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[WIP] Nert's Dev Thread - Current: various updates


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I like this direction, as currently it's a bit unclear how the current three engines relate in terms of performance.

Yeah. Stock ion, the DS4G would remain xenon, VASIMR and the PIT would be argon, and the two MPDTs hydrogen for a start. Two engines for each fuel sounds fine, I don't like it when there's a single engine per fuel, waste of effort making tanks :P

Would this mean the removal of the current Xenon tanks? It would be a real shame to get rid of that awesome spherical side-mounted one just because it's not capsule shaped. Due to the properties of the RL shapes, putting Xenon in a sphere (and Argon in a capsule for example) offers no negative effects in terms of pressure distribution. If the tank types are clearly marked to indicate their type, I don't think people will have issue with fuels not being in the correct shape. Btw, what are the current thoughts on colours and marking?

I'd keep my current tanks, I worked way too hard on the textures. This would just be for any future stuff. It's just for looks too.

For colours, I'd evidently keep xenon as yellow, and all H2 tanks would probably get a orange foil look as seen on a lot of those near-future concept ships. Argon, well, I generally think green when I think of argon, but I don't want to conflict with Kethane. Potentially red decorations on a light grey shell, kinda like xenon's yellow bits in distribution.

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I believe I have now finished my list of basic engines. I've covered all the main categories of fancy electrical propulsion. There are a few other edge cases, but their performance characteristics aren't different enough for me to want to make right now.

Here's the two PITs ingame with cool engine effects. They turned out quite well and have a distinct look. They're running on xenon now, but I'll get them switched to argon eventually.




And here's the DS4G, which has a different coloured glow.


Tank roster to model is looking as follows (bold are the ones shown earlier in this thread):

- Argon: 0.625 inline, 1.25 inline, 2.5m inline, small radial, large radial

- Hydrogen: 0.635 inline, 1.25m inline, 2.5m inline, large radial

- Xenon: 2.5m inline

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Thanks! At the very least, I'll make some interesting looking 2.5 and 3.75m adapters, something like an octo-coupler for engine cluster mounting :).


So argon tanks in great numbers have been modeled, and 2 have been unwrapped. From the top left, clockwise... mini radial, 1.25m inline, 0.625m inline, medium radial, 2.5m inline.

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  • 2 months later...

So I was playing 0.23 a bit, and I figured I wanted a kinda... futuristic CSM-type thingy. I also do not like the trusses I am working on. I poked around and found this really pretty thing. So, I'm going to stockalike the little pod at the front for my next project!

This is what I have so far:


It will be in the 2.5m size class and be made up of 4 primary components, the command module (2-kerbal), the storage and such module (1 or 2-man hitchhiker thingy, possibly with an integrated RTG), the fuel module and the engine module. The command pod I've chosen to be 2-man, mainly because there's no stock command 2-man pod, and we'll assume it's stuffed with advanced electronics and such. It will not be very suitable for reentering the atmosphere alone. I will make an IVA, if it's not too complicated.


There will also be this cool podded landing leg, which I've just finished animating, it just needs some more mesh detail to be done. And textures too I guess.


Shall I continue?

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Thanks! I have those pipes as copper toned for now as I tend to associate that with heat sinks (looks at GPU), but I'll probably play around with colours later when I texture them.

Beautiful stuff so far!

Actually, I like they way the piping is, as well as the color....It looks like it would fit VERY well with the THSS truss pack, (which i use alot), which also has piping just like that, and about the same orangy-copper color...

Wow!...that last link is sweet!!...looks like an ad campaign for just about every current space agency and commercial venture there is...lol

Edited by Stone Blue
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I love the craft in the link btw.

Indeed! I wish he'd do more space-ey art, the artist is excellent.

Most pretty!

Also, we were going to catch up at some point about RealFuels-ing Ions?

..Whoops :P. Totally forgot.

Very nice looking. How does it reenter?

It looks like it might come in sideways like a wingless shuttle with heat tiles on one side.

Methinks it is indeed horizontal, but I also don't want to tile it too much. I'd rather keep a nice radially symmetric look for it - assume it's either made of really fancy composites, or is designed mostly for exoatmospheric operations. I don't really have plans to make an inflatable either - that would maybe come in the future.

I finished up the service propulsion module and fuel tank. They are pretty vanilla. The propulsion system has a 1.25m node on the bottom for attaching docking ports or similar and 8 thrusters. The thrusters will have about 3-5 degrees of gimbal, allowing for some enhanced control. The fuel tank is completely boring, but I might have it carry monoprop as well as LFO.


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Since I can't seem to make any working parts on my own, I've been working on trying to get someone to work with, and to no avail. So since you've taken suggestions before, I've got an idea for something I haven't seen done in KSP Modding yet. Solar Sails, delicate, mirrored, thin material stretched over a large span, that's pushed by the photons coming from the sun. The only issue I see with creating a part of this nature, is the calculations required to make the solar sail work correctly. Maybe using solar panel code to tell if the sun is hitting the panels, and then somehow calculate the angle of the sail compared to the sun's position.

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Since I can't seem to make any working parts on my own, I've been working on trying to get someone to work with, and to no avail. So since you've taken suggestions before, I've got an idea for something I haven't seen done in KSP Modding yet. Solar Sails, delicate, mirrored, thin material stretched over a large span, that's pushed by the photons coming from the sun. The only issue I see with creating a part of this nature, is the calculations required to make the solar sail work correctly. Maybe using solar panel code to tell if the sun is hitting the panels, and then somehow calculate the angle of the sail compared to the sun's position.

First off: you would be better using stock ion engines. Propulsion generated by solar sails is tiny. Secondly: if it would be reasonably easy to program, someone would make a mod like this already. There was some talk about solar sails, and even some models were shown. But as you can see, distinct lack of solar sail mods indicates it wasn't an overwhelming success.

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The pod looks neat, and aerodynamic landing leg pods are long overdue. The fuel tank seems rather boring, as you said, but letting it carry monopropellant is a good idea.

Also, I believe it'd be prudent to add KAS integration from the get-go - i.e. let the service module be a container of decent size.

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Progress update!

Engine module is completely modeled now, time for unwrapping. I detailed it a bit, added proper gimbal setup, and decided to integrate a small torus tank for a small amount of fuel and oxidizer.


I also finished a slightly aerodynamic RCS block that could be attached onto the parts:


Before finishing the outside of the service compartment, I've been laying out the internals, so that they match. Here's what I've got.


The left side will have some cabinets and various modeled O2 tanks. The right side has a window through with you can see the integrated RTG and a few of those E- type Batt-Man batteries with slots.

There will be either 1 or 2 seats for crew also, probably just below the RTG window and opposite the batteries.

The command pod is also coming along nicely. I've finished the external modeling and have laid out the IVA (not shown, as it's just blocked out, nothing cool yet.


Really looking forward to these new parts, they look great. Will this be included in the Near Future propulsion pack ?

I will be making a separate download for things that do not need that plugin.

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I'm really liking the command pod. How many kerbals will it fit?

Just two at the moment, I will re-evaluate once I test the IVA. Could be room for back seats in the cockpit - if so, four.

Ok, the IVA for the service compartment looks nice by the way, though two kerbals might feel cramped in there.

Glad you like it. They'll be a bit cramped, but the entire volume is similar to the Hitchhiker, so two kerbals will fit okay.

How much dV is in service module? One small, toroidal tank might be not enough for any maneuvering.

It's a torroidal tank that is quite large, not the stock tank at all, though I'm matching the style. My aim is for the whole ship is about 2200 dV - enough for landing and takeoff on Duna and a one-way trip (barely) to Tylo. Currently if you omit the main fuel/RCS tank it gets about 500 dV on the engine's integrated fuel alone.

I got a bit annoyed with unwrapping, so I put the parts ingame to test them and ensure scale was correct.


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I think the externals are almost done! I need to complete the specular and normal maps for the fuel tank, utility pod and landing legs, but things are otherwise approximately where I want them. Then I'll release a test release, before I start with IVAs (which will take a good while).

Today I flew the assembled ship to Duna and landed it to test performance and landing ability. I used up about half the tank, but I suspect I better pilot could do it in less.

I may add integrated landing lights into the landing gear pods too!


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