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I'm 9000 G away from Kerbol !?


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I made a ship to sacrafice a kerbal to Kerbol and accidently overheated the engines, so insted i got a gravity assist and my poor kerbal has now been flying for over ten years. at about 999999 m my altitude switched from meters to "G", so my question is what dose the "G" stand for ?

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And sorry for my bad english it's not my native language :)

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Metre, Kilometre, Megametre, Gigametre

1 000 000 000

It might crash the game if the number gets too high; or it may glitch the craft around the universe so that it starts heading towards Kerbol from the other side.

Edit: If you're 6000 G's away, you're 6 Terrametres away.

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Experimentation time!

*Builds a ship consisting of a cupola, battery, RTGs, Mainsail, SAS, and stablizing fins.

*Launches it in a straight line away from the sun using infinite fuel

*Leaves throttle all the way up and goes to make some coffee and have breakfast

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I used this vehicle -


-to launch the little probe core and a few solar panels seen on the right at 27km/s out of the system. At ~530,000 Mm the physics engine failed and the camera started flipping around so fast I could barely see anything, but if I go back to the tracking center or run any other mission, the physics isn't enabled for the dead probe (you can't collect a measurable amount of electrical energy with just a few small panels after about 300,000 Mm), so it just keeps going and I could check back on it at any point in the future.

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Naaaaah, he is at googol meters :sticktongue:

A googol is the large number 10100; that is, the digit 1 followed by 100 zeroes:


just kidding he is at Gigameters, but the googol does exist and the next unit is the googolplex

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Something a bit weird happened to me a few weeks ago. I was escaping Kerbin, when for some reason (it looked like I got some sort of glitched gravity boost) I was sent "On escape trajectory out of the sun". Obviously Kerbol has an infinite SOI so I never actually escaped. Also, there was no trajectory ahead of me on the orbit map, but the line I was taking was perfectly straight. After about 10 years I had reached a velocity of about 0.2C and my altitude got up to about 40128Gm (according to the last screenshot I took).

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Furthest object out of the solar system.


This is the map view.

I have no idea what happened but it was stuck at that one point.Also when I got back to my other missions all my missions orbiting Kerbin or the Mun were gone. That included my station and a manned Mun mission that I was doing in real time. All other bodies weren't effected so I did not lose my Threshers above Minmus or my Eve Explorers above Eve.

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I am attempting to get past Gigameters. The next unit appears to be M, anyone have any idea what that could mean? m = 1 k = 1000 M = 1000000 G = 1000000000 M = ? trillion?

EDIT: It turns out it is T and T = 1000000000000. Time for Y!

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