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Career mode perma death.

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It's already implemented but for now it is not possible to toggle it from game level (you need to edit your save to activate it).

and in fact it already exists, except for Bill, Bob, and Jeb who respawn after some time.

This is how it worked before 0.21 update, but after they added crew management system, every kerbal (orange suit or not) in case of "death" will just go M.I.A. and respawn after some time, but if you edit this line MissingCrewsRespawn = True in your save file (just change "True" to "False") kerbals will stop magically coming back to life (including orange trio).

Edited by jcraft
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afaik only Bill, Bob, and Jeb respawn. The rest just get replaced and at some point the system runs out of new names and starts reusing old ones.

That's how it worked before crew management update. Now it's working like I described in my previous post.

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I don't really understand what you are suggesting. How would it change how the game is now?

At the moment when kerbals die, they don't come back (except the big three).

Since 0.21 update every kerbal comes back (unless you change MissingCrewsRespawn line in save file). If they "die" they end up under the "Lost" tab labelled as Missing In Action in astronaut complex and after some time they come back to "Available" tab, ready to go on the next mission.

You can test it yourself:

- hire one new kerbal, put him in the rocket and smash the rocket into the ground killing the kerbal in the process

- go back to space center and look into astronaut complex - unlucky kerbal is labeled as Missing In Action (M.I.A.)

- launch new mission/use already active craft to speed up time and skip few ingame days

- go back to space center and open astronaut complex - kerbal you killed while ago should be back on the "Available" list

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