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Better electricity management

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I think the idea is, don't keep my station oriented in the same direction if the batteries are gonna run out and kill the crew. I assume this is not in the vanilla game (where crew are essentially immortal unless they hit something really hard).

I know it annoys me when my electromagnets suddenly stop working during an eclipse.

Edited by 5thHorseman
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Sorry, I didn't have much time to explain because I was getting ready to test a heavy lifter I built, but now I do. Basically, you have limited power on your ship because you forgot solar panels again and you need to prioritize. You have maybe 3 batteries for regular operation and one backup battery. The normal ones would power everything and then once they run out the systems fall back to the backup where only things like life support or torque are on. there'd be this drag thing where you link things that use power to batteries and they can have multiple links.

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I'd like to see some sort of "reserve power", or at least the ability to unlock electricity flow from batteries while the electric charge has run out.

Unfortunately though, "Better Electricity Management" is on the What not to suggest list. Hopefully we can get better electricity management soon.

But since this is on the what not to suggest list, thread locked. Have a nice day.

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