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[1.10.x] SDHI Service Module System (V4.0.4 / 11 October 2020)


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  Montieth said:
The tier progression seems to have the parts for this scattered throughout multiple tiers. Is this deliberate?

The SDHI Service Module parts are all in Tier 5 (i.e. the same tier as the Mk1-2 Pod) - but otherwise, they are spread out amongst the appropriate nodes within the same tier.

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Ahh, ok found them. I was a bit surprised to get the service module base but none of the fairings in the same setup.

I like the new avionics ring a lot. I'm using it to add functionality to the hitchhiker storage container for light sciency space station modules. I'm setting up a Kerbin Skylab for now until the FusTek gear gets updated (1)(2). It's very handy that it has reaction wheels, a battery module and a fuel cell built in. Only complaint for this use is the decouple function.

Any chance you could make a variant that's not designed for a recessed part and has nodes further apart? Perhaps make it a square section ring?

1. no rush take your time!

2. Of course I need to get the heavy lift capability for those. I can barely get the 20 ton loads for the science station up as I'm barely into the 2 meter boosters on my science tier.

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  Sapphire said:
Hey Sumghai, I really don't want to bug you about it, but how are "those things" coming along? Have you made any progress, or do you have it on the backburner at the moment and are focusing on FusTek?

I've sent you a PM :)

  Frederf said:
Can the heat shield be toned down? 600kg for the part and another 1000kg for the shield resource is like carrying two.

The 600 kg is just for the internal supporting skeleton itself, so it makes sense that most of the mass comes from the abalative heat shield tiles. I don't plan on toning it down any time soon.

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  Frederf said:
Can the heat shield be toned down? 600kg for the part and another 1000kg for the shield resource is like carrying two.

Doing a bit of research on this... comparing it with the Apollo CM. Apollo's aft heat shield was about 15% of the total mass (848kg shield / 5806kg CM); so 600kg would be the right mass for a 4tn capsule.... WITHOUT DRE

Which I assume you are using or you wouldn't have noticed. So yeah, 1.6 metric ton heat shield for a 4 ton capsule does seem a bit much, You could reduce the base mass when DRE is in use with a ModuleManager config file. Maybe base value down to 0.185 and reduce the quantity of AblativeShielding resource (FYI, the density is probably already lower than it would be IRL... at about 31%-38% of the real world density).

Here's an example of how it would work. Amounts are left blank because I'm not really sure what a 'safe minimum' would be...

@mass = 0.185
amount =
maxAmount =

Edited by Starwaster
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  Starwaster said:
Doing a bit of research on this... comparing it with the Apollo CM. Apollo's aft heat shield was about 15% of the total mass (848kg shield / 5806kg CM); so 600kg would be the right mass for a 4tn capsule.... WITHOUT DRE

Which I assume you are using or you wouldn't have noticed. So yeah, 1.6 metric ton heat shield for a 4 ton capsule does seem a bit much, You could reduce the base mass when DRE is in use with a ModuleManager config file. Maybe base value down to 0.185 and reduce the quantity of AblativeShielding resource (FYI, the density is probably already lower than it would be IRL... at about 31%-38% of the real world density).

Here's an example of how it would work. Amounts are left blank because I'm not really sure what a 'safe minimum' would be...

@mass = 0.185
amount =
maxAmount =

If it helps... Using DE v3 I burn thru a little over 1/2 of the current 1000 resource units of shielding on my normal reentrys. Usually left with somewhere around 300-400 units. I'm sure some do "hotter" and some do "cooler" reentrys, so I'm not sure if this helps you out or not.

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  rottielover said:
If it helps... Using DE v3 I burn thru a little over 1/2 of the current 1000 resource units of shielding on my normal reentrys. Usually left with somewhere around 300-400 units. I'm sure some do "hotter" and some do "cooler" reentrys, so I'm not sure if this helps you out or not.

I was kind of thinking about half would be a good value. It would still be a tiny bit overweight but give a safety margin.

But who the heck am I kidding? Re-entry heat isnt even a problem for me; my Kerbals routinely have to be sponged off of the aft bulkhead and their liquid remains squeezed into a bottle because I cant stop coming in ballistic. RSS might be a factor too; maybe I didnt put in the right values formRSS. Or maybe I just suck at re-entry.

  Montieth said:
Carefully and efficiently designed components? I thought the Kerbin mantra was 1 or 0. Either "MOAR SHIELDING" or "you don't really need this part do you?"

Yeah, I know. "Jeb raised his hand at the back of the room with a smirk and a sideways glance at Bill and Bob. Uh yeah, I have a question. What did you mean by 'minimum safe distance?'

Edited by Starwaster
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  Starwaster said:
But who the heck am I kidding? Re-entry heat isnt even a problem for me; my Kerbals routinely have to be sponged off of the aft bulkhead and their liquid remains squeezed into a bottle because I cant stop coming in ballistic. RSS might be a factor too; maybe I didnt put in the right values formRSS. Or maybe I just suck at re-entry.


Are you blending Kerbals upon chute open? (then try stupid_chris's realchutes mod)

If it's because you're slamming into the atmos, take a look at the angle you're hitting at. I try and aim for a nice curved arc looking trajectory that "eases you" into the atmos.

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  rottielover said:
Are you blending Kerbals upon chute open? (then try stupid_chris's realchutes mod)

If it's because you're slamming into the atmos, take a look at the angle you're hitting at. I try and aim for a nice curved arc looking trajectory that "eases you" into the atmos.

Chute open???

Aren't we optimistic! :D

I don't even get that far. I'm having trouble steering my capsule so I come in pure ballistic. I haven't tried again lately but I'm going to try doing something to offset the mass... or perhaps I'll stick a B9 airbrake on one side, but I'm a bit concerned that it will be too much drag and maybe cause the capsule to flip.

Maybe some little fins? (just thinking a bit unorthodox since these are Kerbals and not the Apollo space program...

Though you're probably right about the initial trajectory but they never made proper orbit to begin with so I couldn't do much about that.

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V1.4 released - see first post for download link

1.4          24 November 2013

Changes / Fixes:
- Parachute-equipped docking ports now use stupid_chris's RealChute Parachute Systems plugin
- Drogues will now auto-cut properly before automatically deploying the main chutes
- Docking port lights can now be toggled normally during parachute deployment
- This is not included in the pack, so you will need to download it separately
- Updated drogue parachute textures to distinguish them from the main parachutes

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  sumghai said:
V1.4 released - see first post for download link

1.4          24 November 2013

Changes / Fixes:
- Parachute-equipped docking ports now use stupid_chris's RealChute Parachute Systems plugin
- Drogues will now auto-cut properly before automatically deploying the main chutes
- Docking port lights can now be toggled normally during parachute deployment
- [B]This is not included in the pack, so you will need to download it separately[/B]
- Updated drogue parachute textures to distinguish them from the main parachutes

I take it this means the RealParachute plugin is required, correct?

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  Urban_K said:
I can't get the Avionics Ring to decouple from the heat shield, but it does decouple whatever is attached below it. This isn't what I expected, is it the intended behaviour?

No it isn't. Go into the VAB and reattach it. You have the rings bottom node attached to the capsules bottom. And the rings top attached to whatever is under it. Those nodes are very close so its easy to do accidentally.

Edited by Starwaster
Spelling error.
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  nlancaster said:
it seems the avionics bay that lets you use the aeroshield without the service module tank, connection node is too low. causing the aeroshield to sometimes get stuck.

No, its not that it gets stuck, it's what I said. If it happens to you, look at your craft file and see what nodes are attched where. Or look at the craft in your save file.

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  DasBananenbrot said:
As it is basically the upper decoupler part of the service module and so therefore it probably isn't staged like the service module. So you need to bind it in a action group

works fine for me staging, as long as I attached it properly to begin with. honestly, why do people complicate this?

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Alright, I've got some feedback for the new cutes using realchute: One, the drogues have too high drag and deploy too high. Two, the drogues auto-cut BEFORE the main chutes semi-deploy, effectively placing the capsule in freefall for some time before main chute semideployment. Three, the main chutes fully deploy a little too low and do not have enough drag - my landings were at about 9 m/s at Kerbin sea level. The landing speed should be at most 6 m/s.

Also, the escape tower from KSPX does not lift the pod high enough - if you activate the escape tower pre-launch, as is the case of 100 % of all real LES activations where there was an actual accident (1 time), the tower will not lift the capsule high enough. The parachutes simply don't deploy fast enough, and the pod will hit the ground and be destroyed. Also, the Prilla LES will for some reason make the game only compile internals, not any of the parts. It loads everything just fine, but when the game's about to compile the parts, the Prilla will BEEEEEEP it all up, and none of the other parts get compiled. The LES that I currently use is the NovaPunch PunchOut! escape tower. It does, however, have a too small base, so it doesn't look so good.

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Would it be feasible to build an 'empty' parachute ring that I could drop on top of the capsule and put my own docking port on? It's only an aesthetic thing but I use MIR/Soyuz or APAS docking ports for a lot of missions and I have to mout chutes on the side of the capsule instead of the top without messing up the fitting of the nice aero-dome fairing.

Also, with the Avionics Ring the two mounting nodes are too close together, I frequently find I've mounted the lower node to the heatshield and as a result the sep fails. I also have noticed the sep doesn't work on the sevice module, I have to right click and 'Decouple' it, in spite of the sep being in the staging it doesn't fire.

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  MDBenson said:
Would it be feasible to build an 'empty' parachute ring that I could drop on top of the capsule and put my own docking port on? It's only an aesthetic thing but I use MIR/Soyuz or APAS docking ports for a lot of missions and I have to mout chutes on the side of the capsule instead of the top without messing up the fitting of the nice aero-dome fairing.

Also, with the Avionics Ring the two mounting nodes are too close together, I frequently find I've mounted the lower node to the heatshield and as a result the sep fails. I also have noticed the sep doesn't work on the sevice module, I have to right click and 'Decouple' it, in spite of the sep being in the staging it doesn't fire.

You might be able to hack it in... Have you looked at the cfg file for the para clampotron? It's apparently TWO models. You might just be able to replace the call to the stock clampotron with your choice. Might not be offset correctly though..

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