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[WIP] Bavarian Aerospace: Tubes! (update9|20|14)


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Update 9-20-14:

small bubbletastic update

Downloadlink: http://kerbal.curseforge.com/shareables/224275-bavarian-aerospace-emergency-bubble

Bavarian Aerospace e-Bubble Preview by Onkelsiebdruck is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

usage and known issues:

to use the iva buttons and easier gameplay

please configure following actiongroups -> 1 for undock, decouple / 2 for the parachute deploy / 3 for toggle collar

after deployment of the parachute i recommend to turn retrograde off

on first spawn there is an errormessage in the VAB , it´s an known RPM issue and harmless ( RPM checks for the actions groups, you

usually define after spawning your vessel....)

there are two "control from here" entries, ksp creates two of them one for the vessel one for the build in docking port,

it does not matter witch one you use, both have the same node


Q:the floating collar raises my vessel not enough out of the water

A:it depends on the amount of fuel left, next time use fuel ;-)

Q: the bubble runs out of energy

A: you should do an emergency burn to land after undocking instead of hours of siteseeing


some optimizations of texturemaps

changed iva layout, added custom more or less self explanatory buttons

changed RCS-animation to RCS funktion via RPM, no Actiongroup required

added heatshield heat animation and support for deadly rentry

added a boardvoice with several anoying messages

added a floating collar (firespitter.dll requried for animation and bouncy)

changed main engine to 4 nozzles with different fx and sound

adjusted resources and thrust ( less, just enough to rescue yourself from a keo..but not from mun )

changed center of mass to a setup that fits for reentry and floating

Update 9-14-14:

Here comes an update after a long long time.

The old tubes have many bugs and can break your spacestation....so you need an rescue vehicle until i fix some bugs and update all the tubes an stuff from last year.


This is the preview-version of the emergency bubble. a very small pod for one kerbal with a integrated ( stock type1 compatible) docking port.

It supports mechjeb and Rasterpropmonitor, but both are not required ( but recommended)

Here a little demonstration:



Bavarian Aerospace - Tubes! is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

update: 13.11.13 ->

Here is an raw-in-dev-release of the new tubes

(old tubes are not included, mixing old and new setup not recommend but may be possible)

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weight and size-values and descriptions still more or less placeholders, some issues with welding/optical and some colliderissues.

But, for first feedback it is useable. In the science-section there is a first "minipart". a plant without animation.

Those miniparts will be furnitures, devices whatever....that could be placed via KAS in your facilities.

You are welcome to develop your own miniparts. Larger Habitat (expandable) in development.

As mentioned i still have some problems with colliders....but after 5 weeks my handling with untiy is getting better ;-)


New Testrelease is online: [URL="https://www.dropbox.com/s/8xvih2bg8dqwyb2/Bavaria.zip"]https://www.dropbox.com/s/8xvih2bg8dqwyb2/Bavaria.zip[/URL]


Optimized collsionmeshes on many parts, Kerbals should fall less often or in case they do get bounced back ....
changed the textureconcept . Most Parts now are more white and your VAB or Gameflag will be shown on the parts.
If you want white parts: go to bavaria/parts/tubeshare and expand the whitepack.zip (overwrite old files) with whitepack.zip you can change the still change the flag.png
put many parts in one folder to share textures
changed many Textures in 2K-PNG (will be changend in future)

new parts:
added a second 45° tube for better attachment in VAB (one left, one right)
added a flextube (recommended for EVA....makes no sense in VAB)
added a dockingport with door.
added a small storage container
added 4 modules, habitat, science, storage & power
added a small dockingport for the modules ( integration the docking port in the modules does not work well)

You need the firespitter.dll from [url]http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/firespitter-propeller-plane-parts/[/url] and KAS from [url]http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-18-2-kas-kerbal-attachment-system-v0-1/[/url]
there are still cases, Kerbals fall in the tubes...in case of emergency just grab the ladder ( the inner floor is also a ladder)
it´s not recomended to open the door form the docking port, with no free space behind the door...that means place it on tubes.....
you shoud use the ladderfunction to go trough the docking ports
the iva form the habitmodul...is more or less a joke....tell me what you want
the sciencemodul and the powermodul are placeholders....
the flextube is very experimental .....
all parts (all? ...maybe) are in the techtree "advanced exploration"...why there? cause some people asked for the techtree but none made suggestions where to place the parts...

in the lab:
a small module with legs and RCS and some logic to land the cans

sorry for my chaotic half-bavarian writing....i´m a bit lazy today :-)
your questions and suggestions are welcome...and maybe even your help for the part-descriptens, the cfgs and whatever..if you have a better idea


[URL="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/52139?p=716490&viewfull=1#post716490"][COLOR="#FF0000"]new Features in the testlab![/COLOR][/URL]

Bavarian Aerospace presents Tubes!. a lightweight modular system to build walkable tubes to connect your vessels

45° turn tube - 1 m
straight tube - 1 m
straight tube - 0.5 m
straight tube - 0.2 m
straight tube - 0.1 m
door part - 0.1 m
cube connector - 1.3 m
walkplate - inlay for cube
flat cap
Cupola cab
hatch-connector - for 2.5 parts
update - lift inlay

in focus:
hatch-connector for conic vessels
2m & 5m tubes
maybe KAS......
and something special

10|14|13: update note: added a brand ,changed the crappy design of the tubes to a modern variant.
I think the polycount is a bit to high, but....i love details. Still have attachingt-problems in the VAB with the 45°-part and i have to discover how to use the doors from EVA.
Cuuld fix the GFX-flickering.

a first Video with all parts + stock



update 10|18|13
Now an early [URL="https://www.dropbox.com/s/vimailhifsi3ru2/Bavaria-Tubes.zip"]test-release is available [/URL]
12 parts and an included .22-version craft-file .

Some notes:
The hatchconnector should be placed with the node on the middle of the hatch...to get a safe EVA. Something is wrong with the nodes of the 45°-part, need some help here. The inlay-parts should be placed on the inner nodes of the cube-part. The Textures are quite large and unoptimized.To use the lift and door from EVA you need the firespitter.dll from [url]http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/firespitter-propeller-plane-parts[/url], it´s not included. If you don´t have it...it works also with generic animation.
Don´t use this for you regular playing, future changes will break your safegame.

( i´m bavarian...so my english is bavarian-style....)

Edited by onkelsiebdruck
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BTW; don't take the hamster comment seriously. This is very cool and I can tell it took quite some time to work up.

I foresee a massive tube city in orbit.

Can the ends act like docking ports or otherwise attach to a ship from another vessel?


Edited by BostLabs
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I love the tunnels I was very surprised as to how small they are... are there going to be big central round hubs?
Those are beautiful. Are you considering any domes or Quonset hut type structures?

yes and yes. And maybe versions with a flat bottom for grounduse only

Where is this on the tech tree?

the testrelease is supposed to be tested in sandboxmode, careermode will follow later.So suggestions, what branch will synthetic bubbles let grow are welcome

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Someone asked for KAS....

I had to add surface-attach-nodes to all parts, cause i don´t know how to handle the regular nodes with KAS, or if this is even possible with KAS. ( who knows? "Anyone, anyone"?)

However...this combined with a deploy animation of the tubes, could be really nice...

( also working on nice-chatter-files from "Zwei Bayern im Weltall" )

Edited by onkelsiebdruck
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The Kerbal Engineers tried to improve the Tubes! ...and than they came in Touch with KAS and Firespitter and developed something new...

came in Touch with KAS and Firespitter and developed something

a new testrelease will follow soon ( have to add the new features to all parts )

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Just tried out the mod. Great looking and very useful.

I did run into the problem of the Kerbals falling over and not being able to move, especially over the lift.

Are you familiar with this mod? It might help with the walking in the tubes.


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