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"Sunshine" movie style Deployable Light Globe (updated 25/10/2013)


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This is my first part for KSP :)

In the movie:

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In the KSP:

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KAS features:



on the Mun:

lights "OFF"


lights "ON"


just for fun )



available features:

1. using like regular light source, attached to any vessel

2. in EVA you can reattaching light on any parts of station/base/rover etc, and you may detach this light from one vessel and attach to another vessel

3. in EVA place it surface of planet, battery included, but you mast recharge it periodicaly

4. in EVA you can connect light via KAS cable to base/rover/lander for permanent power supplying, integrated KAS Port

5. Light can be operated in EVA



Required KAS mod v 0.4.2 http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-18-2-kas-kerbal-attachment-system-v0-1/

Required Vanguard Technologies Plugin v 0.6.3 http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/vanguard-technologies-plugin/

Thanks to Kreuzung for his help!

sorry my English :rolleyes:

you can download for testing here: http://www./?tknponx5r2h5olf

Zip: http://www./download/2zsn6775twd0jdd/DeployableLight-01.6.zip

current version 01.6

Some testing video (archive):

Please, leave your comments and suggestions. it is very important to me.



"Deployable Light Globe" by Alexustas is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.



25/10/2013 - v01.6

- Added part to the research tree (see http://i.imgur.com/pbvs1kF.png)

16/10/2013 - v01.5

- optimized textures
- enabled "Attach on static" function

07/10/2013 - v01.4

- removed the WInch part with connector
- reduced weight of the device
- nodes tweaking
- added license

06/10/2013 - v01.3

- new files structure ( [I]GameData /ASET /DeployableLight-01/[/I] )
- nodes tweaking

05/10/2013 - v01.2

- added KAS v0.4.1 features support
- added built-in power connector with winch
- added ability to turn on/off by EVA
- module 'ModuleLight' replaced with module 'ModuleKrAnimation'
- icon in VAB changed to the 'retracted' state
- reduced dimensions of the device
- increased weight of the device

27/09/2013 - v01.1
- fixed problem with colliders

Edited by alexustas
new Update
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Looks sharp and very well done! DL'ing now.

EDIT: Outstanding piece of work. My only suggestion is the ability to turn it on and off while on EVA without having to grab it, and perhaps a small solar panel to trickle charge it during daylight hours.

Edited by MaverickSawyer
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... My only suggestion is the ability to turn it on and off while on EVA without having to grab it...

I've been thinking about it, but I have no idea how to do it. Need help in this matter.

...and perhaps a small solar panel to trickle charge it during daylight hours...

hmmm.... I've also been thinking about it too.:cool: But decided not to equip any panels or generators.... and with the restrictions KAS's bug does not make sense to leave the lamp on the ground for a long time, and in any case it would have to shut down and take back on a board.

But, for training purposes, i can try to add some built-in solar panel:)

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I don't think it can be done with the stock ModuleLight. It can be done with FSAnimateGeneric, but then it can't consume resources.

exactly right!

it is necessary to choose:

control via KSP "Light" button and power consumption


EVA management

it is impossible to combine both features, at least for me ((

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it is impossible to combine both features, at least for me ((

...Well, I've discovered something.

ModuleLight has an option "resourceName", which lets it consume a resource other than ElectricCharge.

The ResGen plugin (provided standalone, included with B9 pack, etc) provides modules to convert resources from one into another, and these are toggleable from EVA.

The solution then is like this:

...In a resource.cfg

name = ElectricChargeLowVoltage
density = 0
flowMode = ALL_VESSEL
transfer = PUMP

....and in the light part cfg itself...

name = ResGen
useToggle = true
name = ElectricCharge
rate = 1.0
name = ElectricChargeLowVoltage
rate = 1.0

name = ModuleLight
lightName = Point light
useAnimationDim = true
lightBrightenSpeed = .5
lightDimSpeed = 0.2
resourceAmount = 0.002
animationName = DeployableLight-10
useResources = true
resourceName = ElectricChargeLowVoltage
name = ElectricChargeLowVoltage
amount = 1
maxAmount = 1

I.e. you turn the transformer from ElectricCharge to ElectricChargeLowVoltage on and off from EVA, but the light module itself remains on at all times.

This is a very crude solution and I don't recommend it, but it should work. The right way is reimplementing ModuleLight.

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Hmmm... further testing reveals a strange quirk...

When climbing a ladder on the VAB (doesn't matter which one), the Kerbal tends to slowly pitch forward until half buried in the structure, and then begins to shake rapidly. However, this does not happen on ship-based ladders.

did not quite understand, what kind of ladder you are saying?

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...Well, I've discovered something.

ModuleLight has an option "resourceName", which lets it consume a resource other than ElectricCharge.

The ResGen plugin (provided standalone, included with B9 pack, etc) provides modules to convert resources from one into another, and these are toggleable from EVA.


I.e. you turn the transformer from ElectricCharge to ElectricChargeLowVoltage on and off from EVA, but the light module itself remains on at all times.

This is a very crude solution and I don't recommend it, but it should work. The right way is reimplementing ModuleLight.

Thanks for the idea. I remember it and be sure to use somewhere.

but in my case, this trick will give strange results... the light from the lamp goes out, but texture will continue to glow :), and construction does not deflate

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did not quite understand, what kind of ladder you are saying?

With the new VAB model in 0.21, there is now a series of stairs and ladders on the southeast side of the building that a Kerbal can interact with and climb up to the top. I was trying to climb up with one of these on the back of a Kerbal (I think it may have been Jeb), and it kept pitching him forwards. I'll try and get a screenshot showing this effect.

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Thanks for the idea. I remember it and be sure to use somewhere.

but in my case, this trick will give strange results... the light from the lamp goes out, but texture will continue to glow :), and construction does not deflate

Duh. I forgot about Vanguard Technologies plugin which has a module that will trigger an animation and consume resources. So you don't need to write your own plugin after all.

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And, I have a specific problem to report...

Just adding the Deployable Light part to the build in VAB/SPH halves the framerate while editing. The debug log continually spams while the part is present:

(Filename: ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp Line: 134)

Actor::updateMassFromShapes: Compute mesh inertia tensor failed for one of the actor's mesh shapes! Please change mesh geometry or supply a tensor manually!

I.e. there's something KSP doesn't like about the mesh, though I have no idea what.

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Yep, that fixes it.

In other news, I think found a bug in Vanguard Technologies animation module: It doesn't appear to actually consume resources as it says it will, and the light starts in "on" position regardless of what the module configuration says. Gah. :)

Edited by Mihara
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