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If I succeed in this, I will uninstall the game and never play again.


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I'm thinking of doing a design overhaul. Did a test launch, and it wound up precisely how you'd expect. Looked like the VAB took off.

But I'm not liking those engine clusters. I'm doing some alternate models to see what grabs me.


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I'm thinking of doing a design overhaul. Did a test launch, and it wound up precisely how you'd expect. Looked like the VAB took off.

But I'm not liking those engine clusters. I'm doing some alternate models to see what grabs me.

I'm impressed enough that you got it into the air. Anything I build half that size tends to fall apart before the first stage.

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meh! :huh: I hope we get more realistic drag, so that rockets have to be aerodynamic than just ridiculus. But good luck!

It is not like only aerodinamical stuff can be launched, but it is cheaper/easier/more practical to do so.

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meh! :huh: I hope we get more realistic drag, so that rockets have to be aerodynamic than just ridiculus. But good luck!

I remember reading somewhere about a cold-war-era concept for a rocket based on mass-produced small-diameter SRBs. They would be put together in a shape quite similar to Whackjobs "flying VAB" (awesome, btw), the only thing making them more aerodynamic was the pyramidal payload fairing on top.

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I'll tell you all one thing. When .22 comes, and subassemblies are a thing, you will see monsters of the like that even I dread to think what they will do to my machine!

The mental coal fire now has five tenders with large shovels.

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I'll tell you all one thing. When .22 comes, and subassemblies are a thing, you will see monsters of the like that even I dread to think what they will do to my machine!

The mental coal fire now has five tenders with large shovels.

Bump. This thread must never die.

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