is a little spare maneuver fuel in the descent stage so you can pick a decent landing site to within a few km and avoid crater walls to some degree. try not to leave it as late as I did last time to touchdown, I was 5m up... (I like the new suspension on the lander legs)

When landed press action group 1 which will turn on your lights, drop the rover (after putting on its lights and brakes), extend the ladder and put on some dramatic classical music (not really about the last one, you have to do that yourself)

Walk on the mun.

If the rover is upside down then use the landing gear to right it. If you have the no MJ version then you may have to get your kerbal under it and turn it over by hand.

Drive on the Mun.

Take samples n stuff, wander about and drive the buggy. Have fun. If you really want to you could switch to the CM and `do science` in orbit. Examine material, goo, EVA and crew reports.

Deploy the A.L.S.E.P. These have a probe core and so will happily roll across the surface and light up anything you like.

When you are done get back into the lander. I would advise to shutdown the descent engine so you can be at full throttle when you stage the ascent module.

Rendezvous with the CM. Use the RCS in the CM to dock with the ascent module and transfer crew. Use the last fuel in the ascent module to drop your Pe to -1, decouple ascent module and circularize CM. Burn for home.

Upon entering the atmosphere wait until you are about 3000m then press action group 6 which will separate the engine, the CM, and the SM (Science Module) and activate parachutes on the CM and SM.

splashdown/land. Hope the SM does not land on your head.

Action Groups

1 after landing setup operations (lights on, ladder down, drop rover and A.L.S.E.P)

4 Open Lander Kos Terminal

5 Open Command Module (launch) KOS Terminal

6 Separate Command Module and Activate Parachutes (Warning, for final landing ONLY)

8 Shutdown Stage 2 Center Engine

9 Shutdown Stage 1 Center Engine.

0 Toggle Stage 1 Gimbal

Center engine shutdown should be at 25% fuel remaining in the stage.

Edited by John FX
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Well, my only comment is that I'm very close to releasing my own version of the same thing, only 100% stock... :sticktongue: Part count, so I can compare? Did you manage to recreate the CSM attachment method (not to the top of the lander, but to the fairing)? Oh, and that maybe mine is for advanced players only (I landed with empty tanks on the descent stage, and it was an efficient-ish landing from 10k circular), but then again, if you talk about setting Munar Pe's from kerbin orbit with a precision of kms... then probably yours is, too. ;)

Rune. Most recreated mission in KSP ever, that's for sure.

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Well, my only comment is that I'm very close to releasing my own version of the same thing, only 100% stock... :sticktongue: Part count, so I can compare? Did you manage to recreate the CSM attachment method (not to the top of the lander, but to the fairing)? Oh, and that maybe mine is for advanced players only (I landed with empty tanks on the descent stage, and it was an efficient-ish landing from 10k circular), but then again, if you talk about setting Munar Pe's from kerbin orbit with a precision of kms... then probably yours is, too. ;)

Rune. Most recreated mission in KSP ever, that's for sure.

My lander and CM are completely stock, I just used proc fairings and proc tanks to get the look. I have a stock version that I am thinking of releasing in tandem after a few modifications as people seem to want stock. Using the 10km circular landing method with my craft you would have about 10 seconds of fuel left.

The main feature on this craft is that you can fly the correct ascent path as the stages all have the right thrusts. I am working on fuel margins and a stock lifter but stock is heavy and I wanted to keep the correct thrusts for each stage.

For sure the most recreated mission although it *is* the only mission where a living creature landed on another body...

EDIT : For me part count increases by about 250 to go from mod to stock and adds about 20 tons to LKO payload YMMV

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My lander and CM are completely stock, I just used proc fairings and proc tanks to get the look. I have a stock version that I am thinking of releasing in tandem after a few modifications as people seem to want stock. Using the 10km circular landing method with my craft you would have about 10 seconds of fuel left.

The main feature on this craft is that you can fly the correct ascent path as the stages all have the right thrusts. I am working on fuel margins and a stock lifter but stock is heavy and I wanted to keep the correct thrusts for each stage.

For sure the most recreated mission although it *is* the only mission where a living creature landed on another body...

EDIT : For me part count increases by about 250 to go from mod to stock and adds about 20 tons to LKO payload YMMV

Then I'm slightly lighter (200 parts total). I use the Skippers as F-1 equivalents, and Poodles as J-2s, and a much, much lighter lander and CM (why would you want so much RCS, ballast?). Turns out that gives you about the same launch profile (finish orbit insertion on S-IVb and all that). But don't think I'm giving you criticism for using mod parts, it's just a friendly reminder that people are much more likely to download if they don't have to search the spaceport and install new mods (links to the mods would help them, BTW). Plus, you can do pretty much anything in stock, if you know the tricks. It doesn't look that bad IMO, either, just a little fat on the fairing to give sufficient clearance:


But I'll stop posting stuff about it here, after all this thread is for your version, and you are very justified in feeling as proud of it as I do of mine.

Rune. Good job! :)

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The RCS is just mass and a placeholder for science when it arrives as that is what should happen on the CM. Having no idea of the mass of a science module I thought 750 mono would be a good replacement.

It *would* be nice to have some comments about my ship but hey, you take what you are given.

Edited by John FX
Less snark...
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Hi John FX,

I havent downloaded you rocket yet so this is just going buy the pics.

IMHO the lander is a bit of a mess. Those tiles are all over the place. Try to get some symmetry and equal lines between parts. no gaps preferably.

On the stock lifter, i'm sure you don't need that many tiles for fairings. Try using less just around the lander. Blend the other stages around it.

Other than that, well done on getting fueling right for each stage. I have only ever done this by accident..

Do more work on the lander. Focus on that. It will come together.


p.s Did mechjeb make that Mun landing?

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Hi John FX,

I havent downloaded you rocket yet so this is just going buy the pics.

IMHO the lander is a bit of a mess. Those tiles are all over the place. Try to get some symmetry and equal lines between parts. no gaps preferably.

On the stock lifter, i'm sure you don't need that many tiles for fairings. Try using less just around the lander. Blend the other stages around it.

Other than that, well done on getting fueling right for each stage. I have only ever done this by accident..

Do more work on the lander. Focus on that. It will come together.


p.s Did mechjeb make that Mun landing?

No, I controlled it by hand. MJ makes a pigs ear of the landing as it is from an Ap and Pe that are so low, you always end up lithobraking into a hillside. The tiles on the lander were supposed to look a `bit rough` to suggest lots of modifications and to sort of look like a kerbal made the apollo lander. I could tidy it up a bit. The base of the lander I tried to get different angles for the light hitting it, I guess my main job of video editor/FX took over and I let my inner engineer take a back seat. The stock lifter is from a couple of iterations ago and for sure needs more work to reduce parts and weight. I have a smaller lander now so that should help.

Thank you for your comments, I`ll take that on board for Kerpollo 6 which may come in two flavours, stock and mod.

EDIT: just reviewed lander pics and I have a few ideas for where to go.

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  • 1 month later...

Changes since Kerpollo 5

I`ve gone over the design and made sure there are no stray parts from other mods and made the CM the main pod. I have added SCIENCE! Refined fuel levels and redesigned the CM and lander (which are now completely stock)

I have decided to release a few flavours. The most modded is the stretchy tanks, proc fairings, remotetech, mechjeb version. Then you also have the stretchy tanks, proc fairings and mechjeb version. The manually controlled stretchy tanks and proc fairings version and finally for the purists the stock CM and lander.

Work is still in progress, I will keep you informed.

I was guided to this design from looking at the Apollo engines, their relative power and the KSP engines and their relative power. I found obviously that the Mainsail with the thrust of 1500 matched the 1,500,000 thrust of the F1 and the 1.25T 215 power engine was the closest match for the J2 at 220,000 (which was also described as being very optimised for weight). I used the 1.5T 200 power engine for the centre engine as it had gimballing. I decided to use the poodle for the third stage as the J2 on the third stage was reportedly not as heavily refined for weight but had higher thrust(266,000). My strategy of having 750 mono as a placeholder for science worked well as science weighed a lot less so I no longer have the Dv issue with the CM. I have changed the engine for the CM to a more reasonable 30kn

The upshot of this is that as with the Saturn V there is a very overpowered first stage and a relatively underpowered second and third stages especially if you compare this craft to many kerbal craft which means your flight profile should be to aim high and use the power of the first stage to give you a nice high apoapsis and a lead time until Ap of about 55s. You can then use this time to gain some horizontal speed with the second stage while trying to keep as much vertical speed as you can. you should level off before the end of the second stage with an Ap of 55Km At the end of the second stage you should have an Ap of about 60Km which is then about 90s away. Carry on burning horizontally until your Ap reaches 80Km. your Pe should then be about 50Km and including the circularization burn you should have used about 300m/s of your third stage leaving you with about 950m/s if you are careful (my last flight I was left with 923m/s which is 1031 liquid fuel)

A free return trajectory uses about 870m/s so there is a little room for error of about 50m/s which you could use for small mid course adjustments.

The next stage splits the CM, MEM, fairing and dumps the empty stage 3. Switch focus to the MEM and undock the decoupler, switch back to the CM and dock the CM to the MEM trying not to trap the decoupler between the two. Your debris is then on a FRT to burn up back at Kerbin so you are free to adjust your mun approach to have a Pe of 10Km whenever you like. Enter orbit around Mun at 10km, transfer two idiots to the lander, separate and, on the dark side, drop the Pe of your lander to 5Km.

At your Pe on the day side follow the landing procedure described by Astro-Not being careful not to slam into the side of a crater. The lander wants to tip down so keep your SAS on. There is a little maneuver fuel in the descent stage so you can pick a decent landing site to within a few km and avoid crater walls to some degree. try not to leave it as late as I did last time to touchdown, I had 1m/s Dv left...

When landed press action group 1 which will turn on your lights, drop the rover (after putting on its lights and brakes), extend the ladder and put on some classical music (not really about the last one, you have to do that yourself)

Walk on the mun.

If the rover is upside down then use the landing gear to right it. If you have the no MJ version then you may have to get your kerbal under it and turn it over by hand.

Drive on the Mun.

Take samples n stuff, wander about and drive the buggy. If you really want to you could switch to the CM and `do science` in orbit. Examine material, goo, EVA and crew reports.

When you are done get back into the lander. Myself I like to use up the last 30 m/s or so of the fuel that is normally left in the descent module so I can be at full throttle when I stage the ascent module.

rendezvous with the CM. Use the RCS in the CM to dock with the ascent module and transfer crew. Use the last fuel in the ascent module to drop your Pe to -1, decouple ascent module and circularize CM. Burn for home.

Upon entering the atmosphere keep your engine attached until you are about 3000m to stabilize during reentry then stage which will separate the engine, the CM, and the SM (Science Module) and activate parachutes on the CM and SM.

splashdown. Hope the SM does not land on your head.

Action groups

1 post landing operations

0 toggle gimbal on outer stage 1 engines

Spaceport link : http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/kerpollo-6/

I have upgraded the Dv for the CM. It was too low. Pleas re-download if you have the version from before 18:30 28/10/2013 (160 mono instead of 80)

Edited by John FX
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I like how you incorporated science into the CSM. Also, are those antennas going all the way around?

Yes they are. I`m trying to slightly increase the size of the Service module to that the MEM is the right relative size (It`s either too big or too small without tweaking)

From all I can gather, micheal collins spent his time in the CM `doing science and making observations` so I put the science there.

Thank you for your feedback.

EDIT : Ah, just saw you are the maker of the saturn IX with sandpiper. I had a look at yours the other day, not bad. I like the way the sandpiper looks like something that would actually get built.

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feels like Holst's Jolly Jupiter theme. Even though this is also another unoriginal piece, it's just a cover of a pre-existing song by MacLeod. I think it would be a great Jool song, edited to feel more spacey, and without the dramatic part in the middle.

Ah yes, hall of the mountain king by Grieg, totally agree. It has that fat sort of `blomp blomp` sound that suits gas giants. The music in the video above is Spiegal Im Spiegal. Very nice tune for relaxed landings.

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After looking at KerPollo 6, and seeing that it was good, plans are afoot for the next mission, KerPollo 7.

Changes so far include, the CM being slightly expanded (done) and the lander slightly shrunk (under way) to get a better size ratio. I will change the decoupler to a stack separator between the CM and MEM (completely removed it) and add RCS to the lander (not done). I will also be looking at the A.L.S.E.P experiments to see how I can deploy them (done). I will add separatrons to the ascent stage of the lander to give it a kick start (not done). After this another round of the continual adjustment for TWR, burn times etc.

Is there anything people feel is lacking or needing adjustment for KerPollo 7?

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