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Constellation Space Program - Three Part Challenge

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Announcing the Ares V Heavy Cargo Lift Vehicle from Vince Speed MK2.

The Kerbal Space Centre has confirmed successful launch of the latest in a series of launch systems for the Konstellation Program. The Ares V is rated to lift a 55.6 ton mass into a Low Kerbin orbit of 75km. and now for some rare footage of the launch.

and now for a points review from this press release


•Five or six liquid engines on first stage (+3)

•Does not jettison any radial liquid tanks/engines (+2)

•Uses and jettisons at least two solid fuel boosters on first stage (+1)

•Two stage rocket to LKO: After the first stage is dropped, the second stage (EDS), carries payload to orbit +2)

Design Total (+8)

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Ladies and Gentlekerbs, after a month of research and development Erisian Skunkworks is proud to announce the start of Project Dominion. Mission reports to follow in future postings. Initial craft designs follow:

Dominion I


Design Details:

Support Module Contains:

3200 dV provided by 4 LV-N's for extended orbital maneuvers.

290 Units of RCS fuel.

6 RTG's for constant power.

Large SAS Reaction Wheel for zippy maneuvering.

Sr. Docking Port on the bottom for easy and stable attachment of alternate EDS's and Landers.

Command Module Contains:

Room for 6 Kerbals

6 Parachutes with reinforced attachment points to withstand high g-forces from opening at speed.

Highly curved heat shield which greatly increases the craft's ability to self stabilize on re-entry.

Escape Tower with enough TWR to flee from either lifters at any point during flight.

Central Core with:

Jr. Docking Port

Okto 2 Probe Core

2x Z-200 Batteries.

50 Units of RCS fuel.

Micro SAS Reaction Wheel.

48-7S Emergency engine with 1 Oscar-B Fuel Tank.

Dominion II


Design Details:

Identical to the Dominion I however the II has an additional 950 dV for a total of 4150 dV provided by 4 LV-N's for extended orbital maneuvers.

Dominion II w/EDS


Design Details:

3500 dV in the EDS to get the Dominion Capsule safely to any destination.

Utilizes 2x2 asparagal drop tanks for interstellar transfer.

Driven by a 2.5m LV-NB engine.

Hydra Light Lifter

Carrying Dominion II inside protective fairing.


Design Details:

40 Ton lift capacity.

2 Stages to Orbit:

Stage 1: 7 total SRBs in a single cluster which burns for ~60s.

Stage 2: 3.75m second stage powerful enough to bring the craft to orbit with a couple hundred dV to spare.

Colossus Heavy Lifter

Carrying Dominion II w/EDS inside protective fairing.


Design Details:

100 Ton lift capacity.

2 Stages to Orbit:

Stage 1: 5 Engines with 4 SRB clusters which burn for ~60s.

Throttle nearly back to 0 throughout the SRB burn to limit inefficiency due to drag.

Stage 2: 5 Engines with enough spare dV to lift a Dominion II w/EDS to a lunar free return orbit.

Edited by BlazeFallow
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Points claimed for initial designs are in green. The one bit I did not claim is the no RTG in the Orion(Dominion) Capsule. The RTG's provided for better aesthetics which ended up being more valuable to me than 2 points :)

Crew Launch Vehicle (Ares I): Hydra

Two stage rocket to LKO (+2)

Does not jettison any radial stages (solid or liquid tanks/engines) (+2)

Can carry Orion Block 1 to low orbit without using any fuel from the Orion service module (+1)

Can carry Orion Block 2 to low orbit without using any fuel from the Orion service module (+2)

Uses any solid fuel booster on first stage (+1)

Uses only solid fuel on first stage (+3)

Heavy Cargo Lift Vehicle (Ares V): Colossus

Five or six liquid engines on first stage (+3)

Does not jettison any radial liquid tanks/engines (+2)

Uses and jettisons at least two solid fuel boosters on first stage (+1)

Two stage rocket to LKO: After the first stage is dropped, the second stage (EDS), carries payload to orbit +2)

Can carry the Earth Departure Stage (EDS) and Orion BLock 1 to low orbit without using any fuel from the EDS (+1)

EDS Bonus: Second stage can put Orion Block 1 into Munar free-return trajectory (+2)

Crew Vehicle (Orion): Dominion

Supports at least 4 crew (+4)

Each crew over 4, up to 6 crew maximum (+1 each; max +2) 6 total crew for +2

Self-contained multi-purpose spacecraft: Launch Escape System (LES), Power, RCS fuel/thrusters, orbital maneuvering engine/fuel, docking port, probe core (+2)

Service module: Before landing, drops orbital maneuvering engine and all it's fuel and at least a portion of RCS fuel (+2)

Safely touches down on land and water (+1)

Solar/battery electrical only (no RTG) (+2)

Block 1/2 bonus: Develop a Block 2 with slightly higher delta-V. Block 1 is intended for low orbit missions and the Block 2 for Munar/deep space missions (+1)

Total: 34

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The Kerbal Space Centre has just release an update on the on-going Konstellation Program. This time its the Completion of the Orion Crew Vehicle.

This Latest Entry into the Konstellation Program family comes in two Variants, Orion Mk1 For your every day trip into Low Kerbin Orbit, and Orion Mk2 For the longer journeys.

Now we cut to some classified Test Footage found in Doodbro Kerman's lunch bag.

Points Run down This Release:


o Supports at least 4 crew (+4)

o Each crew over 4, up to 6 crew maximum (+1 each; max +2)

o Self-contained multi-purpose spacecraft: Launch Escape System (LES), Power, RCS fuel/thrusters, orbital maneuvering engine/fuel, docking port, probe core (+2)

o Service module: Before landing, drops orbital maneuvering engine and all it's fuel and at least a portion of RCS fuel (+2)

o Safely touches down on land and water (+1)

o Solar/battery electrical only (no RTG) (+2)

o Block 1/2 bonus: Develop a Block 2 with slightly higher delta-V. Block 1 is intended for low orbit missions and the Block 2 for Munar/deep space missions (+1)

Design Total: (+14)

Research and Development

o Perform an abort and recovery (LES) of an un-Kerballed Orion capsule using the Launch Escape System, while first stage is firing (+1)

Missions Total: (+1)

Running total

Design (+ 30)

Missions (+2)

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KERBSTON (AP) - NASA officials confirmed today that the reported deaths of six Kerbonauts earlier this year was, in fact, a hoax. "We are deeply sorry that we lied to the people of the Kerbal Nation, and we are even more sorry that we got caught", said ex-KSC director and recently hired sewage treatment worker Charles Kerman. The hoax was revealed after one of the six reportedly dead Kerbonauts, Bill Kerman, was spotted in an underground record store listening to Enya CDs and later tracked back to an apartment in a Kerbston suburb, where all six Kerbonauts appeared to be taking up residence. After local and international media swarmed the apparent safehouse, veteran Kerbonaut Jebediah "Gimme Boosters or Gimme Death" Kerman released this statement: "To the public, yes we did go up earlier this year, yes we did have a run-in with the Kraken, and yes, we are alive and well today. As to how we got back to Kerbin......I doubt any of us would like to talk about it". No further statements were issued by any of the Kerbonauts, though Dondo Kerman, one of the rookie members of the crew, was reportedly heard muttering the words "Kraken", "swallowed", "krapped out" and "go to Ninevah". NASA has confirmed that despite the apparent hoax, the six Kerbonauts will be heading back to Duna at the next launch window, which is reportedly just over a month from today.


Been keeping myself busy in the interim by launching probes to the other planets - got the new landers up last night and getting ready to take another crack at a Duna mission. Hopefully this time there won't be any mishaps.

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Newkerb Kerman (KRBL News): As the Konstellation Program Wears on, the newly appointed Director of Rocketry and Catering, Thombold Kerman, releases the latest progress report.

Thombold: "This week we have carried out a successful Vehicle integration test of the Orion Series Space craft, and the Aries IB Crew Launch Vehicle. As of this moment, Project Orion is officially Space Worthy."

Newkerb: "That's great news Director, What's in store for the near future"

Thombold: Well Newkerb, the cafeteria will be serving Spaghetti milkshakes for........oh you mean with rockets right (sigh...). well with the Type Certification of Orion, we plan to launch an un-Kerballed Orion MK1 to Kerbin Orbital Station for use as an emergency return vehicle...... also, are you thirsty, the cafeteria has just released.....

Newkerb: Thanks Director, and now for some footage of the latest launch from the KSC.

Points Rundown


Ares I:

o Can carry Orion Block 2 to low orbit without using any fuel from the Orion service module (+2)

Running totals

Design: (+32)

Missions: (+2)

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  vincespeedmk2 said:
o Can carry Orion Block 2 to low orbit without using any fuel from the Orion service module (+2)

Running totals

Design: (+32)

Missions: (+2)

Nice job getting those +2 points. By the time my Orion B2 was completed, it was too heavy to carry to orbit without firing its SPS enging. I like the video tours of each craft! :cool:

  BlazeFallow said:
Points claimed for initial designs are in green. The one bit I did not claim is the no RTG in the Orion(Dominion) Capsule. The RTG's provided for better aesthetics which ended up being more valuable to me than 2 points :)

Total: 34

Totally get that. That lifter is a monster! :D How are the 'mission' points looking so far?

  capi3101 said:

Been keeping myself busy in the interim by launching probes to the other planets - got the new landers up last night and getting ready to take another crack at a Duna mission. Hopefully this time there won't be any mishaps.

Maybe it was all a dream? ;) Good luck on the next launch.

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  Death Engineering said:
Totally get that. That lifter is a monster! :D How are the 'mission' points looking so far?

After I designed and tested the rockets to confirm they would perform to spec I needed a break, so I've been playing some Civilization V. So far I've taken over the Byzantines and I'm now working on the Songhai. Once I break them I'll be able to resume my space program :)

The two lifters took a hot second to get right. I tell you what, with the unrealistically low TWR of the KSP engines (the SS mains are up around 50 or so) designing a lifter to get as heavy an Orion package as I designed into orbit, let alone with an EDS capable of interplanetary travel to any other planet, was freaking difficult. Especially with the 2 stage to orbit limitation, lol. My Duna rocket 'Erisian Dream' as you may recall was also a beast of a ship. Go big or go home right? That's what Jeb always says at least...

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  Death Engineering said:
Nice job getting those +2 points. By the time my Orion B2 was completed, it was too heavy to carry to orbit without firing its SPS enging. I like the video tours of each craft! :cool:

Yeah, when I designed my Ares 1, I based it round a 25t load. Orion MK2 literally just made it in at 24 and change, (Lucky Break or what)

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Newkerb Kerman (KRBL News): Good morning viewers, and welcome... Big news today. Of course I mean the launch of the first "OFICIAL" mission of the Orion Crew Launch Vehicle. we have here in the studio, our old friend Dr Thombold Kerman Director of Rocketry and Catering at the Kerbal Space Centre. Good Morning Thombold"

Thombold: "That's Dr Kerman to you Newkerb"

Newkerb: "Ah ha ha... Yes ...... well. So what can you tell us about this Launch Director. What's different about it? what's it all about?"

Thombold: "This launch Newkerm will be the first time the Orion has ever been into service. it will be sent to the space station for use in emergencies if the crew need to evacuate."

Newkerb: "And Now we switch to Space Flight Correspondent, Macsey Keman, Live at the KSC, Macsey"

Points Rundown


Ares I

o Can carry Orion Block 1 to low orbit without using any fuel from the Orion service module (+1)

Research and Development

o Launch and dock an unkerballed Orion Block 1 to the orbiting space station, for use as a lifeboat (+2)

Running Totals

Design: (+33)

Missions: (+4)

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Press Release Umber Hulk.b

After several weeks of mysteriously lax progress on the Constellation program, the GEE engineers were discovered to have been distracted running simulations of much more difficult rocketry environments, for amusement. After some stern words and a two-week snack room ban, they got back to work.

A Duna ascent module (with science package) (+1), Duna Outpost lander (with pressurized rover and science package) (+3 +1), and Orion Block 2 were each launched aboard an Ares V and a KDS, with seven kerbonauts on board the Orion. After about three months they arrived at Duna, with the ascent module landing first (+4) and the Orion rendezvousing with the Outpost to transfer six crew over. Then the Outpost deorbited and landed within 100m of the ascent vehicle with all six crew (+2 +5 +2) getting a months-long stay on Duna while Kerbin sped around the sun ahead of them.

The return to orbit, docking with Orion, deorbiting of ascent stage and trip home all went flawlessly, with the crew arriving back just west of KSC (+4).

We here at GEE are very proud of all our kerbonauts for undertaking such a difficult and arduous journey, and we're very glad to have them back home.

Thank you all for your time. Any inquiries may be directed to GEE's PR department.

(Mission R&D: Use Ares V in at least one Duna mission +2)

(Design points: 70 (complete). Mission points: total 59 (complete). Science points: total 7 (complete).) (I think the total mission points are 59, unless I've added exactly the wrong way twice in a row, which is possible)

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Really enjoying reading/viewing everyone's mission reports!

One Critique for @vincespeedmk2 ... could you maybe turn down the game volume and increase your voiceover volume for your videos? Whenever you cut the engines on my ears start to bleed a little from what seems to be a 90dB difference between the two volumes (since I have to turn my speakers/headphones up to hear your voice and then the engines fire and blow out the speaker cones.) Otherwise I've really enjoyed your video logs for your missions :D

Such pretty designs and such good SCIENCE being done everyone. Kepp up the hard work! Also thank you so much Death Engineering for setting this challenge up. It has been so much fun to design these rockets and I'm looking forward to flying the missions.

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Redo mission is underway. Still en route at the moment. Still trying to figure out why the KRV/Cargo module mission, which was launched at exactly the right phase and ejection angles, had such a hard time reaching Duna when the crew/habitat module (launched early - that mission had more delta-V in the budget, which is why that decision was made) - got it after the first correction burn.

Also did the apoapsis burn for the telescope; that went well and the Kerbolar periapsis is now in the target range. 200 days to periapsis.

Did one other thing last night...

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  BlazeFallow said:
Really enjoying reading/viewing everyone's mission reports!

One Critique for @vincespeedmk2 ... could you maybe turn down the game volume and increase your voiceover volume for your videos? Whenever you cut the engines on my ears start to bleed a little from what seems to be a 90dB difference between the two volumes (since I have to turn my speakers/headphones up to hear your voice and then the engines fire and blow out the speaker cones.) Otherwise I've really enjoyed your video logs for your missions :D

Cheers for the feed back. Have cranked the spacecraft sounds settings down and my mic gain up so it should be a bit better. Let me know if it's not.

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  vincespeedmk2 said:

Points Rundown


Ares I

o Can carry Orion Block 1 to low orbit without using any fuel from the Orion service module (+1)

Research and Development

o Launch and dock an unkerballed Orion Block 1 to the orbiting space station, for use as a lifeboat (+2)

Running Totals

Design: (+33)

Missions: (+4)

Cool station you got there! :D Thanks for fixing the sound on your vids but keep em coming... looking forward to Mun and Duna vids!

  Istas said:
(Mission R&D: Use Ares V in at least one Duna mission +2)

(Design points: 70 (complete). Mission points: total 59 (complete). Science points: total 7 (complete).) (I think the total mission points are 59, unless I've added exactly the wrong way twice in a row, which is possible)

That was quite an impressive precision landing on Duna! I thought I was good getting under 500m :)

Congrats on completing the challenge! :cool:

  capi3101 said:
Redo mission is underway. Still en route at the moment. Still trying to figure out why the KRV/Cargo module mission, which was launched at exactly the right phase and ejection angles, had such a hard time reaching Duna when the crew/habitat module (launched early - that mission had more delta-V in the budget, which is why that decision was made) - got it after the first correction burn.

Were you using Protractor, KAC or eyeballing it?

Edited by Death Engineering
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  Death Engineering said:
Hmmm.. KAC has been lying to me since I updated it, too. :mad:

Yeah, I've noticed that. I've stuck to using Protractor for transfer windows and it's given me good results so far (vis-a-vis my slowly expanding salad bar). KAC's main use so far has been to keep me from warping through nodes and the like.

Note that there are two different methods KAC uses for calculating transfer windows - if one doesn't work, you might try the other. Both lie, but...

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  Xeldrak said:
Wish that I had more free time - this challenge sound quite cool.....

I had fun playing it.. and, still using my Ares V as the primary lifter for the Vall challenge.

But don't take my word for it...

Once you've mastered getting things into orbit, the community has provided plenty of challenges to test your skills against the harsh realities of outer space and even pit your designs against others within the community. There's even a current challenge to complete the scrapped NASA Constellation Program in game.

This recent review of KSP is a fun little read. Kerbal Space Program, go where few have gone before.

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Newkerb Kerman: Good Morning Viewers, and today we take you Straight to the KSC where our Kerbal on the ground Macsey Kerman has the Scoop on the latest hare-brained... I mean Brave mission in the Constellation Program........(whispers) I cant believe this stuff is still news... I mean big whoop they can go to space.....

Sound Guy: Newkerb, were still live in the studio........

Newkerb: Errrr......over to you Macsey.....

Points Rundown


Ares V

o Can carry the Earth Departure Stage (EDS) and Orion BLock 1 to low orbit without using any fuel from the EDS (+1)

o EDS Bonus: Second stage can put Orion Block 1 into Munar free-return trajectory (+2)


o Using an Ares V and EDS, send an un-Kerballed Orion spacecraft into a free-return trajectory orbit to the Mun and perform a high speed re-entry test. Re-entry g-force must exceed 9g's (+2)

Running Totals

Design: (+36)

Missions: (+6)

I hope the sound was better, please let me know if its not

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  Death Engineering said:
That was quite an impressive precision landing on Duna! I thought I was good getting under 500m :)

Congrats on completing the challenge! :cool:

Thanks :) I had a lot of extra fuel left when I got there. I may not in the future, though...

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