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[1.10.x] SDHI Service Module System (V4.0.4 / 11 October 2020)


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Yes, it does, and yes, I do. The configs don't seem to be particularly different between the SDHI chutes and the RealChutes stack chutes either (aside from model/texture names, and the RealChutes having a ForcedOrientation line). I do note that in the RealChutes parts, the chute models are setup specifically at the top of the config though, but I figure that the SDHI chute models must be included in the main part model (since otherwise they shouldn't be working for anyone at all...)

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  RaccoonTOF said:
Likewise, same issue with the chutes/port - deploys at launch and no staging icon in VAB. Been trying to track down the issue as well, with no luck (in a whole mess of mods that might be conflicting, of course :P ). Any more info on this? Narrowed down which mod is actually causing the conflict?

EDIT: It appears that the same issue occurs with Bobcat's American Pack as well, on his parts that have chutes included. So far I've only managed to get the RealChutes themselves to work properly.

Search a few pages back; this popped up before along with suggestions and probable cause. IIRC it was some kind of known issue interaction with another mod.

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Starwaster i've already found that.

So there are no solution for that at this moment?

As Z3R0_0NL1N3, I have Action Groups Extender and Far, but i don`t have Planet Factory. Looks like reinstalling of all mods didn't solve problem for him.

I also noticed that Taurus capsule LES fires at the start and it`s creator sad that it`s because of the Extraplanetary Launchpads.

Edited by Riverey
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I also got the same problem. In my case they autoarm after the vehicle loads (as i see from alt-f12 log, and the blue icon in staging).

Since the craft needs to go down for chute deployment, i see the msg that pops, talking about waiting for negative vertical velocity for deployment.

Anyways, since it doesnt deploy yet, i keep going up, until near AP, where i eva a kerbal and disarm the thing.

Afterwards it works as intended, as long as it doesnt deploy in the start.

Edited by Thourion
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Yes, I saw that it was posted before - I was just confirming that he's not the only one having the issue :) I'm currently doing the binary mod check to see if I can sort out the problem and determine WHICH mod is causing it (which is how I also discovered that the American pack chute-parts have the same issue, it's not specific to SDHI, and yet the stock RealChutes parts work fine).

I've also noticed issues with other parts firing/activating when they should not - in particular, upper stage engines becoming activated on launch. Those are relatively easy to work-around (action group to toggle engines back off) but the chute problem is more difficult because a) it never gets assigned a staging icon in the VAB, so you HAVE to use action groups and B) there is no way to toggle it back off once it has fired, short of EVA repacking.

I've also tried changing the config line to use the legacy behaviour (where it arms on staging, rather than being separate) but this did nothing to resolve the issue - still no staging in the first place, so that just makes them completely useless (again, the RealChutes parts from the RealChutes mod itself still work perfectly as intended though). If I can't resolve which mod is causing the issue specifically (I've got another few restarts to go in the search still) then I'm going to try making a simple test case by just adding the chute module to a new part myself (with associated chute models) and see if that suffers the same behaviour.

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RaccoonTOF, did you ever discover what was doing it? I'm having the same issue, but haven't been able to nail it down yet. I removed Extraplanetary Launchpads, but to no avail. Further testing will be undertaken...

Edit to add that I discovered in my case that it was the (now updated) Adaptive Docking ports mod (which is really cool! LINK.

tl;dr, my problem was solved, did the rest of you ever find an answer? Maybe this will help.

Edited by komodo
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  Riverey said:
Starwaster i've already found that.

So there are no solution for that at this moment?

As Z3R0_0NL1N3, I have Action Groups Extender and Far, but i don`t have Planet Factory. Looks like reinstalling of all mods didn't solve problem for him.

I also noticed that Taurus capsule LES fires at the start and it`s creator sad that it`s because of the Extraplanetary Launchpads.

Remove action group extender and try without it?

fresh save file too.

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  Starwaster said:
Remove action group extender and try without it?

fresh save file too.

.... (EDIT: nevermind it was a stupid joke)

(i was joking about the comment above so please ignore it.)

yeah i'm getting the same problem and i've (EDIT) un-installed (almost) all my mods to try and fix it to no avail... i was so looking forward to using the docking port parachutes too...

Edited by AntiMatter001
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There's been a development in the issue of the paradock's chute deploying on launch.

If you use the Adaptive Docking Node mod you should download the latest update for the plugin it uses.


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idk if I am the only one having this issue but the SM decoupler doesn't work I have to manually decouple it every time. It works for the LES and if I assign it to an action group it works just not as a stage.

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  sp1989 said:
idk if I am the only one having this issue but the SM decoupler doesn't work I have to manually decouple it every time. It works for the LES and if I assign it to an action group it works just not as a stage.

As per the FAQ, this is intentional:

Q: I keep pushing the space bar, but the Command Pod does not separate from the Service Module

A: The Service Module's top decoupler was intentionally designed not to be staged; this is so that users don't accidentally strand their pod in orbit with no means to retro-burn. However, the decoupler can still be activated via Action Group keys or the right-click context menu

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  sumghai said:
As per the FAQ, this is intentional:

Was hoping that was the case.

I find it's useful to bind that decouple action to the Abort action group, along with the escape tower. When you're ready to ditch the service module upon your return to Kerbin, hit abort and you're good.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Part suggestion: the FAQ says that the paradocks are not tweakable because they're calibrated. However, that also means it's not usable for parts other than the stock command pod - maybe there can be a version of the paradocks that can be tweakable for mass only (not size and deployment altitude/pressure), so that they can be used with some of the 3.75m pods available from other mods?

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  leops1984 said:
Part suggestion: the FAQ says that the paradocks are not tweakable because they're calibrated. However, that also means it's not usable for parts other than the stock command pod - maybe there can be a version of the paradocks that can be tweakable for mass only (not size and deployment altitude/pressure), so that they can be used with some of the 3.75m pods available from other mods?

Users are welcome to edit the original / make alternative CFG versions that are tweakable.

It's just that I won't be able to provide any afters-sales service for such cases (i.e. I won't be able to advise which values would work best for certain craft or certain landing profiles).

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Just a guess, but I think my SDHI_ParaDock_1_ClampOTron didn't work perfect with the RealCute_v1.1.0.1 (all worked well with RealChute 1.0.4).

e.g. In action-group-menu the RealChute config did not open after select the ClampOTron.

Also "Cut secondary Cute" option in right-click menu (in Flight) is no longer available.

I didn't test the IACBM-variant because I don't use them, sry.

Is there a known compatibility issue or is it just a problem of my install.?

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Both the the SDHI docking units are configured so the RealChutes dialog won't open in the Action groups screen. This is because sumghai has envisioned them as single-purpose, highly automated, foolproof devices - they get a command capsule back home to Kerbin safely, and that is it! It makes them much easier to use for that purpose, at the expense of making them useless for planetary landings.

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  softweir said:
Both the the SDHI docking units are configured so the RealChutes dialog won't open in the Action groups screen. This is because sumghai has envisioned them as single-purpose, highly automated, foolproof devices - they get a command capsule back home to Kerbin safely, and that is it! It makes them much easier to use for that purpose, at the expense of making them useless for planetary landings.

Actually... right click on them, and you can tinker with the settings. It's not as comprehensive as the most up-to-date RealChute release... but it works.

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  johnwayne1930 said:
Oh well, I was quite sure the Action group thing worked before.

I think it has to have the procedural chute module added to it in order for the advanced menu to work... not 100% sure of that and there might some other requirement as well.... for instance, the chutes on the Real Chutes parts have their chute meshes as separate models... think maybe that might be a requirement. it's probably doable with a good bit of work involved.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  MelancholyFlapper said:
I love love LOVE this mod! Pretty much all my stock command pod utility ships use it (as did my first interplanetary mission to Duna)! Do you plan any more parts in this series? Maybe a 1.25m or 3.75m version? The Taurus pod is great and could use it.

Amen. I use it extensively myself, and hope the creator finds the time/motivation to expand it in other directions. Thanks for a great mod, dude.

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  MelancholyFlapper said:
I love love LOVE this mod! Pretty much all my stock command pod utility ships use it (as did my first interplanetary mission to Duna)! Do you plan any more parts in this series? Maybe a 1.25m or 3.75m version? The Taurus pod is great and could use it.

someone made one for the taurus pod. not sure where so you'll have to search it out.

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  Starwaster said:
someone made one for the taurus pod. not sure where so you'll have to search it out.

I don't think one has been made for the Taurus yet. However, Blackheart did make a heat shield with decoupler for the taurus.

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