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Constellation Space Program - Three Part Challenge

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I also got the majority of the Orion points except for the 6 kerbal capacity (im not going to beat myself up over it) so +13

Finally i got +4 for doing the R&D missions

Hey that's a great first mission post! Fun to see the SnP Station (Salt and Pepper shaker) getting some use. :cool: Leaderboard updated.

Breaking News!

We have just received word from the KSC that the Crew of the Duna Explorer has just Touched down on the surface of Duna. Here is some Live (almost) footage of the landing brought to you by KRBL News's own Macsey Kerman.

Awesome precision Duna flying.. takes an extra effort to coordinate in orbit before descent. Max score achieved for "Design"! :D

I can see one big problem with all of this: it's called Ares I, not Aries I.

Nah.. call it Pink Flamingo for all I care. As long as challenge guidelines are met (spacecraft nomenclature not one of them)...

Actually, Aries makes more sense considering Saturn, Mercury and Gemini naming.

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Alright here are some more test launches and designs:

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Design: The Ares V got all of its design points(YAY!) +11. My Altair got 13/19. I will be landing the outpost with Pressurized rovers and manned versions tonight to fill that out.

R&D: +2 for using the Ares 1 in docking and mun missions. +1 for using Ares V in a mun mission +2 for using the Ares V and KDS to send an Orion B1 to a free return mun trip. I did re-enter over 9gs so i guess that counts (it never said they had to survive, and i did pull it off at exactly 9g)


+2 for landing an unmanned Altair

Ill be finishing up the Mun and Altair points tonight i think.:kiss:

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Your Altair design is pretty awesome. I was going for something like that but got a bit carried away as I'm sure you've seen. Looking forward to your Duna designs.

Yep, gotta co-sign that, vincespeedmk2.. that is a tight looking lander, cadaverific. I too wanted mine to obscure the stock pod-parts, but somehow it wound up looking like a decorative cake of some kind. :P

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Absolute disaster. Has anyone else spotted the catastrophic mistake with my Duna landing mission.

The outpost lander has a capacity of 10 kerbals. No problem you might say. The landing party only numbers 7. Well here's the catch.... my ascent vehicle only seats 6 ( standard full complement for an Altair landing mission). Dun dun dun!!!

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Absolute disaster. Has anyone else spotted the catastrophic mistake with my Duna landing mission.

The outpost lander has a capacity of 10 kerbals. No problem you might say. The landing party only numbers 7. Well here's the catch.... my ascent vehicle only seats 6 ( standard full complement for an Altair landing mission). Dun dun dun!!!

I've had moments like that where I make a design decision.. forget why later.. then get reminded about it in a bad way.

Do I see a rescue-mission in the future? Or.. drive over to the 'face' and look for a way to get in a la "Mission to Mars". Hmm.. now that I think of it, although not much of a movie IMHO, that could make a good challenge.

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Hey there guys!

It's been a while since I've been active in the forum. I was is the mood for some KSP and so I decided I might tackle this challenge. Right now I'm still in the the preliminary stages of my "Pressure Drop Programm", which is my label for this whole endeavour ;)

This is the Design for my Ares I equivalent, the "5*Tarkin":


Since I have no Orion equivalent yet, I used a placeholder I named "The Shrimp". After considering the other designs here I guess I kinda overdid it, but who cares - it's for fun after all. The 5*Tarkin can put The Shrimp into a 80km circular orbit without touching it's fuel suply.

Update: This it the first prototype of my Orion-equivalent, the 3*Vader Craft. Included is a Album of a unmanned suborbital flight using a 5*Tarkin rocket.

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-Supports at least 4 crew (+4)

-Each crew over 4 (+1)

-Self-contained multi-purpose spacecraft (+2)

-Service module (+2)

-Safely touches down on land and water (+1)

-Solar/battery electrical only (no RTG) (+2)


12 Points

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-Supports at least 4 crew (+4)

-Each crew over 4 (+1)

-Self-contained multi-purpose spacecraft (+2)

-Service module (+2)

-Safely touches down on land and water (+1)

-Solar/battery electrical only (no RTG) (+2)


12 Points

Hey Xeldrak, welcome to the challenge! Must say, I do like seeing the new parts starting to show up in challenge submissions. Looking forward to your progress! :cool:

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Thank you. Well right now I'm hesitant to post many pictures because I'm tweaking stuff here and there so quite a lot is still open to change. But talking about new parts: while constructing my heavy lifter I came up with the following problem:

Does this count as six liquid fuel engines? Because there are clearly six nozzles, but KSP counts it as three engines.


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Does this count as six liquid fuel engines? Because there are clearly six nozzles, but KSP counts it as three engines.


According to the manufacturer, those are six modified KR-1 engines.

This liquid fuel booster system was designed to allow for finer control of launches instead of relying solely on single engine solid rocket boosters it employs two modified KR-1 engines as the source of its immense lifting power.



I scored +9 for the Ares I style lifter.. if you develop a Block II Orion style CSM and can boost it to LKO without any help from the CSM, I'll update to +11 and +13 for the Ares and CSM respectively.

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Hello Kerbob,

I am here at the ChemRock production plant in Xeldragrad, central Xeldrakia. After rigorous testing, the crew here at ChemRock is proud to announce that the first prototypes for the upcomming Pressure Drop Program are ready for full scale production. The leaflet I've been handed before everyone started to get drunk tells me that they have finished a Crew Transport Vehicle, a heavy rocket and a light rocket. Because of a lost bet, the first stage of the aforementioned light rocket consists only of solid rocket motors, that cannot be switched off once they are ignited. One of the designers told me that this improveds crew determination.

This is exiting news, but now please excuse me.

I want to get drunk aswell. I'll leave you the leaflet.

The ChemRock 3*Vader Crew Vehicle


(13 Points)

The ChemRock 5*Tarkin Crew Launch Vehicle


(11 Points)

The ChemRock 8*Chorkun Heavy Cargo Lift Vehicle


(11 Points)

(I'll post albums of my missions, so you don't have to take my word for these claims ;))

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The ChemRock 3*Vader Crew Vehicle


(13 Points)

The ChemRock 5*Tarkin Crew Launch Vehicle


(11 Points)

The ChemRock 8*Chorkun Heavy Cargo Lift Vehicle


(11 Points)

(I'll post albums of my missions, so you don't have to take my word for these claims ;))

Looking good, Xeldrak. Bonus points for press hot-sheets and flag design!

I should get in on this. Here's a taste.


Welcome to the challenge, GusTurbo! :cool:

Heyo. Back with a fairly large update. Did plenty of work doing polishing off the Mun and Altair challenges. All i have left is the EOR in munar orbit.


ill add up the points later. i believe i got everything for both the mun and the altair.

Nice mission execution! Thanks for the update. :D


  • Launch a boilerplate Orion capsule/EDS on suborbital flight using Ares I (+1)

All this work for a lousy point ^^

Hehe.. you're welcome. :wink:

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  • Perform an abort and recovery (LES) of an un-Kerballed Orion capsule using the Launch Escape System, while first stage is firing (+1)

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  • Launch and dock an unkerballed Orion Block 1 to the orbiting space station, for use as a lifeboat (+2)

I claim three points! ^^

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I'm intending to utalise SLS hardware and Constellation plans to explore and colonize Duna in a similar method to this Constellation program.

I need to redesign my Orion spacecraft to be able to support a crew of 6 as atm it can only support a max of 5.



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Some more testing of the Orion Block II spacecraft, including a high apoapsis test flight, I skipped the boilerplate testing, launch abort control testing, and unmanned docking at the Kerban Space Station.

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  • Perform an abort and recovery (LES) of an un-Kerballed Orion capsule using the Launch Escape System, while first stage is firing (+1)
  • Launch and dock an unkerballed Orion Block 1 to the orbiting space station, for use as a lifeboat (+2)

I claim three points! ^^

  • Using an Ares V and EDS, send an un-Kerballed Orion spacecraft into a free-return trajectory orbit to the Mun and perform a high speed re-entry test. Re-entry g-force must exceed 9g's (+2)

I clam another two points :D

So that looks like 35 points on design and 5 points for mission.. please lmk if I'm off anywhere. I rather like the use of radial engines.. neat. :cool:

I'm intending to utalise SLS hardware and Constellation plans to explore and colonize Duna in a similar method to this Constellation program.

I need to redesign my Orion spacecraft to be able to support a crew of 6 as atm it can only support a max of 5.

Some more testing of the Orion Block II spacecraft, including a high apoapsis test flight, I skipped the boilerplate testing, launch abort control testing, and unmanned docking at the Kerban Space Station.

Welcome to the challenge, Vonar! Colonizing Duna sounds like a big undertaking.. nice. :D LMK how your progress comes along so I can update the leadboard.

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35 Engineering points sound right to me. However, I come up with 6 mission points:

PDPM01: Suborbital Boilerplate (+1)

PDPM02: LES test (+1)

PDPM03: Docking unmanned to Space Station (+2)

PDPM04: Unmanned Mün fly-by, free return, hight g reentry (+2)

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35 Engineering points sound right to me. However, I come up with 6 mission points:

PDPM01: Suborbital Boilerplate (+1)

PDPM02: LES test (+1)

PDPM03: Docking unmanned to Space Station (+2)

PDPM04: Unmanned Mün fly-by, free return, hight g reentry (+2)

Right.. forgot that boilerplate launch. Thanks!

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