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JackBauer's Space Fleet - Magellan Space Shuttle Released!

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Magellan Space Shuttle

Magellan is a heavy lift space shuttle designed to lift up to 60 tons to LKO, or smaller payloads to high altitude or highly inclined orbits.



For now, the only instruction is turn on SAS and fly, or use MechJeb and fly. Can't get any simpler than that.

Action 1 is payload doors, and Action 0 deactivate main shuttle engines - use it after detaching the external tank.


B9 4.0c required

KW Rocketry 2.5 required

MechJeb required (although you can fly it manually)

Romfarer Robotic Arms recommended (there is a shuttle variant with it in the zip)

Quantum Struts recommended (to fix the payload in place)



Andromeda Space Shuttle

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Edited by SFJackBauer
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Okay are the instruction on launching/ re entry for mech if you want to manually fly it? If you use the auto pilot can you disregard the manual instructions or does it have to be flown by hand?

To be honest I have not tried a manual ascent - should be doable, but I chose to spend my scarce time in building and tweaking it for an automated launch first (even if its not that automated). If you do launch manually, let me know the results!

For the reentry, you can fly manual. Again, I have not tried, if you do let me know what works and what doesn't. One of the thing I want to focus next is perfecting the deorbit-reentry-landing sequence.

The landing - I do fully manual with SAS, since the "Spaceplane guidance" module from MechJeb does not seem to work correctly, at least for this craft (or I don't understand it... it always fly over the runway).

Very nice shuttle, although I don't use any of the mods listed. Hopefully I'll get around to doing so sometime. :)


This is... Beautiful! With the exception of dat landing, it's amazing!

Hey, Jeb was piloting, what could we expect... :P

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Ok so I've been trying to improve the shuttle so it would be simpler to operate, and able to lift a larger payload (40 ton to LKO). I've came up with an interesting idea that I am testing now... the results are promising! It looks even more like the real space shuttle :P

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Work continues on the Magellan Space Shuttle. I've finised the engine pods to my liking, and I'm pleased with the results.


The whole engine section snaps off as one piece from the craft, making maintenance easy... Who am I fooling, KSP does not have wear and tear :D


Now the aero took a bit of tweaking. The 3 main engines add weight as you expect, and displaced the center of mass way back. I had to angle the surfaces to bring the lift more to the back.


Wet CoM (yellow), dry CoM (red) and CoL (blue)


Started tinkering with the booster. I want to extract 7000 dV from this baby, so I will need 4 solids. In this configuration it has 10 million newtons of thrust, so it remains to be seen how it will behave (i.e. rip) itself at launch.


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Here I am posting the description and instructions for the Andromeda Space Shuttle.

This is NOT a trivial craft to fly, and even using the recommended MechJeb flight plan it still requires atention and manual handling all the way to the orbit. However this is an open-ended development, and I will surely accept suggestions and tips in making it better.

So please read the instructions carefully before attempting to destroy... errm fly it through the Kerbin atmosphere towards space!

Mods used

KW Rocketry v2.5.2

B9 Aerospace

MechJeb 2.0.9

Performance data

Overall (without payload)

  • Delta-V - 6,607 m/s
  • Total mass - 433,220 kg
  • Payload compatibility - 2.5m and smaller
  • Payload to 80 km orbit - 35,000 kg
  • Payload to 600 km orbit - 10,000 kg
  • Landing speed - 55 m/s (200 kph)
  • Crew - 2
  • Part count - 92 (full stack without launch clamps) / 53 (orbiter)

Flight manual

Launch pad preparations

  • Check that the payload fuel tanks, if there is any, are properly locked to avoid accidental draining during the ascent.
  • Close payload bay doors (Action 1) and retract landing gear (G).
  • Configure the bottom orange tank to drain first. You may do this by either:

    - Configure it in TAC Fuel balancer to "Transfer Out" (both liquid fuel and oxidizer)

    - Block flow from the top tank. This will add to your workload as you will have to unblock it later after SRB separation.

  • Set MechJeb Smart A.S.S. to hold the launch attitude (after launch you need to execute the roll program to HDG 270)

    - Mode = SURF

    - HDG = 0

    - PIT = 90

    - ROLL = 0

    - Press EXECUTE

  • Configure the MechJeb ascent profile. Factory-recommended settings:

    - Orbit altitude, inclination - as desired

    - Prevent overheats = ON

    - Limit to terminal velocity = ON

    - Limit to acceleration = 30 m/s²

    - Turn start = 7km

    - Turn end = 70km

    - Turn shape 35º

Launch and ascent

Given the assymetrical nature of the shuttle, and since its center of mass changes during the ascent and also varies due to the payload mass, this shuttle have a differential engine control system. It means that, at certain points during the ascent, some engines will be needed to be turned on and off to distribute evenly the thrust around the center of mass.

The shuttle stack has four engine action groups, laid out given the following illustration.


Action group 7 - ET first main engine

Action group 8 - ET second main engine

Action group 9 - ET aux engine

Action group 0 - Orbiter main engine


The stack is balanced to launch straight up with all engines firing if the payload mas is around the 15,000 kg range.

If the payload mass is close to the limit of 35,000 kg, then the ET first main engine (Action 7) may have to be shutdown immediately after launch until SRB separation to properly trim the stack in a straight-up attitude.

Roll program

After launch and certifying that the craft is ascending straight up, you may execute the roll program to the desired orbit heading, by punching it in the HDG field of the Smart A.S.S SURF mode, and pushing EXECUTE.

Typical value will be 270 for eastward orbits - remember that the ascent is flown heads down.

When the roll program is completed you can then engage the ascent autopilot (Ascent Guidance window) for the gravity turn.

During ascent

As the booster and external tanks fuel are consumed and its masses decrease, it becomes harder for the autopilot to apply the required leverage to maintain the craft on its path. Therefore you should pay attention to the pitch control indicator pictured below, so that when it reaches its boundaries you switch off the engines, one by one, to balance the thrust against the stack.


Pitch control indicator

Typically, you need to shutdown the ET first main engine (Action 7) 20 seconds before SRB separation and relight it immediately after the separation.

SRB separation

Nominally, the SRB sep will occur right before the beginning of the gravity turn. However the SRBs are equipped with strong separation motors, so the risk of collision with the stack should be very low.

If you don't use TAC fuel balancer to trim the external tanks, then it may be time to check out manually the flow, as the lower tank will be almost depleted at this time.

ET first main engine shutdown

After the ascent computer has executed the gravity turn, it may be time to shutdown the ET first main engine (Action 7). The exact moment depends on the payload mass; for a typical 15,000 kg payload the altitude at where this occurs is around 16,000 meters. As always, the pitch control indicator should be the reference as to when execute the shutdown.

ET second main engine shutdown

At around 30,000 meters for typical payloads, the ET second main engine must be shutdown (Action 8). From this point on, only the auxiliary engines, more efficient in the thin atmosphere, will thrust against the external tank.

ET aux engine trim

For the last 30 seconds of fuel left in the ET, it will be necessary to pulse the aux engine (Action 9) to keep the craft on its desired path.

ET separation

After the ET fuel is depleted, or after the desired apoapsis is reached, the External tank must be detached using the normal staging sequence. Then the orbiter maneuvering engines will be turned on for the circularization burn.

You should also turn off the orbiter main engine (Action 0) so that the maneuver calculations don't take it into consideration.

Reentry and landing

The reentry is one critical aspect to a successful landing since the orbiter must be capable of doing it unpowered, after the deorbit burn. The figures given here are good for a return from a 80 km orbit. If your orbit is higher, the recommendation is to first lower to a 80 km orbit before the reentry preparations.

Deorbit burn

The deorbit burn must be a 100 m/s retrograde burn at around 900km away from the desired landing site. Using MechJeb Landing Guidance window, after the burn, the difference from target must be around 45 km and the predicted decceleration 3 gees.


For the reentry the orbiter must be oriented prograde, with a pitch of 20 degrees above the horizon. This attitude must be maintained during the reentry until the orbiter has deccelerated to below Mach 3, or 900 m/s.


After reentry, with the airfield around 50km out, you should switch to the manual control for the landing. Keep SAS on to maintain yaw and roll in check. You must adjust the trajectory if you are closer or farther from the field. Even if you end up going too fast, you can simply point down directly at the runway threshold and use the denser air to deccelerate.

You must keep about 100 m/s until the final flare above the runway. Then after touch down engage the brakes, come to a stop, and head to the nearest pilot bar to celebrate your mission!

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This looks awesome! One of the best (maybe even the best) replica of a space shuttle. Can't wait to fly the Magellan

I appreciate the compliments! This is not intended as an exact replica in the looks sense, but more in the "spiritual" sense... if that makes any sense. Hmmm just used "sense" three times in a phrase, weird.

I updated the first post with the first (yes - the first) reentry and landing attempt on it.

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I appreciate the compliments! This is not intended as an exact replica in the looks sense, but more in the "spiritual" sense... if that makes any sense. Hmmm just used "sense" three times in a phrase, weird.

I updated the first post with the first (yes - the first) reentry and landing attempt on it.

four*(including the "sense") :P. That's what I meant too with replica, btw what's the name of the song on the first video. I know it's Rammstein, but not the name of the song.

Edit: The Magellan would look so much cooler if the cockpit wasn't pointing straight forward, but a bit downwards, like the NASA space shuttle. Is there any mod with a cockpit like that?

Edited by paxy97
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four*(including the "sense") :P. That's what I meant too with replica, btw what's the name of the song on the first video. I know it's Rammstein, but not the name of the song.

Its Links 2-3-4.

The Magellan would look so much cooler if the cockpit wasn't pointing straight forward, but a bit downwards, like the NASA space shuttle. Is there any mod with a cockpit like that?

I don't know of any. I have experimented with angling the nose like below, but the problem is the reference point for the entire craft, for every maneuver, ends up angled too.


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I don't know of any. I have experimented with angling the nose like below, but the problem is the reference point for the entire craft, for every maneuver, ends up angled too.

Have you tried to angle only the adapter and the straighten the cockpit? The reference point would remain the same that way, only thing is it could look weird.

While typing this I saw those wheels on the shuttle. Did you make them or are they from a mod? Edit: Just found out B9 aerospace got updated a few hours ago

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That B9 cockpit is sturdy isn't? Lol @ the kerbals faces!

Yeah the propulsion approach I've used for Andromeda does not leave much margin to error... but have you eventually gotten to orbit? I have not flown it in 0.22, should be no different than before though. If you follow the instructions to the letter, you should be able to.

But hopefully Magellan will be easier to handle. I was tinkering with making a FAR-friendly version, but I see this is gonna take more time than expected. So I will release the non-FAR version first.

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That B9 cockpit is sturdy isn't? Lol @ the kerbals faces!

Yeah the propulsion approach I've used for Andromeda does not leave much margin to error... but have you eventually gotten to orbit? I have not flown it in 0.22, should be no different than before though. If you follow the instructions to the letter, you should be able to.

But hopefully Magellan will be easier to handle. I was tinkering with making a FAR-friendly version, but I see this is gonna take more time than expected. So I will release the non-FAR version first.

Yeah I noticed that it's not the easiest thing to fly, although landing after orbit was quite nice. It was one of my best landings :D. If you want you can PM me me the craft file of the Magellan so I could test/help you.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
Been working on converting the Magellan shuttle to FAR and, most importantly... to Real Kerbin! NASA lended some boosters...


What engines are you using? Look like Maverick V, but they only have ~800KN with H2&LO2, not getting anywhere near to a TWR >1 after SRB separation on my shuttle (identical to the one in your vid of this)? :(

BTW I have real fuels, real engine configs, stretchy tanks, and RSS

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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