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Space Station Ideas?

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After going to the moon, reaching Duna, and putting 80 hours in the game, I decided it might be a good time to learn how to Rendezvous. Before it looked hard and complex, but I finally watched a couple quality tutorials (thanks ksp forum and Scott Manley!!) I decided it might not be as hard as I thought it was. After docking two capsules, I was pumped, so I created a space station. Now I have a lifetime supply of rocket fuel, more docking ports than I will ever need (different types too), and a lot of kerbals. Then I realized I didn't really have an objective, I was just launching the same stuff over and over. So do you have any ideas of what to do with rendezvous and space stations now?

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You might add some Communications docking pods, a Probe Wing, maybe somewhere the Kerbals can hang out, A Hydroponics wing (There are no Hydroponics in KSP so you'll need to use some imagination :) ) A fuel depot is a great idea, you could also add some escape pods and maybe a space plane, a rescue lander, You could also add a space tug (A Probodobodyne based body with RCS fuel and RCS thrusters so you can tug things around your space station **Very useful**) and you could also add (Just for god measure) some battery banks.

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I find space stations a lot more useful when they orbit far away bodies you want to explore. For e.g you can have a space station around duna, attach a trusted lander, and send a couple orange tanks to allow multiple flights down the surface. Have a crew stay in orbit around duna and a small crew transfer craft that visits sometimes ;)

It is even more fun with the kethane mod, where you could have a kethane miner getting fuel from ike...

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A fuel depots never a bad idea, also, i like to have about 5-10 escape pods
I find space stations a lot more useful when they orbit far away bodies you want to explore. For e.g you can have a space station around duna, attach a trusted lander, and send a couple orange tanks to allow multiple flights down the surface. Have a crew stay in orbit around duna and a small crew transfer craft that visits sometimes ;)

Both of these are very good and practical ideas, especially when taken together. Send a fuel depot to a planet you intend on visiting soon, so that you can go there an refuel before you leave if you need to. Kill two birds with one stone, as they say.

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Ha ha. I have done the opposite. I have put up about 5 space stations of varying sizes. Done loads of kerbin orbit stuff but never been past minmus.

After 120 hours Im only put a single kerbal on the Mun and that was wholly unsuccessfully.

I have docked more parts than I care to remember however... Just shows you there are so many ways to play this game!

As for the stations, I like to launch up small modules, each on a separate rocket, using minimal fuel and RCS. I tend to avoid the massive first stages lifting honking great stations.

Doing 5 or so stations this way (plus various other Kerbin related activities) probably explains why it took me over 100 hours before I landed a rover on the Mun... I had fun so I don't regret a second of my time!

Edited by nine_iron
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I suggest you make several stations in Kerbin orbit, if you just want something to do. I have two stations, and I ferry crew between them constantly, sometimes using the same ship over ten times. I plan on making a Mun or Minmus station, but haven't taken the time to do so yet.

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