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What would happen to this community if pewdiepie played KSP?


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Pewdiepie's channel is the #1 suscribed channel in the world, and obviously he gets a TON of views. What would happen to this community if pewdiepie's suscribers people started talking on the forum? I've seen that in the comments it's usually full of bad spelling and punctuation, and they have flame wars often.

Do you think that the forum will be overrun with noobs? (Asking questions in the general subforum, misspelling everything, and generally being rude?)

Or do you think that we'll receive a bunch of new people that can create interesting discussions?

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I'd quit.

But in all honesty, I can't see many people playing it. KSP has a bit of a learning curve, and if I may be so mean, I find the majority of pewdiepie viewers immature.

Although, if they stick through the learning curve, I feel they should be welcomed as everyone else.

As long as they seem to be decent people.

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I came into this thread not even knowing what a pewdiepie is...

Google Search leads me to his youtube page and I promptly see "Subscribe to become a bro" and a video titled "Real Naked Gurls" So with that being my some total of knowledge about the guys I simply thing, that he really wouldn't like the game, and likely neither would his fans.

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  Moon Goddess said:
I came into this thread not even knowing what a pewdiepie is...

Google Search leads me to his youtube page and I promptly see "Subscribe to become a bro" and a video titled "Real Naked Gurls".

Don't even need to Google whoever the hell that is now, thanks for falling on the sword for us.

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The community would doubtlessly grow a few sizes right away, since his followers are the kind of people likely to go "oh wow pew played it it must be great!!". It would also be filled with even more young and immature players than it has right now, and the quality of content on these forums would decline rather steeply.

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IT's probably better for everybody if people like Pewdiepie, UHNova, Yogscast, stay away from KSP. 1, i dont think they could make it entertain viewers long and that tends to win a game a "this is stupid award". 2, like above, i think the forums and playerbase would be saturated with evil little creatures under the age of fourteen.

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Then it would suffer from the fallout after all of his Fanboys are like "Ummergawd this game suckzzz iz cants even gets into spacezzzz with my giant penizzz rocket, needz more gunz!!!@211@!@43132!!!"

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  Jake Shifter said:
... Yogscast ...

Actually Yogscast "did" KSP about a year ago, and the effect was much less severe than people had been fearing. Yes, we did get a lot of newcomers to the forums and a bit of trouble, but it mainly settled down quickly enough, and I feel sure that Squad ended up selling a fair few extra copies thanks to the extra publicity!

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  Astronaut said:
It would suffer a worse fate than Minecraft did.

Don't. You. Speak. Of. That.

The Minecraft forums were a really good place before they got flooded. (Beta 1.8 or so)

Anyway, if pewdie did visit KSP, and if his viewers lasted around here more than a month or so before mass ragequit, I'd leave. That's too much bad to have happen a second time. Felix is okay, the comments are unbearable.

This thread might get a lock, I would prepare.

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  softweir said:
Actually Yogscast "did" KSP about a year ago, and the effect was much less severe than people had been fearing. Yes, we did get a lot of newcomers to the forums and a bit of trouble, but it mainly settled down quickly enough, and I feel sure that Squad ended up selling a fair few extra copies thanks to the extra publicity!
Getting lucky once doesn't mean you're going to get lucky twice. Sure, having one of the big YouTubers do a KSP show might not be as bad as feared, but it's far more likely to be worse than feared. There was a time that KSP was played mostly by old Orbiter players. If you look at the current userbase, most wouldn't even know what that is. Much as I dislike some aspects of the userbase, I'd rather not risk getting a replacement that's even worse, even if I doubt that the typical gamer would find KSP interesting for any extended period of time.
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Pretty much what's been said before. After doing a quick glance at his youtube page, I would foresee most people wouldn't even touch it, due to how "boring" it can be, About 1/4 of his viewers may actually play it, but of those, only a mere handful would find the game entertaining to play, let alone be bothered to check the forums for some useful tips. What Goldham said is probably just as accurate.

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