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I'd like these game statistics from you:


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-the number of objects under the "debris" tab at the tracking station

-the number of Kerbals assigned on missions at the astronaut complex

-the number of screenshots in your folder (from all versions of the game or only the latest, your choice)

I have a gut feeling that these numbers alone are enough to get a fairly good idea of anyone's past and present KSP game, so post them, if you would...

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Depends entirely on the save, and I am prone to deleting and starting new saves on occasion, but I'll try to give you a from-memory-estimate of my current saves:

-the number of objects under the "debris" tab at the tracking station

0. I clear them out regularly.

-the number of Kerbals assigned on missions at the astronaut complex

At least 20, probably more like 30.

-the number of screenshots in your folder (from all versions of the game or only the latest, your choice)

200+ at least. Sometimes I archive them and clear the directory.

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I like having debris in LKO orbit. Ive collided with it twice and I have to say its pretty awesome when it happens, which is why Ive intentionally sent up debris making rockets just to duplicate the collisions :)

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I have a gut feeling that these numbers alone are enough to get a fairly good idea of anyone's past and present KSP game, so post them, if you would...

How so? I've played the game at least 10 hours a week since version .8 or so and played the demo for many hours before that.

I have debris to zero because I have an old computer. I also try my best not to leave any.

I do a lot of unmanned flights and only have a dozen or so active Kerbals. Right now the big three are sitting on Minmus and have been for a long time.

I don't take any screen shots.

so that gives me,


about 10


for your stats. What is my past and present game play based on those?

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6 debris

All consisting of probes without the power to open the solar panels. All other debris purposely crashlanded on planets and moons. They're not actually listed as debris, but I can't change their status to debris, because they're out of power...

0 assigned

Only done manned Kerbal orbits/rendevous/EVA's and a manual solar panel opening mission. Extremely cautious with astronauts after a massive amount of crashes (and deaths) before symmetry was added to the game.

12 screenshots

Edited by Astrotropie
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In my "all stock" install:

- 7

- 2

- 40

This isn't because I play the all stock one less, just because I have tended to do more efficient designs on stock and bring the crew back home.

In my mod install:

- 56

- 3

- 282

Because I tend to do more outrageous things in mods I take more pics and leave more debris.

Another useful statistic would be number of Kerbals on the "lost" tab in the astronaut complex. It's 0 on both of my installs.

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