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[1.02] KW Rocketry v2.7 Available - 1.02 Compatibility! - 16/05/2015


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SmokeScreen plugin can do that, mostly, and you should be able to turn it on with HotRockets. Tried it out myself, but my fps dropped so bad with the particle collisions turned on that it wasn't worth it.

Yeah but I want it to be default and not tank the FPS.. Total dream, but it should be stock behaviour for all rockets on the launchpad. Like I said, one day.. :/

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I already had that with 0.24.0 and .1, but never could reproduce it reliably. Even with the same parts on the same ship, it just wouldn't happen again for some reason. But yes, I've also seen this, but no clue what's causing it. My guess is that it's a stock bug, as it only happens occasionally

I can confirm that.

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Anyone else getting this issue:

KW Engines are duplicated in my Propulsion section. I installed it like it says GameData/KW Rocketry but it is duplicating all the engines, but not the fuel tanks. anyone else having this problem? I'm using KSP x64 for Windows.

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Since the latest hotfix I'm having a problem where my KW Rocketry parts just rapidly disassemble on the launch pad. It's as though the attachment nodes have become bugged and the parts no longer collide and just fall through each other. Here's a video of it happening. I've tried disabling the FASA launch clamps and launching without them but the same thing happens.

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Had (at least i hope so) a similar experience. The problem vanished (again, i hope) after i deleted some seemingly "corrupted" vessels in the vab, and build new ones that had no problems so far. Its still a mystery for me what happened, but the launch attempts looked roughly the same as yours. Had to also update every possible other mod.

If i'm right, the kwrocketry (as much as i love it) produces vessel-files that are corrupted after a potential patch. Maybe it has something to do with the interaction with tweakscale.

Since the latest hotfix I'm having a problem where my KW Rocketry parts just rapidly disassemble on the launch pad. It's as though the attachment nodes have become bugged and the parts no longer collide and just fall through each other. Here's a video of it happening. I've tried disabling the FASA launch clamps and launching without them but the same thing happens.

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Had (at least i hope so) a similar experience. The problem vanished (again, i hope) after i deleted some seemingly "corrupted" vessels in the vab, and build new ones that had no problems so far. Its still a mystery for me what happened, but the launch attempts looked roughly the same as yours. Had to also update every possible other mod.

If i'm right, the kwrocketry (as much as i love it) produces vessel-files that are corrupted after a potential patch. Maybe it has something to do with the interaction with tweakscale.

I tried building several rockets, the first two small rockets it happened straight away and the large rocket test made it into low atmo before the tanks seemingly dropped away (but somehow the engine and part above it stayed attached).

I've tried updating all the mods I had installed. I've not got a huge amount installed because so few are compatible with the 64-bit version at the moment.

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I can confirm the interstage decouplers not working. Are the smallest SRBs intended not to be thrust-adjustable? I can see the realism argument, but it makes for less customisation and fun. :/ My humble opinion.

Edit: Both seems to work now actually, only that you set the lower limit of thrust to 50 %, which is fine. Nevermind!

Edited by LostOblivion
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The fins have to much drag (0.3). The stock ones have 0.0. So if I add 4 KWR fins to my rocket I lose ~1000dV

It's not the drag that costs you the Delta-v, Mechjeb and other Delta-v calculators don't account for drag, it's the fact that they have the same mass as a Griffon Century fin. Those 4 fins will add 3 tons to your rocket.

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Would be awesome if we could open the petal adapter in VAB too. It's a litle bit tricky to put something iside, especially you're trying to but something inside which has surface attachment enabled. You only can go arround that with strange cam angles or using the editor extensions mod.

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Would be awesome if we could open the petal adapter in VAB too. It's a litle bit tricky to put something iside, especially you're trying to but something inside which has surface attachment enabled. You only can go arround that with strange cam angles or using the editor extensions mod.

If you are using Firespitter use this ModuleManager code

name = FSanimateGeneric
animationName = open
startEventGUIName = Open Fairing
endEventGUIName = Close Fairing

Edited by uraa
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some questions, will thid mod include some very large "radial decouplers"? there are lots of interstages but i cant see any strong radial decouplers.

why did the latest version added a bit part bloats? for example some fuel tanks have 2 of the same name and fuel amound, allthough their sizes,and textures slightly change, there is totaly no need for this, why did we go bloat way? thats how b9 earned hates you know.

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I'm mirroring this post on the TweakScale, KW Rocketry, Infernal Robotics, and Engineer Redux threads largely because I don't know the source of the problem.

I'm installing my mods for KSP x64 use and had installed Kerbal Engineer, Kerbal Joint Reinforcement, KW Rocketry, and Infernal Robotics (and their required mods like toolbar) without an issue. Then when I tried to install Tweakscale the game would crash either after the initial load or after I select my save file. I can run any combination of the mods without any issue but all of the above causes the crash. I've ruled out KJR as the crash does happen regardless of it being in or not. This is the last crash report I have:


If anyone has any idea what I'm doing wrong I would love to know.

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Anyone else having an issue where SRBs seem to get a torque applied to them when jettisoning? They turn inward and destroy the rest of the missile...

yes top of the srbs tend like they are attached to the main rocket body and clips with it, causign destruction, restarting launch fixes it for me

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Can anyone help me understand how to build with the petal adapter? I saw the demo video and understand how to use it, but, to me, it's unclear whether I attach the lander to the lower attachment node of the petal adapter or if I attach it to the engine bell of the CSM. I know it probably seems obvious to other people, but for me, I could see it working either way. But if it's attached to the engine bell, the lander comes out with the CSM, which is what I find confusing.

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I'm mirroring this post on the TweakScale, KW Rocketry, Infernal Robotics, and Engineer Redux threads largely because I don't know the source of the problem.

I'm installing my mods for KSP x64 use and had installed Kerbal Engineer, Kerbal Joint Reinforcement, KW Rocketry, and Infernal Robotics (and their required mods like toolbar) without an issue. Then when I tried to install Tweakscale the game would crash either after the initial load or after I select my save file. I can run any combination of the mods without any issue but all of the above causes the crash. I've ruled out KJR as the crash does happen regardless of it being in or not. This is the last crash report I have:


If anyone has any idea what I'm doing wrong I would love to know.

I too have this problem. Not for KW at the moment, but all I can say is there is a certain set of mods I can get to work in x64 and then there's a set of mods I cannot get to work. Crashes when loading a save at the space center. Black screen. Birds chirping. It's all very erratic and very annoying. Even if a mod says it's been updated to 24.2 it will still crash my game.

Install Tweakscale? Crash. Remove it? Loads. Install KW? Loads fine. Install KER? Crash. Remove it? Loads. Install Realchutes? Loads fine. Install Toolbar? Crash. Remove it? Loads. Install EVE? Loads. Install Alarm Clo k? Crash. Remove it? Works fine.

... That there... That bull**** took up three hours of my night. Incredibly frustrating. Like.. take my mouse and beam it against the wall frustrating. Not sure if 64bit is going to stay in my install. I'll take a predictable memory cap and trim mods over that.. crap. What the hell is going on?

Edited by Motokid600
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I too have this problem. Not for KW at the moment, but all I can say is there is a certain set of mods I can get to work in x64 and then there's a set of mods I cannot get to work. Crashes when loading a save at the space center. Black screen. Birds chirping. It's all very erratic and very annoying. Even if a mod says it's been updated to 24.2 it will still crash my game.

Install Tweakscale? Crash. Remove it? Loads. Install KW? Loads fine. Install KER? Crash. Remove it? Loads. Install Realchutes? Loads fine. Install Toolbar? Crash. Remove it? Loads. Install EVE? Loads. Install Alarm Clo k? Crash. Remove it? Works fine.

... That there... That bull**** took up three hours of my night. Incredibly frustrating. Like.. take my mouse and beam it against the wall frustrating. Not sure if 64bit is going to stay in my install. I'll take a predictable memory cap and trim mods over that.. crap. What the hell is going on?

All this happens to me too! And I just got a dupe bug with the KW rockets doubling for some reason???

I think Tweakscale is the problem... But it seems to come with some mods

I keep crashing when pressing load save... or returning to a spaceship

Can you guys test something for me? Try putting the texture quality to half-res then see if it crashes, because that's what I have done and it hasn't crashed yet... (yes I am using buggy 64 bit)

Edited by Boamere
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