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struts seems cancelling 99% if not all the decouple force of radial decouplers

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Just for fun at first, i modded a stock radial decouplers to have 50000 decouple force because i found my heavy radial mounted boosters never jettisoned far. even with sepratron.... the boosters just slide-down when decoupled.... then i found that its all about the struts (even just the stock one).

without struts the SRBs are dumped like i expected.

with struts, they just slide-down...

then i tried going even further to have 1000000 decouple force but still make no difference with struts in place.

have lulz effects of course when i remove the struts.

is this intended or i placed the struts incorrectly??


i tried placing the struts on top of the SRBs instead, but result is the same.

Thank you.

Edited by mwlue
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So long as they slide down without hitting your rocket, you will be OK. Just don't be involved in a turning move at the time. Do use bracing struts on the big SRB or they can cause unwanted spin and handling issues due to twisting on the radical couplers. Bracing onion staging boosters is far easier then bracing asparagus staging. The entire ring slides off cleanly upon staging. Without the cross bracing, this rocket would start spinning out of control. With no braces, the boosters would eventually twist off. There are no braces connecting to the asparagus inner ring. The interconnecting braces stabilized the SRBs so the load transfers evenly to the inner core.


This photo shows the bracing on a eight engine, four place, asparagus in orbit. This is the same rocket that had the eight boosters. It is the bare minimum needed to stabilize them in flight.


Originally, I had the LV-N powered during flight but have since disconnected it from the asparagus staging due to overheating during launch. The asparagus ring alone was sufficient to place it into orbit with fuel left for the escape burn.

Edited by SRV Ron
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  Sirine said:
Just offering another solution. If you would like your decouple to do its job.

Place your struts to a Jr.Decouple.

Decouple the Jr.Decouple to destroy the struts before your real intended decouple.

Sounds like a good idea. I wonder if you could decouple them all at once?

The only problem is that decouplers are wiggly so it will compromise the strut mechanical properties somewhat (I hang my rocket by part above the small decoupler once and had a chance to see the decoupler levitate in about a meter wide gap between the part and the rest of the rocket; it was rather funny view).

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  Sirine said:
Just offering another solution. If you would like your decouple to do its job.

Place your struts to a Jr.Decouple.

Decouple the Jr.Decouple to destroy the struts before your real intended decouple.

Hmmm interesting suggestion, never think of this before. Will give it a try. Orz

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I usually mount the sepetrons in the center of mass of the object I am jettisoning. I save all these under my sub assembly loader. Makes life so much easier when building some of my rockets, which I don't do that much anymore.

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