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Release Date Baseline


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I would like to ask your opinion not on whether Squad should publish release dates, but whether they should publish blocks of time when no release is sought. During development, patch timing has an impact on mod release pacing and career achievements.

This is simply a plan, when 0.22 is released, to say "We're not even attempting to coordinate for a 0.23 release in the next 10 weeks, after that there will not be any predefined release date, but we will be on the path towards a release". It seems like it would mitigate the issue with rigid release dates that can be missed and piss off the community, versus releases which go out on schedule with bugs.


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Closing this thread. This is pretty much a suggestion for giving release dates, maybe not to the day but at least to the week. Players who follow development do get updates surrounding it every now and then. The KSP Weekly often talks about progress and when the new update is going into its final stage before release (experimentals) this is announced as well. Whether or not to announce release dates and anything surrounding them is the sole responsibility of Squad. :)

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