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Concerns on the Uranus analog


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Maybe an Uranus analog refers to it's axial tilt (which may be mentioned above,I only skimmed the thread). A nearly 90 degree tilt could present a challenge for exploration of any moon system, more delta-v requirements for changing inclination.

This would be cool, but don't get your hopes up. There is some technical limitation in KSP that prevents having planets or moons with axial tilts, so unless they have fixed that we won't be seeing any tilted planets.

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He also mentioned deep valleys and high mountains, so that implies that the surface would be solid, so that doesn't prohibit anything outside of something like an Eve lander. Who's to say you can't strand a Kerbal there, and if you don't like killing/stranding Kerbals, you can still launch a probe there..

Maybe this is one of those things that some people simply won't be able to do. It'd add a nice dimension to the game, having some more challenging bodies like Eve would be awesome.

However, Mu also said in the stream, if I remember correctly, that a new planet isn't a priority right now and that it may not be in the next update, so I wouldn't get your hopes up.

Speaking of witch, when will the next planets come, I'm bored off going to eeloo, I WANT MOAR GAS GIANTS!

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Did the devs talk about this analog in the last stream? The idea sounds pretty damn cool

Mike (Mu) did, however from the context I understood it's merely a testbed for new planetary code. Whole topic is much ado about something that's not really going to be in the game, although some features of the planet may be added in a future one.

Either way it was mentioned that adding more planets would make the game too top heavy at this point. So that's probably going to happen after the bottom (career mode) gets fleshed out. Also we could use new high-tech endgame propulsion before anything beyond Jool/Eeloo gets added, or at least stock mining/refueling. It takes over 3 orange tanks to get 3 kerbals to Laythe and back, with gratuitous use of aerobraking and of course LV-Ns. Then again having really borderline impossible targets that the average player can at best get a flyby of would be kind of cool due to the realism factor. I mean honestly, only one spacecraft has ever gotten close to Uranus and Neptune and no human spacecraft has ever orbited those planets (would be cool if we saw an orbiter probe sent to one of those in our lifetime though). Makes you kind of appreciate doing "just" a flyby to see something new, even if you can't land on it.

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So Squad dev Mike (better known as Mu) mentioned in the devstream Friday about a Uranus analog, basically it will be a gas giant sized planet with a thick atmosphere, but instead of being a gas giant it will have a rocky surface that will be hidden under clouds and the thick atmosphere.

Normally I wouldn't put up a fuss about things but this has me concerned as they will be putting work into designing a planet that will be pointless for players to visit. Why will it be pointless? Well you will have a gas giant sized planet, with a gas giant sized gravity and extremely thick atmosphere, most likely much more so than Eve. Many long time players already know the challenge of getting around and off of Eve. Now imagine Eve infinitely worse though, a trap where nothing you land there will be able to get only a few meters off the ground at best, G's would be so extreme that it would kill Kerbals if you did manage to make a craft that could potentially escape (when G effects are added anyways). Then there would be the gravity issues, your craft will break extremely easily due to the extreme gravity, if a Kerbal fell over would they even be able to stand back up for that matter? Also it's distance would make it that much less favorable for some players.

Sounds like a cold Venus. I don't have a problem with Venus. Consider it a target for remote-exploration only. Send probes and robotic rovers... not Kerbals.

Except maybe Bill. Nobody likes Bill.

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A gas giant sized KSP planet with solid surface would have a devastating surface gravity. I don't think any part could survive even slow descent. Kerbals themselves would be crushed and could not stand up.

I think it's about the time for the developers to start rounding up the basic rules of KSP universe. If Jool is a gas blob, there simply can't be a planet larger than Jool with rocky surface.

Why not making a rocky monster with 1/4 diameter of Jool? It could still have a hellish atmosphere, and would present the ultimate, unbeatable super-Eve challenge.

Yes it should be smaller than Jool, something else make no sense. However make it harder to get off than Eve, more like Jool, you can get off Eve in an 6-16 ton lander depending on if you need a seat or not.

Not sure how the gravity on it would be, Jool has low gravity, this makes it more like Saturn who also don't have an scary gravity, however this thing will have an massive stone core so gravity will be higher than Eve, hope we also get an 2.5 meter aerospike.

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I'd make it way smaller than Jool, but a lot larger than than Eve.

For example, take a look at this picture.


The border between a terrestrial planet and gas giant could be the size of the Moon.

Imagine a Moon-sized body with horrific temperature, pressures and crushing gravity, together with a "volcanic planet" surface, with glowing cracks and thick shroud of low visibility atmosphere. What's not to like? I'd dump a dozen probes on it just for fun.

(I like Bill, too. :()

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I don't most of us that make the long trek to Jool go there specifically for jool. We go there to see Pol, Bob, Vall, Tylo, and Laythe. With this Uranus analog they will probably be adding some sick moons to orbit it. At least that's what I hope happens. Other wise I agree that would be disappointing.

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I don't most of us that make the long trek to Jool go there specifically for jool. We go there to see Pol, Bob, Vall, Tylo, and Laythe. With this Uranus analog they will probably be adding some sick moons to orbit it. At least that's what I hope happens. Other wise I agree that would be disappointing.

Please no sick moons, We would have to drop giant pills down craters to heal them. However we will get moons don't worry.

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Please no sick moons, We would have to drop giant pills down craters to heal them. However we will get moons don't worry.

I'm so very happy that a joke can't possibly be made from this statement.

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I don't most of us that make the long trek to Jool go there specifically for jool. We go there to see Pol, Bob, Vall, Tylo, and Laythe. With this Uranus analog they will probably be adding some sick moons to orbit it. At least that's what I hope happens. Other wise I agree that would be disappointing.

Eeloo may become the innermost major moon of Gas Planet 2 (GP2)

Other major moons of GP2 may be (innermost to outermost)

  • Daphy
  • Potatus
  • Fonso

With many minor moons (at least 20)

GP3 outside that, GP4 outside that, 2 more planets outside that.

Could be entirely speculative, everything subject to change etc.

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Is there a link to the stream everyone mentioned? You know, like an archive?

Here is the 3rd squadcast archive on KSP's twitch.tv :)

Mu talks briefly during QA about how he modeled the Uranus analogue towards the end. But mostly he talks about how he optimised the game and got 30% more FPS on his machine.

It is rather unclear if the planet he modeled was just for test purposes, or if SQUAD is actually considering a "super-earth-rocky-uranus" as the actual analogue. Crossing my fingers it was just a test mechanism and the gas giants will actually be analogues, not super-earth craziness. Please reserve that for other solar systems and keep the Kerbol system realistic!

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That's like saying Jool is pointless. You can't really land on it, but people still go there, probably more than any other planet. There will always be moons, space stations, crazy air bases, and some KSP master that manages to make a 3 man ascent from the surface. If there's something to do, people will do it.

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The interview with Mu starts at 25 minutes into episode 3 (if you want to skip ahead to it).

[Edit] 31:40 if you want to skip straight to the optimization part of the talk.

Edited by NoMrBond
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