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Loading/Combining multiple vehicles in VAB

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There are four ways to really do this...

1: The hard way: You go into the .craft files and make a new one, then add parts in manually as you need them... I honestly don't know how to do this, but I imagine it's possible, as I've heard of users doing it before.

2: The mod way: You download the Subassembly Manager (also VERY good to pair with Select Root which lets you re-define the root part of your vessel.) These, used in conjunction with one another, will allow some pretty good options for your subassembly needs.

3: The "wait it out" way: The next version of KSP, version 0.22, is said to have subassembly functionality built in to the game itself. Now, select root might still be a good mod to have, but the game should have its subassembly functionality on the next update.

4: The un-way: Manually replicate each craft you're to sub-assemble, piece by piece, using your head and/or pictures.

Those are the only ways I know to do any kind of subassembly work you can do.

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or...you could try using the Force!

"Jeb - The abort button is missing..."

"Bill - Ahhhhh....the abort button is missing, what are we gonna do!?"

"Jeb - The courage your looking for is outside the capsule..."

"Bill - Screw this...I'm outta here {Bill exists capsule at 15Km, first stage burn}"

"Jeb - that was easy!!!!"

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Thanks! Is there any indication when 0.22 will be released (days or months)? Then I know if I'll download the mod or just play on until the new version.

I think the average release time between the past few updates has been about 50-70 days, so we should be getting fairly close now even if this new update requires a unusually huge amount of work. There's no official word so I'm just looking at the trends.

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