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Anyone else spend way to much time in the VAB/SPH


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I have wasted more than half of my weekend building planes that will never leave kerbin, then it hit me. I have only been to Mun, minmus, duna, orbited jool and passed by eelo. I have not been playing the game but just been building things. It is time to explore.

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I spent most of Friday designing a lander in the VAB. Mostly it was adjusting the ladders so that they would allow proper use at the right height and adjusting the landing legs. Move things a bit, go to the launch pad, see if it works, repeat...

The VAb really needs a way to allow you to deploy landing legs, ladders, panels etc so that you can be sure they are placed correctly without leaving the scene.

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What is this "space" you speak of?

Seriously though, you are not alone. I've spent this ENTIRE weekend designing a cross between Apollo and the SLS (Apollo for landing on the Mun/Minmus with a CSM and a lander tucked under the CSM, SLS because of the 2.5m boosters strapped to the sided a 3.75m tank) And its still not been tested, mainly cause I'm too scared something will break and require more work.

I spent most of Friday designing a lander in the VAB. Mostly it was adjusting the ladders so that they would allow proper use at the right height and adjusting the landing legs. Move things a bit, go to the launch pad, see if it works, repeat...

The VAb really needs a way to allow you to deploy landing legs, ladders, panels etc so that you can be sure they are placed correctly without leaving the scene.

Yeah, That and simulate certain portions, like, landing on the friggin moon without having to build the rest of the rocket.

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Actually, I lost interest in KSP for a couple of days because of this. I spend too much time designing stuff, and I never actually fly the missions.

I think this is what happened to me. I do have a better understanding of how everything works now, but I got tired of building unsuccessful SSTO again and again, or designing dual stage landers to drop off a couple of lager rovers and a team of three. I want it to be simplistic again where the fun was, not trying to make something cooler than someone else or do it some kind of weird way that make no sense.

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ive been playing for 3 months now, ive spent about %75 of my time in the vab/sph.

I originally set out 2 & 1/2 months ago to establish a moon base...i have completed initial testing on the hub, hab and tower, i'm working on kethane mineiner then i might actually make it to the moon to test.

i would have thought that it would take something like a week or 2, i have gotten side tracked by a few projects; i figure by about 6 months it will be more like %50/%50.

that is one of the greater things about ksp though, its not only this massive solar system sandbox its also a "build your own whatever you can think of"...game.

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KSP is just like Minecraft in that sense. You can put together (within the limits of the parts available) whatever you want, go and do (or not do) whatever you want. The sandbox is definitely extremely complete.

I do spend an awful lot of time in the VAB and the SPH:

Phase 1 (short): Build the first prototype of something.

Phase 2 (short): Make the first unmanned launch.

Phase 3 (long): Tweak it based on test launch results - go to phase 2.

I spent most of the day yesterday working on my first Space Plane (a single seater) that could make it into 100x100km orbit (that's where I have parked my Interkerbin Space Station) and back under its own power, without needing to refuel. I got the thing making orbit and back perfectly, only to find out that the thing is horribly unstable when its fuel has run out. After hours of tweaking and testing, it turns out that relying on a control surface (or a wing section with one built in) at the front of the ship creates unrecoverable stability issues when the CoG shifts as much as it did without fuel.

So, after a couple hours messing around with the wing configuration, I finally got atmospheric handling to work great at all fuel levels. It will make a pretty nice looking unpowered (completely empty tank) glide to ground level (a bit rough on the landing, but survivable) with a glide slope of 10 degrees and angle of attack at 20 degrees with neutral controls.

Yes, I spend a lot of time in the VAB or SPH working on my ships - but honestly, that's 50% of the fun. Doing the missions are pretty awesome, but saying you made the thing that is capable of doing that is also pretty awesome.

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I spent several days building as accurate replica of a tie figther as possible, and at least a week getting a SSTO starcraft battlecruiser to work. The former I at least flew around for a while, but once the latter made it successfully into orbit I immediately went into the SPH to start working on the next project.

So yeah, a good 3/4 of my time in game is spent building (or doing brief physics tests on the launchpad for things in the middle of being built). Right now there's really not much reason to go places other than to say you've been there... and I've been there, so....

Looking forward to career mode.

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I can understand hitting the realization that you just spent a good deal of gametime in design and assembly. Anybody can hit that when they get flooded with ideas for a mission to any bit of the Kerbin system and beyond. But to just decide that because you hit that point it just isn't worth doing anything more? Rubbish. It might very well be worth taking a break, sure, but you bring yourself back, clear that blackboard and you just do something crazy. Assemble a mini Borg Cube with panels and send it to go assimilate Dres. That little asteroid is up to no good with its own askew orbit and it needs to fit better to the ways of the Borg. May need to go see about that resistant little orb Eeloo, as well, and make it realize its futility.

I have the worst time trying to build rovers, myself. I built one to help recover an isolated kerbal who ended too far away from the current munar landing site, and after almost ten tries to land the sucker, I keep losing it in craters which are quite easy to find lately. After managing to park it by the landing site, I decided a break was needed then. But I am sure as hell am going to rescue that little green guy before the sun sets which at my save was actually beginning to approach. Otherwise I will have to wait until it rises again, as the rover is only solar-powered. I wanted to save weight and left off nuke gennies. Though I am beginning to think I could have actually used a couple as that sucker catches air on a sneeze.

There are always bound to be challenges. KSP not only gives them itself, but it downright encourages you to make your own. But, if you don't watch yourself, you can overdo and burn yourself out by either going stir crazy in the assembly hangars, or breaking your F9 key.

Don't give up. But do give yourself some time to breathe, and a chance to realize that maybe you need to wipe that board and think anew.

The universe is waiting. Patiently.


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A complete failure. I'm sure I can achieve orbit via seperatron only, but that's something that'll take a serious amount of work.

Failure? Maybe of its primary mission. I see a craft that broke the sound barrier under its own power. That is something to put in the books.

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