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POLL: Should SQUAD change the kerbal avatars for gender purposes.

John FX

What should SQUAD do about the gender of avatars  

  1. 1. What should SQUAD do about the gender of avatars

    • Explicitly make male and female avatars
    • Make the current avatars more androgynous
    • Make the avatars female
    • Do nothing/ I don`t care

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  Fiddlestyx said:
Squad should decide if they are adding female Kerbals first. Remember the game is still in Alpha.

The point of this poll is to guage the opinion of forum users on the topic. Obviously SQUAD will do whatever they do and many many things will change as the game is in aplha. Myself I have a curiosity as to whether people actually want androgynous or sexed. I suspect nobody would be happy playing a character not the same gender as themselves which would be everybody if kerbals had no gender.

Edited by John FX
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When Squad will start adding some possibilities of customizing kerbal looks (something basic - like in XCOM: Enemy Unknown for example) then I would be really happy to see addition of female kerbals. Just to make game more diverse.

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  jcraft said:
When Squad will start adding some possibilities of customizing kerbal looks (something basic - like in XCOM: Enemy Unknown for example) then I would be really happy to see addition of female kerbals. Just to make game more diverse.

This seems the most sensible approach. When SQUAD start looking at customising kerbals in general revisit the issue.

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You really should have seperated "Do Nothing" and "I don't care"

Becuase everyone who votes "I don't care" won't be upset by it being done, as they don't care, but with you grouping everyone who votes "Do Nothing" can argue that all the "I don't care" agree with them.

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  Moon Goddess said:
You really should have seperated "Do Nothing" and "I don't care"

Becuase everyone who votes "I don't care" won't be upset by it being done, as they don't care, but with you grouping everyone who votes "Do Nothing" can argue that all the "I don't care" agree with them.

That's a good point -- a lot of people seem to be really adamant that Squad should NOT do this, while some are simply apathetic. It's not really fair to group the openly hostile with the apathetic.

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Well right now the isn't any need to do anything to the Kerbals. We have a tendency to assign gender to them because that is how we are wired. All of my Kerbals are guys because they are doing guy stuff. (Yes I'm aware that is old fashioned and so on. You may chose differently. I never had action figures, all of my action toys were plastic army men. :)) My point is that we are assigned gender to a species that may not even have a gender. My 'guys' could be doingKerbal stuff instead of guy stuff. :)

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Take a glance at the OTHER thread like this. We do not need several hundered threads of the same topic that are going to get closed inevitably due to a few people who will eventually cause flamewars. PUH-LEEEASE look for other threads on this topic before posting a thread like this.

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  Rage097 said:

Take a glance at the OTHER thread like this. We do not need several hundered threads of the same topic that are going to get closed inevitably due to a few people who will eventually cause flamewars. PUH-LEEEASE look for other threads on this topic before posting a thread like this.

That is why this is a poll instead of a discussion. You vote once and thats it. Then we get an objective view on what percentage of the people who care enough to vote want new avatars rather than another thread of people shouting at each other..

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As I accidentally posted in one of the other threads about this:

I really don't see a solid argument why there should not be.

The aliens=different gender system, does not really hold much weight, they can be however squad decides to make them.

Look closely at the kerbal's face. Does it look more male, or female? More male. It makes sense that a female one should be made some day to match that.

Gender equality. This is 2013.




Blocky when looked at from front. Squarish chin. Cartoon male.

Another edit.

Maybe I'll fire up GIMP and make my own interpretation of a kerbalette from this guy. I'm sure he won't mind. Doing it will a non-human face will be an interesting challenge, but it can't be that different.

Edited by Tw1
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  Tw1 said:
As I accidentally posted in the other thread about this:

I really don't see a solid argument why there should not be.

The aliens=different gender system, does not really hold much weight, they can be however squad decides to make them.

Look closely at the kerbal's face. Does it look more male, or female? More male. It makes sense that a female one should be made some day to match that.

Gender equality. This is 2013.




Blocky when looked at from front. Squarish chin. Cartoon male.

Another edit.

Maybe I'll fire up GIMP and make my own interpretation of a female kerbal from this guy. I'm sure he won't mind. Doing it will a non-human face will be an interesting challenge, but it can't be that different.


Blocky when looked at from front. Squarish chin. Cartoon male.

Obviously a joke but interesting to note the differences though. She has smaller eyes, smaller mouth, and a nose.

Will you give your female kerbal fuller lips like a mammal or something more reptilian?

(raises the question of the evolution of kerbals, was it mammal or reptilian or plant?)

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  John FX said:

Blocky when looked at from front. Squarish chin. Cartoon male.

Obviously a joke but interesting to note the differences though. She has smaller eyes, smaller mouth, and a nose.

Will you give your female kerbal fuller lips like a mammal or something more reptilian?

(raises the question of the evolution of kerbals, was it mammal or reptilian or plant?)

Technically, the chin is more angled, the round bit (forgot the name) is more pronounced, and it is still looks narrower where it meats the skull.

But those things are general patterns.

I reckon lips is not the way to go, as male kerbals don't really have then at all. Same with nose sizes, eyebrow positioning, etc.

It would seem odd to have features in the female's face that don't occur on the males, when those particular features occur in both male and female human faces.

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Well the post is close enough that hopefully we should have no more threads discussing the point. I can`t imagine anyone actively NOT wanting female avatars and nearly half of the people (so far) DO want them so it`s a matter of when not if.

Myself I would say the best time is after core features are done when character development and avatars are being worked on.

Can we PLEASE discuss spaceships again now?

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While I do want female Kerbals, or at least more androgynous Kerbals, I think on the end it isn't our call.

Felipe (Harvester) is the one that invented these "little green men" when he was a child. It might be too much for us to ask him to change a dream of his for our benefit, no matter how justified, rational, or pasionate an argument to do otherwise might be.

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  DChurchill said:
Soo000o, when do we start the discussion about skin tone? Why are there no darker skinned kerbals?

This is oddly a valid point. I'd assume that if the female Kerbal issue gets resolved the people who feast off the flamewars that it spawned will try to tackle that next. But's that's my paranoid self speaking

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  AmpsterMan said:
While I do want female Kerbals, or at least more androgynous Kerbals, I think on the end it isn't our call.

Felipe (Harvester) is the one that invented these "little green men" when he was a child. It might be too much for us to ask him to change a dream of his for our benefit, no matter how justified, rational, or pasionate an argument to do otherwise might be.

That is a good point. I hope that this is just building on what he imagined, and doesn't mind.

  DChurchill said:
Soo000o, when do we start the discussion about skin tone? Why are there no darker skinned kerbals?

Come on, let's not go there. There are two basic types of human.

Then there are infinite small variants like skin tone and whatever. I'd love more variety, but that is a thing for another time.

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  DChurchill said:
Soo000o, when do we start the discussion about skin tone? Why are there no darker skinned kerbals?

When, or if, I guess, the Kerbalizer gets put into the game there will probably be skin tone options.

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  DChurchill said:
Soo000o, when do we start the discussion about skin tone? Why are there no darker skinned kerbals?

Well done sir. I tip my hat ;) Some people need an issue to be unhappy about.

Personally I see the game as having no lighter skin tones, all the kerbals in *my* game are `kerbals of colour` that colour being green...

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I don't see a need for us to interject a race war between the light green and the darker green Kerbals. We, as a race, are trying hard to get away from that. Lets not inflict that on this great game. The Kerbals are green. Lets leave it at that.

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  Tw1 said:
Come on, let's not go there. There are two basic types of human.

Then there are infinite small variants like skin tone and whatever. I'd love more variety, but that is a thing for another time.

I'm not trying to stir up crap, honestly. I'm one of the people where it truly does not matter one whit what color a person's skin is or what junk they have. And I'm fine with making them gender neutral or making females and males. Whatever makes you happy. Like I said in the other thread, whoever is next up in the astronaut complex gets the seat. That's not going to change based on the name or the secondary sexual characteristics of the mesh or the shade of the texture that covers it. The only features that me at all to me at this point are courage and stupidity.

To be honest, kerbals do look like little dudes. But there are so many placeholders in this game, hell how many times have the planets changed looks? So many features of this game are undeveloped that actually affect how the game is played, that arguing about the sexuality of avatars is silly. At least at this point.

You're trying to assign human characteristics to a species that the developers have said are asexual. They appear to all have the same skin tone. If you're trying to humanize them, why is skin tone left out? And I'm not suggesting random skin tones, although if they go to the trouble of randomizing this stuff, I can't imagine it would be that big of a deal. But I'm not going to get all bundged up about it, either way.

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