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My thoughts on Kerbal haircuts/facial hair etc in the future.

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Two questions, firstly do you think it will happen eventually? Will Kerbals end up looking very different to what they do today, and secondly should they have these options?

Personally i'm in favour of new haircuts, glasses, beards etc as i think it would look very funny and add to the character, yet something worries me, Kerbals look iconic now as they are, will they lose anything if we start adding these options? Are they like lemmings in that they look fine just as they are, maybe they all look the same for a lore reason?

I'd like your views and opinions if you have the time! :)

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There's a Kerbalizer app that lets users dress kerbals up and give them all sorts of facial features, like long flowing hair or manly beards, or both.

I won't be surprised if these features do get into the core game eventually, maybe toned down a bit. It would be nice to have some variation in facial features of our little guys.

But then again, if they do stay the same, I won't be sad either.

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I guess first we'll get improved animations and facial expression of Kerbals. Maybe they'll start to really interact with each other? One will say something or do a funny face, and others will answer him or laugh at his antics? That would add a lot of 'life' to the game :)

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Play into the current randomizer, so you have, say X different head shapes, X different eyes, X different haircuts, X different features (mustache, sunglasses, cigar, earring/s etc), and when your Kerbal is randomly generated it also has a random combination of these features (providing X^4 unique combinations, or to the power of however many feature 'sets' there are)

Also make a custom Kerbal by assigning a name and picking features

Sounds cool on a personalisation level, but also sounds like a lot of work so in terms of dev priority it's probably going to be way down there until the gameplay is feature complete

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