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On this day...


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I landed on the Mun!!! I owe the guys in the mechjeb thread an apology, I thought it was broken... LOL... but I have it sussed now.

You say "the Mun, really, big deal!"

Yes, for me, it is a big deal. This wasn't just ANY walk to the Mun, I was thinking of the future, for moons and planets further away, I launched a DOUBLE mission.

The first rocket carried the lander and one Kerbal... the other, a rocket with two kerbals and enough fuel for a return journey.

One Kerbal remained in orbit with the command rocket... two kerbals landed and planted their flags! The lander then took off, approached the command rocket, docked, the lander was evacuated and then jettisoned. The command rocket returned and because there was plenty of fuel, the huge fuel tank was jettisoned and they landed at KSP base.

Thinking to the future.... I can now establish a mun base... and think of the places further afield... yes, it won't be that easy all the time.

NOW.... I have a question...

Can anyone recommend a fuel transfer mod that actually works, please? I had one, but it didn't actually transfer anything. Thinking further afield where every drop will be vital, this will be most important. If there is any easier way, without a mod, care to explain?

On this day, the 29th September, 2013, Kerbals arrived from next door in the spirit of peace, and claimed the mun for themselves and mapped out the location of the future military base to keep trespassers off.

The landing took me till about 1am... I then went to bed and now, I'm making plans... before anything else, I'm going to try and land on top of the Vertical Spaceship Hanger.... then I can truly call myself an explorer. :)

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Congratulations! :) Landing on the Mun for the first time is certainly a huge accomplishment, and one any player should be proud of.

I'm especially intrigued by the fact that you chose the method you did instead of a direct-ascent lander or an Apollo-style mission. That's certainly something you don't often hear about for a first-time Mun landing.

But anyway, since you've demonstrated that you know how to rendezvous and dock two spacecraft and how to encounter, land on, and return from another body, you really know almost all you need to know to do the same just about anywhere else in the Kerbol system. The rest is all about designing the right ship that can get to the right place at the right time for the mission.

Happy launches!

While we're on the subject: September 29 is also the 25th anniversary of Discovery STS-26, the first Space Shuttle launch in the aftermath of the Challenger disaster. Certainly an auspicious anniversary to share your first Mun landing with!

Edited by Specialist290
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I have been to the Mun.... but I cannot get to the top of the VSP Hanger.... LOL...

Thank you one and all, especially for the advice about fuel transfers... I'll look into that.

I still have a great deal to learn, thins morning, after posting that, I sent a base to the Mun, there is a new crater there... in fact, TWO craters... the next attempt ended the same way.

I would have tried a third time, but I think the kerbals gave an audible sigh of relief when I had travel 80K's to pick up my new car....


I'm guessing they are nervous again... time to recheck my design and double check every thing every step of the way... :)

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That is my next destination...

I find that if not for mechjeb, I wouldn't touch this game... honestly... personal choice...

And I know for a fact that there is no such word as "easier" or "easy" in the Kerbal vocabulary... there is either NO, HARD or DEATH! Take your pick! :)

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it is great to learn and do the actions yourself, but I found that after the 100th time, you become bored and your mind start to wander.

I discovered MechJeb, who has refresh my interested, as I can know kick off a launch, or set to flight path to a plant, and then do off and do something else, was it carries out the procedure.

I still enjoy landing "and Crashing" and docking the crafts, but in time, I and see this becoming a job for MechJeb, if the next release is not done release soon :-).

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