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Constellation Space Program - Three Part Challenge

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Small additional points for a Duna outpost which were already implied, but made more explicit:

Design points - Duna Lander:

  • Outpost Variant: Develop the Duna lander to remain on Duna as a permanent outpost. The Duna landing mission should include pressurized seats for 1.5 times your crew size (round up). Eg. If your Duna lander seats 4, the Outpost Variant should have pressurized seats for 6. If your Duna lander seats 5, your Outpost Variant should seat 8 (+2)

Mission Points - Duna Outpost:

  • Duna Outpost: The Duna lander uses the Duna Outpost Variant which stays on the surface and includes a pressurized rover. (+3)

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Alright, my entry is underway - I've taken screenshots of my hardware to this point, conducted boilerplate launches, conducted an abort with the first stage lit and successfully orbited a fully crewed capsule. Pics in the morning.

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Here we go.

I think the best way to keep track of scoring for this challenge is going to be to highlight what new accomplishments I've done in a photo set. So, to that end, lemme set that up.



Crew Launch Vehicle (Thanatos 7): +9 pts

Two stage rocket to LKO (+2)

Does not jettison any radial stages (solid or liquid tanks/engines) (+2)

Can carry Orion Block 1 to low orbit without using any fuel from the Orion service module (+1)

Can carry Orion Block 2 to low orbit without using any fuel from the Orion service module (+2)

Uses any solid fuel booster on first stage (+1)

Uses only solid fuel on first stage (+3)

Heavy Cargo Lift Vehicle (Thanatos Heavy 7): +0 Pts

Hardware designed, no accomplishments achieved to date.

Crew Vehicle (Scorpio 7): +14 pts

Supports at least 4 crew (+4)

Each crew over 4, up to 6 crew maximum (+1 each; max +2)

Self-contained multi-purpose spacecraft: Launch Escape System (LES), Power, RCS fuel/thrusters, orbital maneuvering engine/fuel, docking port, probe core (+2)

Service module: Before landing, drops orbital maneuvering engine and all it's fuel and at least a portion of RCS fuel (+2)

Safely touches down on land and water (+1)

Solar/battery electrical only (no RTG) (+2)

Block 1/2 bonus: Develop a Block 2 with slightly higher delta-V. Block 1 is intended for low orbit missions and the Block 2 for Munar/deep space missions (+1)

Munar/Dunar Lander (Name Pending): +0 pts

Hardware not designed, name pending (checking meaning of originally selected name, because it might actually be realllllly dirty.......)

R&D: +2 pts

Launch a boilerplate Orion capsule/EDS on suborbital flight using Ares I (+1)

Perform an abort and recovery (LES) of an un-Kerballed Orion capsule using the Launch Escape System, while first stage is firing (+1)

Launch and dock an unkerballed Orion Block 1 to the orbiting space station, for use as a lifeboat (+2)

Using an Ares V and EDS, send an un-Kerballed Orion spacecraft into a free-return trajectory orbit to the Mun and perform a high speed re-entry test. Re-entry g-force must exceed 9g's (+2)

Perform a LKO test of an Altair Munar lander. With at least one Kerbal on board, fly an Altair Munar lander at least 100km away from the Orion spacecraft. Dispose of the descent stage, then fly the ascent stage back to the Orion. Transfer the crew to the Orion then robotically control the ascent stage into a re-entry orbit (+3)

Perform the above Altair test in Munar orbit using EOR mission (+1)

Using an un-Kerballed Duna lander and an EDS on Ares V, perform a high-speed re-entry from at least 15,000km Ap. (+2)

Launch an un-Kerballed Duna lander on Ares V into low orbit. Perform an orbital test and descent of the lander (crewed or uncrewed) (+3)

Use an Ares I in at least one space station docking mission (+1)

Use an Ares I in at least one Munar mission (flyby, orbital or landing) (+1)

Use an Ares I in at least one Duna mission (flyby or landing) (+1)

Use an Ares V in at least one Munar mission (orbital or landing) (+2)

Use an Ares V in at least one Duna mission (flyby or landing) (+2)

Space Station - Scorpio/Thanatos +0 pts.

Have already successfully orbited an Orion with full crew and returned safely to Kerbin.

Launch an Orion to the orbiting space station with at least 4 crew. Perform a crew exchange and return four Kerbals from the space station to Kerbin using the Orion. (+2)

Return at least one Kerbal from the space station to Kerbin in an Orion which was docked robotically. This is a "liferaft" scenario intended to use the Orion left at the space station in "Research and Development" above. (+1)

No other mission objectives completed to date. For the first part of this challenge, I claim 25 points with more to come. I'll hold off on claiming points on the Thanatos Heavy 7 until I actually do something with it. And like I said, I had a really cool name picked out for the lander but I need to look up precisely what it means before I go with it...

I would recommend going ahead and adding the "extra" accomplishments to the original post (you know, like the habitat module; stuff that scores points that you've come up with since the original challenge post). That way all of that's in one spot.

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  CalculusWarrior said:
DeathEngineering, allow me to state how much I love your challenges. I am currently working on your Duna Apollo Style challenge (yes, I know it's been months!) and I'm almost done. Now there's this? And 0.22 is coming out soon? There's just so much to do in KSP right now! :)

Thanks! Looking forward to seeing your mission report.

  Patupi said:
That's some good artwork! Is that by that famous Kerbal artist Fot O'Shup? :P

Heh.. Well, I struggled with how to carry out the "OP submission" rule while keeping to the intended flavor of the challenge to move it along as a developing space program. The "sketch" of mission hardware was my solution, but PS is too high-tech for me. I just messed with settings in IMGUR. :D

  Bioman222 said:
Oh, and I have 8 points for my Ares-I

Got it, thanks for the catch.

Leaderboard updated and three very "solid" entries! :wink:


  1. capi3101 - 23
  2. steffen_anywhere - 16
  3. Bioman222 - 8


  1. capi3101 - 2
  2. Bioman222 - 1
  3. steffen_anywhere - 1


Edited by Death Engineering
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Konstellation Program Update

The Ares I and V boosters were recently used to test the Orion space capsule's LES and deep-space mission capability. These un-crewed flights completed the development of the Orion 5 crew capsule, which will be used for further Orion missions. A second version of the Orion SM with higher delta-v is also available and may be selected based on mission requirements.

To test deep-space flight and to perform a high-speed re-entry, the Ares V and EDS boosted an Orion 5 on a free-return Munar flyby. The un-crewed capsule passed within 15km of the Munar surface and entered into a steep dive towards Kerbin. The re-entry peaked at 41.7 g's and the Orion capsule was recovered successfully in shallow water.

In space station news, a robotically controlled Orion 5 was launched to the four crew aboard the space station. This capsule will serve as a life-raft/return vehicle for the crew. The next launch to the station will be the first crewed mission on the Orion capsule.

Turning attention to the Mun landing, a prototype Altair lander and Altair Outpost are nearly ready for testing. Early design images suggest a large lander with four seats on the descent stage and four more on the ascent stage. The Outpost has even more seats, with room for 7.

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Konstellation Space Program Update

The Orion 5 flew its first official crew exchange mission to the space station. Four new crew arrived and four went home. The Orion performed flawlessly.

In Munar landing news, the production version of the Altair Landing Module (above) is ready for testing. It was launched robotically on an Ares V without the EDS and was joined later by the Landing Module test crew aboard an Orion 5 spacecraft launched on an Ares I. The crew docked to the LM then used the LM's main engine to boost the altitude to 130km. After two crew members transferred to the Altair, it was undocked and flown 104km away from the Orion crew capsule.

The crew then performed several inclination changes with the main engine before dropping the descent stage and sending it into a Kerbin re-entry trajectory. After flying the ascent stage back to the CM and docked with it, the crew transferred back to the CM and jettisoned the ascent stage into a Kerbin re-entry trajectory. This test completes the Kerbin orbital tests of the LM, paving the way for Munar landings!


In the next update, a Munar landing will be attempted with an Outpost Variant of the Altair to be joined later by four crew aboard an Altair lander. These two landings will begin the process of setting up the first of three planned Munar Outposts. Also, an Orion 5 Block II aboard an Ares V/EDS will be launched on a Duna flyby. This mission will take the crew of 5 within 5km of Duna, but will not orbit, and then return to Kerbin.

LM Test:

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  Supernovy said:
Nose cones now have lower drag than fuel tanks, meaning they can stabilise the rocket if put ahead of the centre of mass.

^^ I am not quite sure about that.. doesn't everything just add up in ksp; let's say you've got 4 orange tanks for 16 and a nose cone of one -> 17 drag?

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Unlike most Kerbonauts, I didn't jump straight to 0.22 yesterday - figured I'd wait for any bugfixes. Instead, I decided to rack up some more points for this challenge...

Going to have to see what happened with the Thanatos Heavy - that should've made orbit with so light a payload. I suspect the fuel lines from the central stack didn't connect properly to the outboard tanks. I'm not willing to say the design can't do that just yet...

Anyways - on to my points!!

PREVIOUS SCORES: Design 23, Mission 2

NEW POINTS CLAIMED: Design +10 (33), Mission +5 (7)

Crew Launch Vehicle (Thanatos 7): +0 pts

Can carry Orion Block 2 to low orbit without using any fuel from the Orion service module (+2)

Heavy Cargo Lift Vehicle (Thanatos Heavy 7): +10 pts.

Five or six liquid engines on first stage (+3)

Does not jettison any radial liquid tanks/engines (+2)

Uses and jettisons at least two solid fuel boosters on first stage (+1)

Two stage rocket to LKO: After the first stage is dropped, the second stage (EDS), carries payload to orbit +2)

Can carry the Earth Departure Stage (EDS) and Orion BLock 1 to low orbit without using any fuel from the EDS (+1)

EDS Bonus: Second stage can put Orion Block 1 into Munar free-return trajectory (+2)

Munar/Dunar Lander (Katapugon 7 Series): +0 pts

Hardware designed, building pending, no accomplishments achieved to date.

Crew Vehicle (Scorpio 7) +0 pts

All accomplishments achieved.

R&D: +5 pts

Launch and dock an unkerballed Orion Block 1 to the orbiting space station, for use as a lifeboat (+2)

Using an Ares V and EDS, send an un-Kerballed Orion spacecraft into a free-return trajectory orbit to the Mun and perform a high speed re-entry test. Re-entry g-force must exceed 9g's (+2)

Perform a LKO test of an Altair Munar lander. With at least one Kerbal on board, fly an Altair Munar lander at least 100km away from the Orion spacecraft. Dispose of the descent stage, then fly the ascent stage back to the Orion. Transfer the crew to the Orion then robotically control the ascent stage into a re-entry orbit (+3)

Perform the above Altair test in Munar orbit using EOR mission (+1)

Using an un-Kerballed Duna lander and an EDS on Ares V, perform a high-speed re-entry from at least 15,000km Ap. (+2)

Launch an un-Kerballed Duna lander on Ares V into low orbit. Perform an orbital test and descent of the lander (crewed or uncrewed) (+3)

Use an Ares I in at least one space station docking mission (+1)

Use an Ares I in at least one Munar mission (flyby, orbital or landing) (+1)

Use an Ares I in at least one Duna mission (flyby or landing) (+1)

Use an Ares V in at least one Munar mission (orbital or landing) (+2)

Use an Ares V in at least one Duna mission (flyby or landing) (+2)

Space Station - Scorpio/Thanatos: +0 pts

Launch an Orion to the orbiting space station with at least 4 crew. Perform a crew exchange and return four Kerbals from the space station to Kerbin using the Orion. (+2)

Return at least one Kerbal from the space station to Kerbin in an Orion which was docked robotically. This is a "liferaft" scenario intended to use the Orion left at the space station in "Research and Development" above. (+1)

Mun - Scorpio/Thantatos/Thantatos Heavy/Katapugon: +0 pts

Have already docked an Orion to the space station (crewed or robotic)

Land an un-Kerballed Altair on the Mun without the use of an Orion spacecraft (EDS and Altair only launched from Ares V) (+2)

Demonstrate that your Altair can, on its own, brake the Orion and Altair into Mun orbit and perform a polar landing (+2)

Land at least 4 Kerbals in an Altair on the Mun within 1km of either above Altair (+3)

Return four Kerbals from a Munar landing to Kerbin (+2)

Munar Outpost: Using at least one crewed Altair lander, an Outpost Variant and a pressurized rover set up a Munar Outpost. The Outpost Variant can join a crewed Altair already on the Mun or can be part of a separate Altair/Outpost Variant mission to another location. The Altair and Outpost Variant need to be within 100m of each other. (+5)

No other mission objectives completed to date.

If you're interested in the meaning of the name I picked out for the lander - and yes, that is the original name I had to double-check on - look it up on Wikipedia. I'll give you a hint: one of the translations of the word "Altair" is "The Bird".

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  capi3101 said:

Going to have to see what happened with the Thanatos Heavy - that should've made orbit with so light a payload. I suspect the fuel lines from the central stack didn't connect properly to the outboard tanks. I'm not willing to say the design can't do that just yet...

I didn't intend on jumping into 0.22 immediately either, but when I loaded KSP up after work yesterday it was just there. I probably wouldn't even have noticed except for all the new buildings. Even the rocket that I left on the pad while messing with fuel lines was still there. It will be SO NICE to not have to re-strut and re-string fuel lines on my saved sub-assemblies!

Looks like a good start to this challenge. Hope your fuel distribution gets worked out for your lifter! :D

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I'd think that the two version would be compatible with one another. I mean, the way you had it originally, science was a powered probe core, a science part and an antenna. "Science" in 0.22 could be exactly the same depending on what part you're talking about. Like the descent stage on the Mun; obviously that's staying there, so you'd transmit your science back to Kerbin. The old science parts have new experiments associated with them, so no re-designs are warranted for those who have them.

How about this: add brownie points for the amount of science a particular mission generates (i.e. extra credit for missions). Say......+1 point for the challenge per 20 units of science returned or transmitted successfully back to KSC. No other tweaks. I haven't played 0.22 yet so I don't know if that's a good number or not, but it's a starting point and something that can be fiddled with.

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