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[1.02] KW Rocketry v2.7 Available - 1.02 Compatibility! - 16/05/2015


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The node placement is easy to fix, even for the fairings.

But I cannot get them to work, even by adding the ModuleCargoBay to them.

Any ideas on that ?

Yeah, it's called wait a month for the mod to be updated... 1.0 just came out.

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I'm going to take a look at all the balance things once my exams end, but until then you'll have to sit tight. Should be around the 12th or so next month.

Fantastic! This is one of my staple mods, I delete all the stock engines/fuel tanks in favor of yours. If the fairings end up causing problems I would much rather see everything else get updated and wait for the fairings, but that is simply my personal preference, not at all trying to tell you how to do things. I will be holding off on starting a 1.0 career until this gets updated.

Good luck on your exams and take your time.


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For what it is worth, the main problem is that the nodes will not allow attachment when they should. This is true with tanks, couplers, and motors that are part of the KW pack, as well as fairings.

Ships created prior to 1.0 will still work, and luckily not have the issue that other mods have where parts fall through one another. The problem is you cannot detach the nodes in the VAB and ever expect them to go back together. There might be a way to use the existing parts as a sub-assembly and reuse the left-over magic from pre-1.0 release assemblies, but it might be better to have an older version of KSP laying around, create the ship or assemblies there, and side-load the craft into 1.0.

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For FASA, Frizzank says he had to go through each config and change the bottom node's y+1 to y-1.

If you're looking for a quick hack for KW, that might be all that needs doing, going to try it myself now

Can confirm, just skipped through all the fuel tanks for now and changed their bottom node and attach to include a -1.0 for the y values and SO FAR all is well.

Edited by Lucius
*updated with experience*
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For FASA, Frizzank says he had to go through each config and change the bottom node's y+1 to y-1.

If you're looking for a quick hack for KW, that might be all that needs doing, going to try it myself now

Can confirm, just skipped through all the fuel tanks for now and changed their bottom node and attach to include a -1.0 for the y values and SO FAR all is well.

Awesome. Thanks for finding this. I'm not good at modding mods... so which files did you change? Just give me one example if you would, and I am sure I can figure out the rest.

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For FASA, Frizzank says he had to go through each config and change the bottom node's y+1 to y-1.

If you're looking for a quick hack for KW, that might be all that needs doing, going to try it myself now

Can confirm, just skipped through all the fuel tanks for now and changed their bottom node and attach to include a -1.0 for the y values and SO FAR all is well.

I came to the same conclusion myself earlier today while scanning through the configs. So far, changing 1.0 to -1.0 for the Y angle on all "node_stack_bottom*" definitions has given good results. My testing is far from exhaustive thus far, though, I've only tested with a handful of various tanks and motors. Tanks, motors, and decouplers are 95% of why I use this mod so I haven't done much testing with fairings or other parts, yet.

- - - Updated - - -

Awesome. Thanks for finding this. I'm not good at modding mods... so which files did you change? Just give me one example if you would, and I am sure I can figure out the rest.

The filenames will be different for each part. Usually they're named "part.cfg" or something similar. I used Notepad++ (a powerful text editor) and did a directory search in the "Parts" folder of the mod, searching for "node_stack_bottom" -- you should get 94 files and about 104 hits.

In each file, you'll see a node definition line such as: "node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -5.4, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1"

You need to toggle the third-to-last entry to a negative value to adjust its angle appropriately: "node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -5.4, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1"

Note that some parts have "node_stack_bottom1" and so forth. I edited each of those, as well.

I have not tested this in-depth though, but everything so far seems like it's working well.

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Awesome, thanks! Also, having problems attaching nose cones to the fairing bases. I'm assuming there's another point that needs modifying?

I just tested some fairings as well, and they don't work right for me either. I'll try fiddling with them more, later. I don't have much in-depth experience modding KSP though, mostly tweaks here and there.

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I've just completed flipping all the bottom orientations in KW, but haven't tested everything. I'm going to package up all the part configs I changed and post a link soon. This might help some that are struggling with it. Let me know if you find other changes needed for the fairings. I don't claim to be a part expert, but I''m willing to share my grunt work. I'll include those as well or add what I find in my testing. Expect it in the am Central US time.

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About nodes:

I had the same trouble with my mod. Now fixed.

Nodes should point outwards.

If it's transform node - local Z should be pointed away from mesh.

If it's a config node - you should think what is "outwards" - top, bottom, right, left, front or back. Easy for tanks, a bit trickier for multinode hubs and stuff.

About fairings:

KWR uses primitive node-based fairing model. When you fix nodes - you fix fairings as well.

BTW, do not see a point of keeping KSR fairings anymore - even stock confetti-style fairings are better. Though Procedural Fairings are the best.

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About fairings:

KWR uses primitive node-based fairing model. When you fix nodes - you fix fairings as well.

BTW, do not see a point of keeping KSR fairings anymore - even stock confetti-style fairings are better. Though Procedural Fairings are the best.

For me, the KW fairings are mostly a visual thing. I liked the integrated style with the rest of the KW package. It's a nipicky thing, but I think they look better than the other fairings out there. I'm not sure if there's a good way to fix them without major overhaul to the way they work, though.

On the plus side, everything else so far seems to work 100% OK, including the Petal Adapter (one of my favorite parts).

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KW fairings are indeed the very best fairings available for KSP. They look the best, and they operate extremely well. They are also limited in size, making you think about your builds, and not putting a bulbous protrusion on the front of your rocket. I pretty much use KW simply for the fairings. A lot of the other parts don't even make it into my play sessions anymore, and have been replaced by Modular Rocket Systems and Fuel Tanks Plus. But the KW fairings are worth the memory allocation for the whole package.

Of course, the KW sounds are also amazing.

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I changed all the "node_stack_bottom" values, seems to have solved everything but have not tested every part.

Also if you want to automated the renaming.

On notepad ++ selected File in Files,

Use this REGEX.

find what: (node_stack_bottom[0-9]* = (.*,){4}) (1.0,) (.*)

replace with: $1 -1.0, $4

filters: *.cfg

search mode: regular expression

directory: kwrocketry directory

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KWR uses primitive node-based fairing model. When you fix nodes - you fix fairings as well.

BTW, do not see a point of keeping KSR fairings anymore - even stock confetti-style fairings are better. Though Procedural Fairings are the best.

At least KW's primitive fairings aren't still included in the craft's mass when decoupled. Plus, as other posters have pointed out, have fixed sizes requires you to think about realistic payload sizes instead of, "Yup slap a fairing on that bad boy and we're good to go!" (which is more Kerbal, admittedly)

- - - Updated - - -

Use this REGEX.

find what: (node_stack_bottom[0-9]* = (.*,){4}) (1.0,) (.*)

replace with: $1 -1.0, $4

filters: *.cfg

search mode: regular expression

directory: kwrocketry directory

I think that might almost be able to be made into a MM cfg.

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I think that might almost be able to be made into a MM cfg.

This should rewrite any node_stack_bottom that has a 1 in that fifth position. I even made the regex a little more flexible in handling likely alternative ways to write the same coordinates. I can't guarantee that it won't match and rewrite other things as well, but consider it a starting point for testing.

@PART[*] {
@node_stack_bottom ^= (.*,){4} ?1(.0+) *, *(.*):$1 -1.0, $4:

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Sizes, sizes... It seems to me, you all have never played with F.A.R. or N.E.A.R. Every extra centimeter of payload width give you a headache to balance in multistage launcher... And you oftenly NEED those centimeters, calling for small brainstorm every time.

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The problem with KW fairings, when fixed, is that they do not protect anything...

Any thoughts on fixing that ?

The fairings needs this module:

name = ModuleCargoBay
DeployModuleIndex = 0
closedPosition = 0
lookupRadius = 0.75 //the radius of fairing

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The fairings needs this module:
name = ModuleCargoBay
DeployModuleIndex = 0
closedPosition = 0
lookupRadius = 0.75 //the radius of fairing

This is not going to work, sadly, because the fairings are multipart and can be variable in length, there's no way the module can know the bounds required to protect whats inside of it.

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then i guess it should be added:

name = ModuleCargoBay
DeployModuleIndex = 0
closedPosition = 0
lookupRadius = 0.75

nodeOuterForeID = connect8
nodeOuterAftID = bottom
//nodeInnerForeID = top
nodeInnerAftID = top

the wiki is not updated yet and not contain some of the new features,also i didn't test this much it's purely guessing.stock fairings are procedural and don't have any node specifications but they still protect what's inside.

Edited by sebi.zzr
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